Mothers Out Front, Reduce Plastic, The “Upon Request” Law and more with Emily MacKenzie

The website Beyond Plastics ( put out the statistic that half of all plastic in Earth’s history was produced in the last 20 years — the plastic we’re seeing now in our air, water, food, and bodies didn’t even exist before the year 2000. Plastic is being measured everywhere, and microplastics are entering our soil, food, water, and air. Scientists estimate people consume, on average, hundreds of thousands of microplastics per year, and these particles have been found in human placenta, heart, arteries, breast mik, blood, lungs, and testicles.  

These statistics are horrifying, and mothers are rightly worried that the continued production of plastic will greatly affect the health and well being of their children. Mothers are the key protectors of their off spring and have become a growing force in the climate movement. They have taken on a big role in forming groups and organizations to tackle the hazards of climate change. Many groups have popped up over the last decade to highlight the need to protect their children and humanity at large from the dangers of pollution from fossil fuels, which is in good part responsible for a warming climate which is causing extreme storms, fires, destruction of forests, increased air and water pollution and much more. Plastic pollution is a major concern and the organization Mothers Out Front (MOF) is working on getting bills passed to reduce plastic packaging and phase out harmful chemicals in their production. Other organizations with moms at the helm are Clean Air Moms which has over 1.5 million members who are on a mission to protect kids from air pollution and climate change. Another group, Science Moms is composed of Climate Scientists who are moms who create tip sheets about climate and resources to take action. Climate Mama which was founded by my friend Harriet Shugarman, wrote the book How To Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change: Turning Angst into Action which gives parents tips about what to say to your kids about Global Warming. Emily MacKensie, a member of Mothers Out Front gives us info about the group, which is a national organization that focuses on climate positive grassroots efforts spearheaded by moms. She has two children, lives in the Hudson Valley and became involved with the organization after running into the local chapter leader on a walk and striking up a conversation that turned into a discussion about local air quality, which is being negatively impacted by the incineration of plastic waste. Emily gives us some good insight and information on the initiatives and outreach being worked on by Mothers Out Front to educate the public about plastics and other environmental issues of importance. Please note that as per Emily one does not have to be a mother to be a part of the effort, as the earth is a mother to us all! For more info go to, and not to be left out go to @climatedads for their perspective.

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Think Twice About the Environment Before Applying that Lip Gloss, Alternatives to Grass Lawns + Your September Astrology with Charlotte Ghiorse

According to the L Makeup Institute the first recorded use of cosmetics dates back to 3000 BC during the first Egyptian dynasty. Makeup was used by the upper class to “decorate” a person’s eyes and set them apart from the lower classes. During this time, both men and women of the upper class wore makeup daily. The first makeup colors to be widely used were black and green. Black and green eyeshadows were made using mined lead and copper ores.  The Egyptians also used makeup called “kohl” to outline the eyes in an almond shape. Kohl had a powder consistency and was applied using a small stick. Fast forward to the 21st Century and the makeup/beauty industry has become a 48.8 billion dollar industry and it is an extremely wasteful industry as 95% of its packaging is thrown away. However, on the positive side, sustainability has become a big priority for a lot of beauty lovers, meaning they look for products that have reduced packaging, are free of toxic ingredients, do not animal test and are kind to their skin. Almost half of consumers surveyed by Cleanhub said they would also pay more for brands that came in sustainable packaging. You can check out some zero waste brands such as Axiology, Elate Cosmetics, River Organics, and more at These zero waste makeup brands will help you reduce your plastic consumption. While the beauty industry is working to become more sustainable, it still has a negative impact on the environment, and consumers must become more aware and take personal action to shop for more sustainable products. Some celebs like Alicia Keys, Jennifer Garner, Amanda Seyfried and many more, are going with the lighter look with less makeup. I personally don’t wear much make up, and while I do use blush and occasionally concealer and lip gloss, I only do it because my mom back in the day would scream out to me before going on a date “you need color on your face!” So on this episode of TMSOG, our resident eco-activist, artist and sexy astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse delves into the waste within the beauty industry and what we can do to be more sustainable. We will also touch on what you can plant as an alternatives to grass lawns, plus some astrology.   For more info go to and Sexy Astrology (@SexyAstrology) on YouTube. Also check out and

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Pollution, Politics and Positive Astrology of the Harris/Walz ticket #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.” – from the song Garbage by Pete Seeger, late American singer and social activist. 

We need to raise our awareness of what is going on around us. What we need to do is take a moment out of each day to do something proactive to reduce our carbon footprint. The tag line of The Many Shades of Green is Raise Your Eco Consciousness, but how do we do that, and what is eco-consciousness? There is actually a definition. Eco-consciousness, also known as ecological consciousness, is the practice of living sustainably to minimize or harmlessly impact the environment. It involves being aware of how your actions and decisions affect the environment, and making conscious choices to reduce your environmental footprint. Ecological conscience is the awareness of the human impact on the environment and other living organisms and the need for humans to adjust their behaviors and thinking to ensure that the environment and its resources are not destroyed. So what can we do to elevate our actions to be more in tune with nature and reduce our impact? Here are some examples of some actions you can take to be more sustainable: Use LED lights, which use 90% less energy than other lights for the same amount of light. You can also encourage the use of electric leaf blowers, mowers, and weed trimmers.  Use water conservation techniques, such as reducing water usage, shorter showers, and using rain barrels. In terms of transportation take the train, bike, walk and think about purchasing an EV.  Use compostable containers, source from local and sustainable farms, plant native plants and recycle. There are many issues that must be addressed including Air and Water Pollution, Food Waste, Plastic pollution and more.  We need to do more as individuals to become part of the solution and not the problem. Joining us on this podcast episode is our monthly guest commentator, eco-activist, eco-artist and sexy astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse. We touch on topics regarding Air, Water, Plastic Pollution and Food Waste, as well as what Canada is doing to reduce their carbon footprint. In addition Charlotte gives us a rundown of Harris Walz ticket from an Astrology point of view. The new Dem nominees, Harris and Walz are very conscious about environmental issues and they promise to direct legislation to promote clean air, water and more. Climate and environmental advocacy groups are calling the Harris-Walz Democratic ticket a strong pairing on climate policy, citing Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s record of pushing for policies to mitigate climate change in his state. Go to and Sexy Astrology (@SexyAstrology) on YouTube for more info. Check out and follow their environmental policies.

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Wake Up Media! Turbulence, CAT 5 Hurricanes Gain Strength (Don’t Expect Science to Save Us!) with George Polisner, Founder of Civ.Works

“Green is the fresh emblem of well founded hopes. In blue the spirit can wander, but in green it can rest.” ― Mary Webb

Scientists expect that the rapid intensification of hurricanes will continue in the future unless drastic measures are taken to limit further climate change -Fiona Lo, Climate Scientist

We live in very turbulent times, and that includes the weather, the political landscape and so much more that makes our heads spin. The NOAA’s outlook for the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, which spans from June 1 to November 30, predicts an 85% chance of an above normal season. NOAA is forecasting a range of 17 to 25 total named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher). La Nina and warmer-than-average ocean temperatures are major drivers of tropical activity.  Abundant oceanic heat content in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea creates more energy to fuel storm development. Climate change is a contributing factor, as over 90% of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases has been absorbed by the world’s oceans. Warmer waters, rising seas, higher wind speeds and more moisture in the atmosphere are making hurricanes stronger, wetter and more likely to intensify rapidly, unleashing record-breaking downpours with little time for communities to evacuate. It should also be noted that climate change is causing more air turbulence when flying. Research indicates that climate change exacerbates clear-air turbulence, a particularly hazardous type because it is invisible and hard to predict. The warmer air is caused by carbon dioxide emissions which increases wind shear in the jet streams, strengthening clear-air turbulence globally. So while we hope the skies remain friendly, we have to prepare and adapt to the changes ahead, as science alone cannot save us. There is so much to keep track of these days, and we all get wound up in what is the web (literally and figuratively) of our daily lives. More and more each day I observe that mankind does not pay enough attention to what’s going on both on a local and global level. We rely more and more on social media and sound bites for the news. Mainstream media is stuck in a quagmire, and is dropping the ball when it comes to reporting. Where have you gone Walter Cronkite? He was an institution who was often cited as “the most trusted man in America.” We hunger for his journalistic abilities, accuracy and his fairness in reporting local, national and global events and issues. He always signed off with the line “And that’s the way it is.” Someone who knows the way it is, is our resident environmentalist, political analyst and curmudgeon, George Polisner, founder of George gives us some insight into environmental and political issues as we discuss the upcoming hurricane season and climate change, why trust in mainstream media is slipping, upside down flags, cover ups under the covers, elections in US and UK and more. For more information go to

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New York City and Westchester County Water Threatened By PFAS Chemicals with Guests George Klein (member of Sierra Club’s Lower Hudson Group) and Richard Ruge (Civil Engineer and Water Treatment Expert)

Clean and safe water is a right for every Earthling on the planet. It is a very divisive political issue in countries, cities, towns and municipalities around the globe. On average, one individual human uses between 135 and 140 liters of water per day. Water is vital for all life, as no other molecule matches water when it comes to properties that support life. We must work to keep our drinking water free of toxins and chemicals, which is why we have to protect watersheds and water quality buffer areas in order to provide safe drinking water to the populous. Adverse environmental impacts affect communities, and on this episode of TMSOG, we talk about a water filtration plant set to be constructed and placed next to Westchester County Airport, which is a local airport in a suburb of NYC. Recently the Westchester County Board of Legislators approved a land swap that provides a 13.4-acre parcel to Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW) that is adjacent to the airport. There continues to be strong opposition to construction of the facility, partly because the plant will be within the Kensico watershed. This watershed area is in close proximity to the airport where contaminated groundwater is being monitored and treated for assorted toxic chemicals including polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Recently, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the first-ever federal limits on toxic PFAS in drinking water, establishing the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) of 4 parts per trillion (ppt) for the two most widely-detected PFAS chemicals, PFOA and PFOS. The EPA’s limits are now stricter than the 10 parts per trillion that is the current standard in New York State.

We talk to George Klein and Richard Ruge who are opposing the building of the water filtration plant so close the the Kensico watershed area near Westchester County Airport. George Klein has worked with the Sierra Club nationally and locally on issues of environmental sustainability since 1989. He is currently an activist with the Sierra Club’s Lower Hudson Group, which covers Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties. The Lower Hudson Group works on local environmental issues, such as the climate emergency, limiting the impact of Westchester County Airport, the safe decommissioning of Indian Point Nuclear Plant and education and outreach programs. Richard Ruge has been working in the public water supply field for 40 years. He has a degree in civil engineering and holds a Grade 1B water treatment license from the NYS DOH.  He was Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer of the  Westchester Water Works Conference and was a Trustee at Large for the New York Section of the American Water Works Association. For more info and to find ways to take action go to

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TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024

Paris and Ithaca: A Tale of Two Cities Working to put Green Plans into Action with Artist, Eco Activist, and Sexy Astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse

When I asked Charlotte Ghiorse our guest on this episode of The Many Shades of Green the standard opening question:

Quel ton de vert préférez-vous? (What’s your shade of green/ what shade of green do you prefer?)

She answered “Vert Caca d’oie”  (Goose poop green)

Charlotte was in France at the time of the taping, so we got slightly carried away with the what’s your shade of green question. Both Paris and Ithaca have been in the news of late, as both cities have put green initiatives into place to reduce their carbon emissions. In Ithaca, the city is focused on eliminating gas from buildings because as stated in, homes in the United States are responsible for about 20% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions annually. These emissions come directly from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, fracked gas and gasoline. Shifting your home energy towards cleaner alternatives is a critical component to slashing emissions and creating a healthier future, as natural gas is mostly methane, a potent greenhouse gas with more climate-warming particles. The goal then is to switch buildings to electricity that’s generated mostly from renewable electricity. Heat pumps and geothermal energy are being used as alternatives to gas. Ithaca is working with their electric utility NYSEG, and using incentives to make the gas to electric switch happen. 

On the other side of the pond, Paris is working to make the city more resilient and has added more bike lanes and green space. The air quality is not great and the Seine is polluted, but Paris has a plan. The city is preparing for the 2024 Summer Olympics and is working hard to have the various sites be more sustainable. The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, has placed green policies at the forefront of her campaigns, and she has plans to plant four new ‘urban forests’ next to major landmarks including the Hôtel de Ville, the Gare de Lyon and the Opéra Garnier. Hidalgo told The New York Times that one of her major goals is to “build this city around the individual” using the “15 minute city” model proposed by Carlos Moreno, a professor at the city’s Sorbonne University. In this model of the city, residents would have access to all basic services (public transport, shops, schools) within a quarter-hour of their home. One simple way to do that, is to put nature back into urban life. I was in Paris at the Eiffel Tower last November and I saw the work being done on the new park surrounding the landmark, and it is going to be beautiful. As mentioned, an area of concern now is the pollution in the Seine. Many Olympic water events are going to take place on and in the river, so something needs to be done quite quickly to resolve this issue, as the controversy surrounding the quality of the water is in the forefront. With that aside, Paris is making headway to be cleaner and greener.  By 2030, the most famous street in Paris, the Champs-Élysées, will be turned into an ‘extraordinary garden’ as part of a massive €250 million makeover. The plans include reducing the number of car lanes from four to two, creating new pedestrian and green areas, and planting ‘tree tunnels’ that improve air quality along the 1.9km-long avenue. Joni Mitchell will be happy to hear that news, as her tune Free Man in Paris originally released in 1974, has her wandering down the Champs-Elysees, which will soon look quite different, and will be environmentally friendly.

Our resident artist, eco-activist and astrologist, Charlotte Ghiorse discusses what is happening in Ithaca and Paris to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. She also gives us some updated astrology (Uranus in conjunct with Jupiter in the 11h House), and much more. To get more info as to what Charlotte is up to go to and visit Sexy Astrology on Facebook and YouTube. Check out for sustainability info. For past shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green (TMSOG) on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcast on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list (at # 8) of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024

Oil Spills, Art Shows (Cowboy Towne and American Garbage VI) and August Astrology with Charlotte Ghiorse

Whoever controls oil controls much more than oil. Oil is a lousy investment because it isn’t an investment. It’s just a bet–and it’s a bet with a ticking time bomb attached to it.Unknown

“The Gulf Stream waters of Woody Guthrie’s famous song were strung with columns of oil that were several miles long.” ― James Lee Burke, Creole Belle

According to the NOAA, Oil spills can happen any place where oil is being extracted, transported, or stored. The magnitude of harm from a spill is determined by many factors, including the amount and type of oil, location, season, weather, and actions taken to clean up the spill. The most catastrophic spill occurred on April 20,2010,  when the oil drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, operating in the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, exploded and sank resulting in the death of 11 workers on the Deepwater Horizon and the largest spill of oil in the history of marine oil drilling operations. Multiple parties, including BP, Halliburton and Transocean, were involved. On this episode of TMSOG we delve into oil spills with our resident Eco-activist, Artist and Astrologer Charlotte Ghiorse. We also talk about her new art show Cowboy Towne and American Garbage VI: the realestate of the heart. Charlotte gives us August Astrology, and we take a peak at some Leos. For more info go to and check out Sexy Astrology on FB and YouTube. For past shows go to and Please subscribe to The Many Shades of Green podcast on all major podcast apps and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, watersheds and watershed conditions are important to everyone and everything that uses and needs water. Healthy watersheds provide critical services such as clean drinking water, productive fisheries, outdoor recreation that support our economies, environment and quality of life. It is imperative that we protect vital watersheds and drinking water, which is why it is so important to garner support for local community action when those watersheds are at risk of polluted runoff from construction sites. Our guest on this episode is Leslie Hughes who is working to protect a watershed area in Westchester County NY. She is the organizer of which is working to prevent a water filtration plant from being built near the Kensico Reservoir on the edge of Westchester County Airport by Westchester Joint Waterworks. Please go to the website for more info and become an active citizen in protecting our water. Find past shows on and Subscribe to our podcast on all major podcast apps and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Slime Molds, the Spotted Lanternfly, Fungi, Trees and preserving Nature with Taro Ietaka: Recreation Supervisor and Conservationist Westchester County, NY

Mother Nature is in need of help. It is imperative that we all work to keep the air, land and water clean, as well as do whatever we can to be active participants to achieve reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. We rely on experts to help us in this process, especially those who are conservationists. Nature conservationists are responsible for the practical management of the countryside. They help develop policies to preserve and protect areas such as woodlands, fields, rivers, mountains, forests or coastal areas, to develop awareness and understanding and to encourage people to be proactive in taking care of the environment. In Westchester County New York, there are terrific people who work to preserve the natural environment through a host of initiatives designed to protect thousands of acres of open space and the hundreds of species of plants and wildlife that thrive in the county. The conservation division plays a vital role in working on a variety of programs and services. We talk to Taro Ietaka who is a Recreation and Conservation Supervisor with Westchester County PRC (Parks, Recreation & Conservation). Taro coordinates the County’s biodiversity program to assess and protect the flora and fauna, and he oversees the six County-operated nature centers. We discuss the importance of science and nature programs for kids. We touch on, but don’t want to touch, the infamous slime mold, and we discuss what might help eradicate the invasive Spotted Lantern Fly (aside from squashing them, vacuuming might be a solution). We also talk about the importance of fungi being an integral part of forests and landscape. Taro is a certified arborist, and past president of the Connecticut-Westchester Mycological Association. He plays a vital role in maintaining and improving Westchester’s unique and beautiful natural environment for current and future generations to come. For more info go to

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The Rewilding School with Founder Eric Stone

We are living in stressful times, and connecting with nature is a way to become calmer and more centered. Being in a forest, on a beach or any open space adds to ones sense of well being, and provides a needed respite from the day to day grind of life. While being locked up during covid was horrific on so many levels, it brought more people outdoors, as walks in the woods or any open space provided exercise and benefits to your psyche. Children especially needed to connect to the outdoors and play in a park, make a snowman, build a sand castle, climb a tree, spot fireflies or listen to the songs of the birds. In our busy work-a-day lives, it’s good to know that there are people who help us connect with nature, and with each other. In this episode we talk to Eric Stone, who is a true nature connector. Eric is the founder of The Rewilding School, an outdoor education organization he runs with his partner Megan, which is dedicated to building connections between people and the traditional lands of the Wappinger and Lenape that we now call The Lower Hudson Valley. The Rewilding School runs preschool programs, hands-on summer programs, parent child classes, and workshops for school-age kids. For more info go to and @rewildingschool

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Coalition to Prevent Westchester Airport Expansion with Peter Schlactus

If you are living near a large or small airport, please know that you are being exposed to ultrafine particles of air pollution. Emissions from aviation are a significant contributor to climate change. If unmitigated, aviation emissions are expected to double or triple by 2050. Adverse environmental impacts affect communities that are near airports, especially those near watersheds areas which affect stormwater runoff and drinking water. Westchester Airport is a local airport in a suburb of NYC and there are major concerns about water and air pollution, as well as noise and increased usage by private jets. The skies are not very friendly in the surrounding communities, and my guest this week, Peter Schlactus, is tirelessly working to reduce the expansion of Westchester Airport, to help reduce environmental impacts to area residents, as the airport borders the Kensico watershed. Peter is a member of the Steering Committee of the Coalition to Prevent Westchester Airport Expansion, a non-profit watchdog group of community and environmental organizations, as well as many hundreds of unaffiliated residents that together represent thousands of constituents united in seeking a vibrant but limited and environmentally responsible County airport, with no expansion of airport operations. For more information go to or

To file a noise complaint go to

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Guest Greg Vizzi, naturalist and co-author of THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE: THE ANCIENT CULTURE AND WISDOM OF THE LENNI-LENAPE PEOPLE talks about the Indigenous world view and the philosophy of co-author Chief Quiet Thunder

How is the world view of Chief Quiet Thunder relevant to todays modern world? Guest Greg Vizzi talks about how the Indigenous world view has been lost to modern man, and why it is important to collect the oral histories and tell the stories of Native Americans. The traditions of the Lenni-Lenape, teaches “the sacred obligation to protect the Earth.” We should all be protectors of the earth and do our part to prevent further damage to the planet caused by fossil fuel pollution, which is having a damaging effect on the land, the air and the water. Greg is an American naturalist and writer, and he gives us some answers and background on the need to understand and appreciate the culture of the Original People. For more information go to Please subscribe to TMSOG podcast on all major podcast apps (Spotify, Apple, iHeart, Amazon, and more). Follow us on Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on the web at, and #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness #BEEGREEN