Will Artificial Intelligence Help Reduce Climate Change and Have We Entered The New Twilight Zone?

The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”— Stephen Hawking

The aforementioned quote by Dr. Stephen Hawking, who was a theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author, was and still is considered one of the most brilliant minds in the world. He indicated that humans will one day be superseded by Artificial Intelligence. According to The National Humanities Center, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has infiltrated our daily lives—in the ways we conduct business, govern, provide healthcare and security, and communicate. The large-scale cultural and societal implications of these changes—and the ethical questions they raise—pose a serious challenge as we embrace a future increasingly shaped by the implementation of artificial intelligence technology. AI is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Are we entering entering a new Twilight Zone? Rod Serling said it best as he narrated the intro to each Twilight Zone TV show by saying: “You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension – a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.” We are now embarking on a shift into another dimension, and we are uncertain as to where it will lead. Artificial Intelligence is the science of making machines that can think like humans. It can do things that are considered “smart.” AI technology can process large amounts of data in ways humans cannot, and it will lead us to paths yet to be known, as humanity will change.

People seem to be afraid AI as they fear it will take their jobs, control industries and that the world will change dramatically over the next decades. A recent survey by Forbes indicated that many Americans still trust humans over AI by a large percentage. Those surveyed shared that they think people would do a better job of administering medicine, writing laws, and even choosing gifts, just to name a few. AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on, so biased data can lead to biased decisions. In terms of the environment, Artificial Intelligence can help reduce climate change in a number of ways, but it also has a large environmental footprint. It can help improve energy efficiency, improve climate models, reduce carbon emissions, map ocean litter and support vulnerable communities. However, AI also has an environmental downside as it consumes a lot of energy, water, and critical materials, while producing electronic waste. A coalition of environmental groups has expressed concern about how much more energy AI will consume in the coming years. So, will humans become cyborgs?  Will we all turn into the character Data on Star Trek? Are we in a hologram or another dimension?
It seems that we are on the precipice of a new era and that we are about to experience the Twilight Zone Part Deux or perhaps be transported into The Matrix!! Hang tight, it’s going to be a wild ride. For more info on AI go to https://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/ or https://www.nationalacademies.org/

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to HudsonRiverRadio.com and Malcolmpresents.com. Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/environmental_podcasts/

Mothers Day in Retrograde, Mother X artwork, and some companies doing good!

Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and we celebrate all women on that day who are caregivers and providers who give of themselves with all their heart and soul. It is also important to celebrate the ultimate mother of us all, Mother Earth. We must be eco-conscious and think about what actions are needed to preserve Mother Nature, so perhaps Mother’s Day traditions can also make space for our collective Mother. In the astrological world, this year on April 21st, Mercury turned retrograde in Taurus, the earth sign that rules sensuality and our bodies. As it turns out, Mercury in Retrograde runs through Mother’s Day, and I am not sure what effect that will have on the moms of the world, all 2 billion of them, as they celebrate the day. What type of energy will wrap itself around moms and Mother Earth? 

It’s interesting to note that in the US, Mother’s Day actually began as a women’s movement to better the lives of Americans. Its origins spring from lifelong activists who championed efforts toward better health, welfare, and peace.  Mother Earth is a metaphor which  focuses on the nurturing and life-giving aspects of nature, and she is THE collective Mother. All mothers want a healthy, safe, clean and green planet so that current and future generations can thrive. As Mother’s Day endures and evolves, we continue to commemorate the many ways mothers have fought to better the lives of their children, from social welfare to non-violence to protecting the planet. On this episode, our resident astrologist, artist, mother of three awesome kiddos, film maker and voice for moms, Charlotte Ghiorse joins us to discuss Earth and Mother connections during this period of retrograde, as well as her Mother X art exhibits, various green subjects and more. For more info check out houseofchoclet.com and Sexy Astrologist on YouTube and Facebook. You can catch past shows on HudsonRiverRadio.com and MalcolmPresents.com #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

“Motherhood Never Ends” with founder of The Museum of Motherhood, Joy Rose

May is Mother’s Month and we need to give thanks to Mother Earth and all she provides to keep all Earthlings Alive. Mother Earth is not just another mother, she is the greatest mother of them all! She needs to be cared for and protected every day. The same holds true for all mothers who care for others, as many times they neglect their health and well being in that role. There is a history of motherhood and which goes untold. We must be in control of our health, both on a physical and mental level. It’s ok to speak up for our needs, voice our opinions and take the time we need for ourselves. Let’s face it, we are in challenging times, and it is easy to feel down with all of the conversations about guns, corrupt politicians, and the obliteration of women’s reproductive rights and more. Is the mantra that moms can do it all is a myth? Moms need help, which is not always forthcoming, as it truly takes a village to raise a family. In the words of Joy Rose “Motherhood never ends!” Joy is the Founder and Acting Director of the Museum of Motherhood and she joins us on this episode to talk about the many shades of motherhood. Joy is a mother of four now adult kiddos (I knew them when they were littles). She also has two grands, and is a writer, Educator, Adjunct teacher, media maven and is truly a mom who rocks! Joy is a Shero in so many ways! For more info go to mommuseum.org

For past shows go to HudsonRiverRadio.com and malcolmpresents.com. Follow TMSOG on Facebook and on Instagram @tmshadesofgreen. Subscribe to The Many Shades of Green podcast on all major podcast apps #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Earth Connections with Charlotte Ghiorse

We are in Earth Month, and Mother Earth is not happy with us humans on many levels. We continue to pollute the land, air and water. We are giving Mother Nature a fever, as the planet is warming on a daily basis, which if not corrected soon, could make it tough for Earthlings to survive. We continue to ignore the science, the warnings, and while there is some hope, climate scientists and activists need a better PR campaign. In addition to global warming, we face multiple issues on the social justice front, as reproductive rights are slipping away, racism continues to invade state houses, the gun lobby is more important than the lives of 9 year olds, and we all numb to what the news throws at us daily. We need to shout in order to breathe. We need to pay attention to details, and perhaps the interaction of the planets can help us deal with our interactions on Earth. Our resident Artist and Founder of Sexy Astrology, Charlotte Ghiorse gives us some insight into how astrology is part of the big picture, and what role PLUTO and other planets are playing in current events. She gives our super podcast engineer Neil his astrology chart reading on air. Charlotte is a painter, video and performance artist, and a mom of three who has vision and a sense of depth that takes on life one day at a time.  For more info go to https://www.houseofchoclet.com/about-the-artist and for past shows go to HudsonRiverRadio.com and Malcolmpresents.com. Follow TMSOG on Facebook and on Instagram @tmshadesofgreen. Find TMSOG podcast on your favorite podcast app. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

The Environment, Astrology and solutions to waste in the fashion industry/culture with Charlotte Ghiorse

So let’s talk Astrology… Uranus in Taurus impacts the Environment. Taurus is an earth sign, so it’s associated with nature, the land, and farming, and it’s represented by the symbol of the bull and will stick around through the end of 2026. (Uranus’ transit through Taurus has also aligned with radical changes in the way we think about the environment). The conversation around climate change has become even more critical since Uranus entered Taurus, spurred in part by Swedish youth activist Greta Thunberg’s powerful speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit in 2019. (Her first ever TED Talk was in 2018, just months after Uranus entered Taurus). There is so much waste produced by humans on planet Earth. Waste in the form of overproduction, lack of proper recycling and overuse of fossil fuel. One industry that has a high waste factor is the fashion industry, and Charlotte and I delve into that topic as well as how Neptune in Pisces with Saturn is working out for President Biden. Charlotte Ghiorse is TMSOG’s resident Sexy Astrologist and environmental contributor. In addition to her expertise in astrology and how it affects life on planet Earth, Charlotte is a painter, video and performance artist, and a mom of three, who has vision and a sense of depth that takes on life one day, hour, minute at a time. Visit Charlotte on her Sexy Astrology You Tube and Facebook pages and at www.houseofchoclet.com. Listen to TMSOG podcast on all major podcast apps and please subscribe on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, iHeart and more. For past shows go to hudsonriverradio.com and malcolmpresents.com. Follow us on Instagram @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Susiku, And More: A Collection of Poems by Susan L. Pollet

Poetry is a verbal art form. I was awed by the young poet Amanda Gorman who wowed everyone at President Biden’s inauguration. I always try to start my podcasts with a poem, as I feel it is important to push poetry out further into other mediums. When I was in grade school we had to memorize a poem and recite it in class. I remember learning The Children’s Hour, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and was so nervous about going in front of the class because I thought I would flub the lines. In an online article in herculture.org Poetry and Social Change Richa Gupta said that “poetry doesn’t solely have a literary dimension; it has a religious one, a social one, a cultural one. An often neglected aspect of poetry is the power it can have in initiating social change, or in raising awareness about different issues people would otherwise remain oblivious to.” Poetry surrounds us daily, especially in the form of lyrics by songwriters (Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell from boomer land, and Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, and Michael Kiwanuka from Z and Millennial generations. The Internet has been a spring board for poetry making it more accessible online with a click of a button. Our guest on this episode is Susan L. Pollet, a poet, artist, author and attorney who has written thought provoking poems which are now available in her most recent book Susiku, and More: a collection of poems. The poems focus on life moments, struggles, conflicts, as well beauty and the environment. The book is divided into two parts. Part One is called Seeking Connection, However Tenuous, and Part Two, Redemption and Renewal, On Occasion. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel and other book retail outlets. Go to SusanPollet.com for more info.


Guest Greg Vizzi, naturalist and co-author of THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE: THE ANCIENT CULTURE AND WISDOM OF THE LENNI-LENAPE PEOPLE talks about the Indigenous world view and the philosophy of co-author Chief Quiet Thunder

How is the world view of Chief Quiet Thunder relevant to todays modern world? Guest Greg Vizzi talks about how the Indigenous world view has been lost to modern man, and why it is important to collect the oral histories and tell the stories of Native Americans. The traditions of the Lenni-Lenape, teaches “the sacred obligation to protect the Earth.” We should all be protectors of the earth and do our part to prevent further damage to the planet caused by fossil fuel pollution, which is having a damaging effect on the land, the air and the water. Greg is an American naturalist and writer, and he gives us some answers and background on the need to understand and appreciate the culture of the Original People. For more information go to https://www.natures-wisdom.com/ Please subscribe to TMSOG podcast on all major podcast apps (Spotify, Apple, iHeart, Amazon, Spreaker.com and more). Follow us on Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on the web at themanyshadesofgreen.com, HudsonRiverRadio.com and malcolmpresents.com #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness #BEEGREEN

Sexy Astrology, Gen Z, the planets and more with Charlotte Ghiorse Part Deux

“People move towards the things they are good at,” that quote by our guest on this episode, Charlotte Ghiorse, gives us some insight into how astrology might play a role in daily life. While astrology can’t fix anything per se, it can help you grow and make decisions. There is a rise in a particular segment of the population which is now very interested in astrology. A recent survey that found that nearly 40% of Gen Z believes that astrology can help them make better financial decisions and help their social life – and that astrology-specific platforms are rising in popularity. A representative for the app Co-Star told TIME magazine that their app was downloaded “every three to four seconds” in the US. Astrology is far from new, but a resurgence of interest in star charts and planetary retrogrades has seen it trending on social media. So what is it about astrology that makes Gen Z so enamored with the moon in the Seventh House? Charlotte Ghiorse, Artist and founder of Sexy Astrology delves into the many shades of the Zodiac, the direction of the planets, intuition, and more. Malcolm adds some good vibrations to the conversation. For more info go to Sexy Astrology on YouTube and houseofchoclet.com. Check out past shows on malcolmpresents.com and HudsonRiverRadio.com. Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen. Subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, iHeart (Spreaker) and more. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Sexy Astrology 2023 Outlook and Uranus Neptune and Pluto Go Direct

The New Year is upon us, and predictions are made in many areas of life, particularly financial, social and relationships. Millions of people check their Horoscope on a daily basis as a guide or forecast to their day. Astrology stems from around the 3rd Millennium BC with the central premise that the placement of the stars and planets on the day of your birth (i.e. your “star sign”) impacts your character and behavior.  It suggests that the continuing movement of celestial bodies affects events on earth. You might have heard, that some people blame their run of bad luck on Mercury being in retrograde… and that you should run for the hills (or not) during times of retrograde. On this episode of TMSOG we talk to artist Charlotte Ghiorse, who knows a thing or two about astrology. Charlotte is a painter, video and performance artist and a mom who has vision and a sense of depth which gives purpose to her art and life. Charlotte is the founder of Sexy Astrology and has a show on YouTube which gives astrological advice and forecasting, as well as horoscopes. We talk about Perfectionism/Irritability, Mars in Gemini, the OUTER PLANETS Uranus Neptune and Pluto (yes, Pluto) going direct, the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit, Mercury in Retrograde, Gen Z’s rising interest in the Zodiac (maybe that is what the Z stands for) and more. Some phenomena in our world might never be explained, human nature moves us to explore the possibilities and the connections between humans and celestial bodies and how we are all quantum entangled. Check out Sexy Astrology on YouTube and the House of ChoCLeT (houseofchoclet.com). For more shows go to HudsonRiverRadio.com and Malcolmpresents.com. Please subscribe to TMSOG podcast on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, iHeart, Spreaker.com and more. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Are we all EcoSexuals? Guests Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens give us insight into the field of Ecosexolgy

In this episode, we will explore the Ecosexuality movement, a relatively new sexual identity which connects environmental activism based around nature, and promotes the idea of the earth as a lover. It invites people to treat the earth with love rather than see it as an infinite resource to exploit. It was founded by our guests, Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle, who describe themselves as “two ecosexual artists-in-love”, whose manifesto is to make environmental activism “more sexy, fun, and diverse”. Their new book, is titled, Assuming the Ecosexual Position: The Earth as Lover. Annie and Beth give us insight about how they came together to collaborate on this latest work, how they took a stand against homophobia, xenophobia, and how this union led to the miraculous conception of the Love Art Laboratory.

Check out their new book Assuming the Ecosexual Position:The Earth As Lover
  and go to sprinklestephens.org to get more about the EcoSexual movement and films Water Makes Us Wet and Goodbye Gauley Mountain. For past shows go to hudsonriverradio.com and malcolmpresents.com. Follow us on FaceBook and Instagram, tweet us @tmshadesofgreen. A shout out to my Green Diva Sistas at thegreendivas.com

Listen to “Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens and The Eco Sexual Movement” on Spreaker.

Joy Rose, Super Mom of Super Bowl Champion Ali Marpet, is a Mom Who Rocks

Super Mom Joy Rose talks about her now Super Bowl 55 Champion son, Ali Marpet. Joy also shares a poem, talks about The Museum of Motherhood, Moms Who Rock, her band Housewives on Prozac, and much more. Always be nice to your Mama! For more info go to mommuseum.org, hudsonriverradio.com, malcolmpresents.com. Tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen.com. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Courtney on Health Core Part Deux

Courtney focused on standing core exercises last week, so this week, it’s Core Part Deux, and she will take it down to the floor for mat based work. So get down on your gluteus maximus, and shake your booty, as it will help stabilize your spine and create better body movement. For more info check out Courtney on Health on Facebook and follow her on Instagram @clgwellneess. For more shows also check out malcolmpresents.com