How special it was to have my mom Ruthie, the Queen of F’ing Everything join me in the studio for her 95th Birthday. Token Bros Phil and Mitch Margo were also there to celebrate mom, and to talk about growing up in Brooklyn and being sustainable before it became a buzzword. Mom talked about gardening and nature walks on Ocean Parkway, and vacant lots that grew wild flowers and shrubs that we used as cuttings. Throw in some politics and music to spice things up, and voila a birthday celebration turned into a show. My Dad Leon, was definitely looking down from the heavens and smiling. For more info on Phil and Mitch go to and check out a great reading tool
1421: The Margo Family

mom sounds amazing.
Hi..I just reconnected with Phil on FaceBook. I haven’t been able to reach’s been a few years. So happy to see Ruth is doing well! My Mom had her 93rd this year..we are blessed. Wondeful memories of your house in Brooklyn, water skiing on the Token Of The Sea and Ruthie’s salami sanwiches..which didn’t help my sea sickness in Sheepshead Bay..LOL! Great to see you Maxine…much love to all the Margo family.