#1350: Rick Ulfik, We, The World


Rick Ulfik, founder of We, The World, and friend of the show, gives us insight into all the great work We.net is doing to promote peace and sustainability throughout the world. There are numerous programs that promote peace, sustainability and humanity, as the world needs to move away from the me, me, me mentality, to the WE mentality. Sustainable Earth 2020, 11 Days of Global Unity, 11 Ways to Change the World are just some of the initiatives that promote a better society. Jane Goodall, Nobel Prize Laureate Rev Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra and many others, are on the Board of We, The World, and they know that compassion and working together leads to environmental stewardship, sustainability, and transformation of communities. Go to www.We.net and/or www.wetheworld.org to get involved.

#1350: Rick Ulfik, We, The World

#1402: John Parker, Environmental Lawyer

John-Louis-Parker-Headshot-TMSOGOur resident environmental legal expert, John Parker gives us a 2013 wrap up and delves into topics of hydrofracking in upstate NY, the status of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, the upcoming Environmental Bond Issue, as well as what we can look for in 2014 on Eco legal issues. For more information email John at [email protected]

#1402: John Parker, Environmental Lawyer

#1351: Holiday Special

TMOSG-Christmas-Tree-Rockefeller_900Friends of the show join us for our Holiday Wish Special to share what they would want this Holiday season if they could ask for anything…

Guest Wishers (alphabetically):
Abba Carmichael – Producer of The Many Shades of Green
Bradley FlemingBrooklyn Grange Farm
Dom GervasiMade In Brooklyn Tours
Elroy HillMamselles Teas and Tarts
Emellie O’BrienEarth Angel
John Parker – Environmental Lawyer
Joy RoseMuseum of Motherhood
Maxine Margo Rubin – Host of The Many Shades of Green


#1341: Reverend Fletcher, NY Air Pollution

reverend-fletcher-harperThere is currently a project to raise the Bayonne Bridge that spans Kill Van Kull in Staten Island and Bayonne, New Jersey. One would think that is a good thing, but if you look more closely the project will increase pollution, add toxins to the air and water, cause health problems (cancer, lung disease) and will be an environmental nightmare. Reverend Fletcher Harper explains why this project should be stopped, and how it also has a negative affect on truckers and the surrounding communities. Find out what sweatshops on wheels are, and how you can join the Coalition for Healthy Ports. Go to www.greenfaith.org for more information.
#1341: Reverend Fletcher, NY Air Pollution

#1349: Andrew Mazzone, President of the Henry George School of Social Science

Andrew-Mazzone_800Join me and Andrew Mazzone, President of the Henry George School of Social Science, as we discuss the interconnection of economic and environmental issues. We touch on the importance of the writings of Henry George, via his book Progress and Poverty. It seems that history has not changed, in that inequality and wide income gaps are as pervasive today, as they were decades and centuries ago. Large energy companies are stripping the finite natural resources of the planet, and we must seek alternative ways to work in balance with nature to protect our land, air and water. Greed is deeply imbedded in our society, and this must change. Check out all the good work Andrew and the Henry George School are doing by visiting their website at www.henrygeorgeschool.org

#1348: Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Tony-Sirna-Dancing-Rabbit-EcovillageMy co-producer Abba Carmichael steps in to host TMSOG, and chats with Tony Sirna co-founder of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, a highly sustainable community, which encourages members to live off the land, off the grid and reduce consumption. They are a stellar example of being one with nature and being mindful of Mother Earth. Tune in to find out more about how Dancing Rabbit Eco Village is a model for eco awareness and preservation of the planet. Go to www.dancingrabbit.org for more info.

#1344: Dr. Susan Rubin


Find out what the real hunger games are all about when Dr. Susan Rubin and I discuss issues of food security, as well as what giant corporations like Monsanto are doing to prevent you from knowing what’s in your food. Genetically engineered produce is not what you want on your plate. Two Angry Moms, the documentary, will clue you in on some of the facts about what is in your children’s school food, and how you can be more proactive in letting your local Board of Education know that healthier school lunches are a priority. Go to www.drsusanrubin.com for more information.

#1344: Dr. Susan Rubin

#1347: Dave Gardner, Director of GrowthBusters


Dave Gardner, director of the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth explains that we have reached the saturation point in growth, and that the current model which leads to over consumption, is not the cure all for a what is ailing society. We are addicted to growth, and as a result, we are depleting our natural resources, as we cannot sustain infinite growth on a finite planet. Go to www.growthbusters.org and sign up for a screening of the movie on Black Friday. Stay home, watch the movie, play outside or lounge around with the family. Shopping and bucking the crowds does not make for a mindful celebration of the upcoming holidays. Use the day after Thanksgiving to relax and enjoy!

Sing up for the free screening 11/29/13 here: http://tinyurl.com/BlackFridayBusters

#1347: Dave Gardner, Director of GrowthBusters

#1346: Global Kids, part 2 of 2

global-kids-group-photoIn Part 2 of our discussion with Global Kids, Makayla Comas touches on water issues, environmental technologies and how her experience in Chile brought her to be even more in tune with nature and what we need to do to improve conditions throughout the globe. Amosh, Sam and Molly discuss the Green Roof Project and the successful implementation of a “green roof” on William Cullen Bryant High School. Global Kids continue to lead the way on the importance of the need to protect the environment, as it interconnects with social justice issues and human rights. The student leaders are passionate, caring and are truly a breath of fresh air. For more information check out the website www.globalkids.org

#1346: Global Kids, part 2 of 2

#1345: Global Kids, part 1 of 2

global-kids-group-photoAnd the youth shall lead the way…In Part 1 of our discussion with Global Kids, an organization which empowers students to become environmental leaders, activists and social justice advocates, we talk with Molly Delano, Director of Human Rights Education and student leaders Amosh Neupane, Sam March and Makayla Comas about how students can work become active in areas of environmental stewardship and human rights. We discuss how programs such as Powershift and organizations like Alliance for Climate Change educate students on ways to improve the water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe, by elevating our eco consciousness. Go to www.globalkids.org to find out more about the great work of Global Kids.

#1345: Global Kids, part 1 of 2

#1342: Reverend Fletcher, Green Faith


Religious belief and practice to the environment go hand in hand, as GreenFaith.org brings all faiths together to heal the planet. The moral and spiritual side of eco issues come to the forefront, as Reverend Fletcher Harper helps shed some light on the importance of environmental stewardship. Congregants of churches, synagogues, mosques, Buddhist retreats and more help practice conservation and promote social justice by working together, as one, to keep Mother Earth clean and green. Go to www.greenfaith.org for more information.

#1342: Reverend Fletcher, NY Air Pollution

#1340: Ari King, Author of NOW WHAT?!

ari-king-the-many-shades-of-greenWhat path do you take after college? Who can you go to for advice on the next chapter in your life. My guest, Ari King will help guide you through those sometimes choppy waters. He has written a book entitled NOW WHAT? Conversations about College, Graduation and the Next Step. Ari is also host of a radio show called “Off Campus” on BBoxradio.com. For more info go to www.ariking.com

#1340: Ari King, Author of NOW WHAT?!