#1501: Eating Healthy Made Easy

Ashley-Spivack-clean-plates-2When your mom yelled “eat your veggies” she was definitely on to something. My guest this week is Ashley Spivak, Director of Restaurant Guides at Clean Plates. We discuss the importance of a well balanced, plant based eating regimen, that will lead to a healthier you. An 80/20 diet of 80% good stuff (vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein), and 20% of the foods that make you smile (pie, cookies, mac and cheese) is a good formula to follow. Bio-individuality indicates that there is no right way to eat, not every person is the same, and diets and food choices affect different body types in different ways. The Clean Plates Food Guide lists restaurants that are more conscious about where they source their produce, meats, grains, as well as the taste of the food, the prep and the atmosphere. Making informed choices whether eating out or in is essential to being a healthier, smarter and cleaner eater. For more info about Clean Plates online publications, guides, phone apps and recipes, go to cleanplates.com

#1450: New Year’s Eve Special

Robyn-Moore-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenRaising Veg Kids’ Robyn Moore and Dom Gervasi of Made in Brooklyn Tours tell us why it’s important to buy local, and enjoy the flavors of products made in Brooklyn.

Eating well is a good resolution for the New Year, and Robyn’s blog RaisingVegKids.com gives you the information needed to make healthier food choices.

Dom-Gervasi-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-1Dom will take you on tours of places in Brooklyn where various items are made local, and where food is prepared fresh daily. Since Made in Brooklyn tours are walking tours, you get exercise, as well as the feel of many neighborhoods and landmarks which make Brooklyn such a special place.

For more information go to MadeinBrooklynTours.com and Raisingvegkids.com

#1447: Holiday Wishes

We bring you tidings of joy, music and all things green with our Holiday Special. Merry, Merry and Happy Happy Joy, Joy!! May the spirit of the holidays continue to spread throughout the New Year.

Sending Peace, Love, and Zen vibes from The Many Shades of Green Team…..Maxine, Abba, Brian and Mikey!

#1446: Happy Greengiving

Holiday-Greengiving-tmsog copy

It’s that time of year again, when consumerism and family collide into what we call the holiday season. To help you incorporate sustainable choices into your gift giving, decorations and food, we’ve invited Elissa Olin from Green in BKLYN, Ashley Spivak from Clean Plates and Eva Radke of Film Biz Recycling to share their tips and ideas. greeninbklyn.com, cleanplates.com & filmbizrecycling.org

#1445: Sunday, September 21st 2014, The People’s Climate March

Abba-Carmichael-Maxine-Margo-Rubin-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-Peoples-Climate-March-New-York-City400,000 strong, a mosaic of humankind gathered at the People’s Climate March in NYC, to voice their concern about the climate crisis, and demand that the leaders of the world take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. My co-producer, Abba Carmichael and I, were able to witness history and walk with those who trekked from across the globe, and from across the street, to take an active role in showing support for Mother Earth. We spoke to actor/activist and academy award nominee Mark Ruffalo, NY Senator Charles Schumer, former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, author, environmental and civil rights activist Van Jones, Climate Project Presenter Marc Sussman, Grandparents Climate Campaign of Norway and many many more. It was truly an uplifting moment in time, and an example of peaceful, democratic protest on behalf of Mother Nature. For more info go to 350.org and peoplesclimate.org

#1444: Ellen and Gary Patrick, Founders of Breathe Easy USA

Ellen-Gary-Chi-Patricks-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-2The ancient holistic practice of going to salt caves to aide breathing, which originated in Europe and Russia, has now come stateside, and has been brought into the 21st Century in the form of Dry Salt therapy rooms. My guests Ellen and Gary Patrick, have opened up Dry Salt Rooms in the New York metro area, to bring salt therapy to help those suffering from sinus and lung related problems, as well as certain types of skin problems. Dry Salt therapy which is also know as halotherapy, has natural properties and minerals which are antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial in nature. Go to breatheeasyusa.com to get more information about the benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt, feeling zen while in the Salt Room, and getting the relief you need to Breathe Easy.

#1442: Annie Hauck-Lawson, Founder of Mompost

Annie-Hauck-Lawson-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-2My guest this week is Annie Hauck-Lawson, author, nutritionist, master composter and the current Greening Director at Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn. Annie co-edited the book Gastropolis: Food and New York City, and founded Brooklyn Mompost. She created the term “Food Voice,” and her recollections of her upbringing in Brooklyn, foraging for edibles in Prospect Park, fishing off the Brooklyn Coast, and starting one of the first Natural Food pushcarts in Brooklyn gives us great insight into her upbringing, which shaped her vision of the importance and connection we all have to food and nature. To get more information go to www.brooklynmompost.com

#1428: Gennaro Brooks-Church, EcoBrooklyn

Gennaro-Brooks-Church-Eco-Brooklyn-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenA river runs through it, and it is up on the roof. Tune in to find out how my guest Gennaro Brooks-Church, Director of EcoBrooklyn, created a river on a roof, which uses gray water and rain water filtration systems to cut down on water use, while creating a beautiful waterscape. We also discuss ways to keep your home more energy efficient, by using less waste, via reusable materials and installing passive heating and cooling systems. Water is a precious commodity, and we talk about the sewage/water issues affecting the neighborhoods closest to the Gowanus Canal. Gennaro is building green to keep his “Build It Forward” mantra alive for future generations. For more info go to www.ecobrooklyn.com

#1428: Gennaro Brooks-Church, EcoBrooklyn

#1426: Veronica Horvath, Environmental Advocate

My guest this week is Veronica Horvath, a member of Americorps, who coordinates environmental service learning programs at the Prospect Park Alliance. Veronica is passionate about all things green, but she is most concerned about water issues, and what needs to be done to keep water safe and clean. We talk a bit about her eco adventures in Jordan, and her role as a volunteer for Riverkeeper. Tune in to find out what items popped up on the shores of Brooklyn Bridge Park during the Riverkeeper Sweep event. Veronica’s passion about all things environmental is truly a breath of fresh air. For more info on Riverkeeper go to www.riverkeeper.org

#1426: Veronica Horvath, Environmental Advocate

1422: Joseph Mauricio, Meditation Coach and Comedian

Joseph-Mauricio-on-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-at-bbox-radio-800Mind over matter is a truism. Joseph Mauricio brought his zen to this week’s show, as we touched on meditation, and how we all need to take time to slow down and clear our minds of the stresses of daily life. Joseph is the founder of Lifework Mindfulness Based Coaching Service, and the The Living Meditation Project. He is also a performer, storyteller, and he does stand-up as well as sketch and improvisational comedy. He has worked with Michael Moriarty and Alan Ginsberg, and has studied with Sakyong Mipham at retreats in the US and abroad. Find out how comedy and meditation connect to bring balance to one’s life. Visit www.josephmauricio.com to get more information about meditation classes and comedy shows, as laughter is a great way to release the zen in you.

#1422: Joseph Mauricio, Meditation Coach and Comedian


1421: The Margo Family

The-Margo-Family-The-Tokens-on-The-Many-Shades-of-Green.pngHow special it was to have my mom Ruthie, the Queen of F’ing Everything join me in the studio for her 95th Birthday. Token Bros Phil and Mitch Margo were also there to celebrate mom, and to talk about growing up in Brooklyn and being sustainable before it became a buzzword. Mom talked about gardening and nature walks on Ocean Parkway, and vacant lots that grew wild flowers and shrubs that we used as cuttings. Throw in some politics and music to spice things up, and voila a birthday celebration turned into a show. My Dad Leon, was definitely looking down from the heavens and smiling. For more info on Phil and Mitch go to www.thetokens.com and check out a great reading tool www.margoreader.com.

#1421: The Margo Family

#1423: Nancy Bruning, Green Gym Day

nancy-brunning-green-gym-day.jpgNancy Bruning, founder of Nancercize, and organizer of Green Gym Day is my guest this week. We discuss the importance of using our city parks to walk, jog, play ball and hike, in order to connect with nature and keep fit. You don’t need to workout in an expensive gym, when there are “101 Things You Can Do on a Park Bench”…..by this we mean things like push-ups, knee bends and more. Hike the Heights in Northern Manhattan (on 6/7/14), and be a part of Green Gym Day (on 6/8/14). Go out and utilize public spaces and get moving, it is good for the body and the soul. For more information go to www.greengymday.org and www.nancercize.net.

#1423: Nancy Bruning, Green Gym Day