What is Sexy Astrology, and does it in anyway connect to the green world? My guest Charlotte Ghiorse and I talk about how astrology connects to the natural earth, and about her trademark issue which the NY Post article called “Sexy Astrologers At War.” We discuss how Charlotte’s mark greatly differs from the person disputing it. On a different note, tune in to overtime on The Many Shades of Green archives, to find out what Charlotte and I consider our favorite New York green spots, or in this case “G” spots that make us happy to be one with nature in the city. Hey, green radio can be sexy too! To find out more about Sexy Astrology go to sexyastrology.com and/or www.youtube.com/user/
Category: Human Rights
#1406: Ken Gale
What is the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), and why is it such a “secret.” Ken Gale, host of Eco-Logic on WBAI, gives us the reasons why we need to be very afraid of what is called “NAFTA on steroids.” Internet Freedom, Food Safety, US jobs, Copyrights, the Environment, Public Health, and the price of medicine will all be affected by this agreement, which is being negotiated behind closed doors by the Executive Branch, the USTR and Fortune 500 corporations, who stand to greatly benefit should it pass. Congress is putting this matter on the “Fast Track”, without even knowing what the TPP contains, which considering their record, is not all surprising. Get more information by going to www.citizen.org/TPP. Tune into Ken’s show Eco-Logic, Tuesdays at 8 PM on WBAI.