#1402: John Parker, Environmental Lawyer

John-Louis-Parker-Headshot-TMSOGOur resident environmental legal expert, John Parker gives us a 2013 wrap up and delves into topics of hydrofracking in upstate NY, the status of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, the upcoming Environmental Bond Issue, as well as what we can look for in 2014 on Eco legal issues. For more information email John at [email protected]

#1402: John Parker, Environmental Lawyer

#1351: Holiday Special

TMOSG-Christmas-Tree-Rockefeller_900Friends of the show join us for our Holiday Wish Special to share what they would want this Holiday season if they could ask for anything…

Guest Wishers (alphabetically):
Abba Carmichael – Producer of The Many Shades of Green
Bradley FlemingBrooklyn Grange Farm
Dom GervasiMade In Brooklyn Tours
Elroy HillMamselles Teas and Tarts
Emellie O’BrienEarth Angel
John Parker – Environmental Lawyer
Joy RoseMuseum of Motherhood
Maxine Margo Rubin – Host of The Many Shades of Green


#1348: Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Tony-Sirna-Dancing-Rabbit-EcovillageMy co-producer Abba Carmichael steps in to host TMSOG, and chats with Tony Sirna co-founder of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, a highly sustainable community, which encourages members to live off the land, off the grid and reduce consumption. They are a stellar example of being one with nature and being mindful of Mother Earth. Tune in to find out more about how Dancing Rabbit Eco Village is a model for eco awareness and preservation of the planet. Go to www.dancingrabbit.org for more info.

#1346: Global Kids, part 2 of 2

global-kids-group-photoIn Part 2 of our discussion with Global Kids, Makayla Comas touches on water issues, environmental technologies and how her experience in Chile brought her to be even more in tune with nature and what we need to do to improve conditions throughout the globe. Amosh, Sam and Molly discuss the Green Roof Project and the successful implementation of a “green roof” on William Cullen Bryant High School. Global Kids continue to lead the way on the importance of the need to protect the environment, as it interconnects with social justice issues and human rights. The student leaders are passionate, caring and are truly a breath of fresh air. For more information check out the website www.globalkids.org

#1346: Global Kids, part 2 of 2

#1338: Richard Heinberg, Snake Oil

Richard-heinbergLike traveling medicine men in the old west, oil and gas companies are trying to sell us their panacea for our future energy needs. My guest Richard Heinberg, author of the book Snake Oil: How Fracking’s False Promise Imperials Our Future, explains why hydrofracking is not the cure all for America’s fuel needs. Beware of those selling you false elixirs! Tune in to find out how we stay clear of oil and gas con artists. Go to www.postcarbon.org for more info.



#1338: Richard Heinberg, Snake Oil

#1336: Clare Donohue

clare-donohueMove over Sharknado, GASNADO is coming to a beach near you. Clare Donohue, founder of the Sane Energy Project is working to stop the Spectra Pipeline from making its way into your rivers, beaches, parks, streets and kitchens. It is not safe, and we’ll tell you why. Natural gas pipelines under your feet in a densely populated city is a disaster in the making. The harmful effects can be widespread. Lives and homes have been lost due to faulty pipelines (San Bruno,CA, Kansas City and more). Find out what you can do to help stop it. Go to www.saneenergyproject.org and get involved.

#1336: Clare Donohue

#1335: Anjie Cho

anjie-choAnjie Cho founder of Holisitc Spaces And LEED Certified Architect is my guest this week. We discuss the green benefits of Feng Shui in design, and how the energy of “chi” brings spirituality, beauty and sustainability to your home or office. Find out why the number 9 is important and why eco conscious behavior will help you put the “ohm” in your home.Go to anjiecho.com to get more info on Feng Shui and other eco design tips.
#1335: Anjie Cho

#1333: Casandra Teresa

cassandra-teresaArt and recycling come together as we discuss conceptual sculpture using plastic bottles and other reusable material. We also delve into recycled art as a tool to educate students about the environment. Tune in to hear how Casandra Teresa works with students and other artists to get the word out about issues of sustainability.

#1333: Casandra Teresa

Show #1334: Maureen Healy, CARP

maureen-carpSpending a care free day at the beach will soon be a thing of the past, as a natural gas pipeline will be lurking underneath your beach blanket. There are plans for a pipeline to be built off Rockaway Beach and under Jacob Riis Beach and Gateway National Park. Tune in as my guest Maureen Healy explains why this is a very bad idea, and how the Coalition Against the Rockaway Pipeline (CARP) is fighting the Williams/Transco and state and federal agencies to stop the madness. Go to www.carpny.org for more info.

#1334: Maureen Healy, CARP

#1326: Dal LaManga, Ice Stone USA

Dal_Lamanga-ice-stone-usa-on-the-many-shades-of-greenDal LaMagna, CEO of Icestone USA, explains how the unity of his staff helped save his company after Hurricane Sandy left his factory at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in shambles. Dal, who also founded the company Tweezerman, practices Responsible Capitalism, which incorporates employees into the decision practices of the company, as well as making sure they have good wages and healthcare. We also talk about the benefits of being a B Corporation. It’s good to be socially responsible, and Dal LaMagna is leading the way.

#1326: Dal LaManga, Ice Stone USA

#1325: Environmental Lawyer, John L Parker

john-luis-parker-environmental-lawyerJohn Parker environmental lawyer extraordinaire, takes us through what steps are needed to adapt and create legal policies to guide us through extreme weather events such as Superstorm Sandy. Should we rebuild in areas that are flood zones? What natural barriers can be put in place to prevent flooding? Resilience is the key to helping us prepare for future extreme weather as a result of climate change.

#1325: Environmental Lawyer, John L Parker

#1322: Scott Seydel, Global Green

Scott-SeydelScott Seydel is the Chairperson of Global Green, an organization that advocates for smart solutions to global warming. We discuss waste stream diversion, and what companies are participating to help reduce and recycle waste. Global Green is an affiliate of Green Cross International, an organization that works to foster a global value shift to a sustainable and secure future. Scott is a leader in building communities affected by natural disasters, as he moves to green affordable housing via use of alternative energy and building materials that are less toxic. He is a true environmental ambassador. For more info go to www.globalgreen.org