#1537: Dayna Reggero, Climate Listening Project

Dayna-Reggero-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenBillions of people around the globe are affected by the changes in climate every day. There are many stories that need to be told and many stories that need to be heard. My guest this week, Dayna Reggero, project director for the Climate Listening Project, has gathered stories from a variety of individuals and businesses about the direct effect of climate change on their lives and communities. Farmers, scientists, faith based and environmental groups are working towards solutions to adapt and build resilience to the extremes of climate change. We must connect actions to our words and work towards building a cleaner, greener world. Dayna has also been involved with the Showtime Series, Years of Living Dangerously, and has partnered with Laura Lengnick, author of the book Resilient Agriculture: Cultivating Food Systems in a Changing Climate. Dayna and Laura conduct storytelling workshops at colleges via the Cultivating Resilience Tour. For more info go to: daynareggero.com, @DaynaReggero and facebook.com/climatelisteningproject.

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#1534: The End of Plenty

bourneCan we feed the world without wrecking it? Are we farming ourselves out of food? My guest, Joel K. Bourne Jr. and I delve into those questions on this week’s show. Joel’s new book, THE END OF PLENTY: The Race to Feed a Crowded World, discusses the world food crisis, as it relates to population increase and environmental concerns. Farm land is becoming decimated, as water shortages are spreading globally, thus reducing growth of crops needed to feed the populace. Political unrest and revolutions have occurred in various hot spots around the world, as wheat crops have failed, which has lead to tightening grain supplies. Lives are lost as fights break out over bread. Will 3D printing of food save us? Probably not, but there is hope, as farmers are using innovations in food irrigation, as well as conservation methods to solve some of the problems. A new land ethic must be put into place to feed the world. For more information go to joelkbournejr.com and amazon.com for his book, THE END OF PLENTY.

#1525: The End of Plenty by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1525: 2015 Clearwater Music Festival

Abba-and-M-clearwaterNeither rain, nor fog, nor soggy dew could dampen the spirit of the Clearwater 2015 Festival. We spoke to many environmental activists and green entrepreneurs who are creating ideas, and spreading the message about the need to be proactive stewards of Mother Earth. Music echoed throughout the festival, with many performers motivating the populace to take a stand and raise their voices on environmental and social justice issues. Music icon David Crosby, sang new songs with lyrics that commented on the nation’s current state of affairs, and implored people to email, call or show up at the offices of their elected officials and make some noise. Pete Seeger would have been proud to see his vision perpetuated. For more info go to clearwater.org.

#1525: 2015 Clearwater Music Festival by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1524: Greener Media


This week’s program features Jesse Ash, principal and lead producer at Greener Media, an eco-conscious production company based in NYC. We discuss how storytelling via digital and film mediums, is an essential tool in helping raise awareness about environmental and social issues. Jesse has won a Webby for his animated short Magical Cure, and his current project, Common Ground, was recently screened at the United Nations and at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. In addition, Greener Media’s short documentary, Man in the Maze, was a winner of the Sundance Short Film Challenge this year. To find out why Bette Middler has been deemed the “Queen of Green” and why it is helpful to have a celebrity name attached to a particular cause, you have to tune in.  For more information go to: greenermedia.com

#1524: Greener Media by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1517: 2015 NYC Vegetarian Food Festival

Veg-Food-Fest-the-many-shades-of-green-podcast-squareBe Kind to Animals, Don’t Be Cruel, Eat Your Veggies. All these phrases come together on this week’s program, as we celebrate vegetarian cuisine and cruelty free living at the New York City Vegetarian Food Festival. We spoke with Zoe Weil, Co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education, Nora Kramer, Founder and Executive Director of YEA (Youth Empowerment Action) Camp, Annie Hauck Lawson, Founder of Brooklyn Mompost, Susan Hargreaves, Founder of Animal Hero Kids, and Isis Phillips, Executive Director of Indy Kids. It was a pleasure speaking with all this dynamic and amazing women, who do so much to make the world a better place. For more information on these organizations go to humaneeducation.org, solutionaryschoolnyc.org, yeacamp.org, brooklynmompost.org, animalherokids.org, indykids.org and nycvegfoodfest.com

#1517: 2015 NYC Vegetarian Food Festival by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1515: Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot

Butler_TomOverdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot – Tom Butler’s new large format coffee table book, tells the story of how population increase, and the rise of the industrial complex, has led to social, economic and environmental problems world wide. The phrase ” a picture’s worth a thousand words” is most evident in the photos taken during this three year journey to expose man’s quest to dominate the planet, and leave sprawl, over growth, disease and destruction in its path. We over indulge, over-plug, and over saturate this beautiful planet, with blatant disregard for the other species who live on earth. Tom and I discuss how we can resolve and build solutions to these problems. This unique approach, which uses powerful photographs, illustrates that humankind must do better, we must stop drilling, stop building and stop decimating the earth. Mother Nature is not happy, but we can do things to make her smile again. Go to populationspeakout.org for more information.

#1515: Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1512: Man Swarm

Dave-ForemanWhat comes first, the Earth or Earthlings? There are a lot of us humans on the planet, and we have to start thinking about keeping our numbers down. Join me and my guest Dave Foreman, activist, author, and founder of Earth First!, the Wildlands Project, and the Rewilding Institute, as we discuss his latest work, a new revised of edition of his popular title, MAN SWARM: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World, which is co-authored with Laura Carroll, author of The Baby Matrix. Population is one factor in the environmental degradation of the planet. Should there be a one child policy in the US or should we stop having babies altogether? What can be done to solve this problem? Tune in to find out. For more information go to rewilding.org

#1508: It’s All About the WE

RickUlfikHeadshotSmallWe are all interconnected to one another, yet the cultural mindset continues to focus on the me, rather than the we. My guest this week, Rick Ulfik, founder of We the World, is moving to change the paradigm by promoting awareness of the need for creating a more humane spirit, by enlisting change agents from around the globe, to build a more peaceful, sustainable and empathetic world. We the World works to develop global networks of collaboration via the 11 Days of Global Unity, and 11 Ways to Change the World. It’s time for the collective will of the citizenry to use the power of WE! For more information go to We.net

#1445: Sunday, September 21st 2014, The People’s Climate March

Abba-Carmichael-Maxine-Margo-Rubin-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-Peoples-Climate-March-New-York-City400,000 strong, a mosaic of humankind gathered at the People’s Climate March in NYC, to voice their concern about the climate crisis, and demand that the leaders of the world take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. My co-producer, Abba Carmichael and I, were able to witness history and walk with those who trekked from across the globe, and from across the street, to take an active role in showing support for Mother Earth. We spoke to actor/activist and academy award nominee Mark Ruffalo, NY Senator Charles Schumer, former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, author, environmental and civil rights activist Van Jones, Climate Project Presenter Marc Sussman, Grandparents Climate Campaign of Norway and many many more. It was truly an uplifting moment in time, and an example of peaceful, democratic protest on behalf of Mother Nature. For more info go to 350.org and peoplesclimate.org

#1436: Andra Tomsa, Founder of the app, SPARE

Andra-Tomsa-In-Studio-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenHunger is a quiet crisis that demands our attention. My guest this week is Andra Tomsa, Founder of Spare, an organization working to help fight hunger via an app and website that rounds up your restaurant or bar tab, and tracks your donation in real time. Spare has partnered with the Food Bank of NYC and City Harvest to get meals to those who rely on food kitchens and shelters for assistance. For more information please go to sparenyc.org.

#1441: Paul Lazarus Discusses His New Documentary, “Slingshot”

Paul-Lazarus-BWWater is the source of all life, there is a world water crisis, and millions of people on the planet do not have potable, clean, drinking water. My guest this week, Paul Lazarus, director, writer and producer of film, television and theater has directed a wonderful documentary entitled, Slingshot. The film focuses on the the current global water crisis, and the path that inventor/engineer extraordinaire, Dean Kamen takes to bring his water purification system to the world market. The documentary has won film festival awards, and is a must see movie. For more information, go to www.slingshotdoc.com

1440: Alliance for Climate Education (ACE)

20140910_164720There is nothing cool about climate change, but what is cool are the student leaders and educators who are working hard to build awareness, and develop solutions to environmental problems. Join me and my guests Maayan Cohen, Education and Leadership Manager at the Alliance for Climate Education (ACE), and student leaders from ACE, Lizbeth Lucero and Anthony Neciosup, for a lively discussion on the power of education. ACE uses interactive assemblies, which combine science and pop culture to build awareness and educate students about the environment, and how they can act to prevent global warming. For more information about ACE, go to climateeducation.org and acespace.org