Mother Nature to Earthlings “only you can prevent wildfires, so do something about it!” Planting Native trees and shrubs is a start…

FIRE by Bruce Springsteen

Romeo and Juliet

Samson and Delilah

You can bet

Their love they couldn’t deny

Your words say split

But your words they lie

When we kiss

Oh, fire, Fire

So to go back a bit before Romeo and Juliet, the discovery of fire dates back to prehistoric times, when Homo erectus inhabited the Earth. The earliest evidence of controlled fire use is at least one million years old. The oldest unequivocal evidence of fire use is from Qesem Cave in Israel, which dates back 300,000 to 400,000 years. Use of fire in prehistoric era Homo erectus likely used fire inspired by lightning strikes and forest fires. 
Fast forward to 2025 and fire is more associated with disasters, as the prevalence of wildfires in the US and around the globe have reached levels not previously seen before.
As global temperatures rise and winds increase in velocity, many forest areas have become a tinderbox. Climate change has brought us more extreme weather, and the latest fire tragedy in Los Angeles is more proof that many states in the US are not prepared for what’s coming, and that it is crucial for governments and citizens to adapt and be more resilient in dealing with this new abnormal. It is therefore so important to incorporate methods to help reduce the severity of wildfires, as well as droughts, floods and other climate related weather. California is a desert, and non-native plants can be a hazard. Palm trees are beautiful, but most are not native to the state, with the Desert Fan Palm being the exception. As a rule, no matter what state you live in, we have to make our yards more resilient and plant native. I will use LA as an example, but our ecosystems must be supported nationwide. L.A. must balance fire resilience with ecological preservation by gradually replacing flammable non-native plants like eucalyptus and palm trees with native and fire-resistant species while rethinking urban landscapes and land management practices. California native plants have remarkable characteristics that provide protective services to homes and structures during and after a fire. Los Angeles must adopt long-term strategies for sustainable rebuilding and land management.        

Our resident wildlife and environmental expert Victoria Alzapiedi joins us on this episode of TMSOG to talk about the importance and benefits of planting native.  We also delve into how toxins released by wildfires impact human health, as well as erosion control, the importance of adding solar panels to roofs, keeping our local and regional waterways clean and more. For more info go to New Castle Healthy Yards and The Nature of Westchester on Facebook. and California Native Plant Society  also have good information. Please donate to the and

To donate to those affected by the LA Wildfires go to: and

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and  Follow The Many Shades of Green on FB and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on Blue Sky Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.

Naughty or Nice: UK Gives Up Coal For Christmas + Legal Personhood for Nature, Dr. Strangelove, Naughty Santa by HOP and more with George Polisner

It’s all fun and games ’til Santa checks the naughty list.”AND “Dear Santa, before I explain, how much do you know already?”- Unknown

In 2024, the line between naughty and nice has been blurred, and it has been hard to sift through the barrage of misinformation to separate the good from the bad, and the truth from the lies. There are days when we feel that we can get through things, and days when our emotions are at the bottom of the well. It’s been that type of year. So let’s look for what will raise our spirits in this holiday space. Is there anything good to give us hope? The answer is yes, even though democracy in the world is hanging by a thread, there have been some good policies and ideas put into place to revive my sense of well being.

On the environmental front, it turns out that in Ecuador, New Zealand, and Brazil; rivers, mountains, forests, waves, dolphins and whales have been given legal personhood. According to Jacqueline Gallant, who works for the Earth Rights Research and Action program at New York University School of Law, some countries are pushing the boundaries of legal imagination. Gallant stated that “Legal personhood provides the understanding that nature and living non-human beings should be understood as subjects [as opposed to objects] – with intrinsic value and interests and needs of their own.” We need to expand these actions to more countries so that nature can be truly represented. There is more positive environmental news which comes out of the UK. Coal has been polluting the atmosphere for decades and the UK has closed its last coal fired plant, which will reduce carbon emissions. The good eco-news keeps coming, as there are new ocean protections in the Azores, Amazon Deforestation reached a nine year low, and on El Hierro, the most westerly of the Canary Islands, energy generated via wind and water has enabled its 11,000 inhabitants to be completely self-sufficient in electricity for 10,000 hours since the project was established. Continuing in the victory column, the Supreme Court of the State of Montana upheld a landmark trial court decision from last August which decided in favor of 16 young people who said their health and futures were being jeopardized by climate change, which the state aggravates through its permitting of energy projects. So while gloom and doom seems pervasive in the US, as well as some democracies in the EU, Asia and other parts of the globe: innovators, scientists, engineers, lawyers, teachers and policy wonks are working to get the pendulum to swing in a more positive direction.

On this episode of TMSOG podcast, our resident environmentalist, political analyst and curmudgeon, George Polisner, founder of, gives us some insight into environmental, economic and political issues. We talk about positive green news, nature being given legal personhood, Dr. Strangelove, externalities and the impending rise of an oligarchy in the US. For more info go to Check out The Museum of Motherhood founded by Joy Rose. Take personal action and be proactive and if you can, please donate to an environmental organization which fights for the planet. Earth Justice is a wonderful organization to check out, as the Earth needs a good lawyer, go to

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen and on Blue Sky Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.

Climate Goodness, Earth Justice, Project 2025 and more with George Polisner Founder of Civ.Works

I have been thinking about songs that reflect my mood of late, and three songs came to mind. Two Beatles tunes and an amazing protest song by Tracy Chapman seem to spell things out.

Song number one is the Beatles song HELP 

Help! I need somebody
(Help) not just anybody
(Help) you know I need someone, help


Help me if you can I’m feeling down

and I do appreciate you feeling ’round

Help me get my feet back on the ground

Won’t you please, please help me

The second tune is also from the Beatles Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Ob-La-Di, ob-la-da 

Life goes on, brah

La, la, how the life goes on

It ends with: 

And if you want to have some fun

Take Ob-la-di-bla-da

Thank you

and lastly a real protest song

   Talkin’ Bout a Revolution (Tracy Chapman)

Don’t you know

They’re talking about a revolution?

It sounds like a whisper

Don’t you know you better run, run, run, run, run, run

‘Cause finally the tables are starting to turn

Talkin’ ’bout a revolution

The question now arises, which lyric would you choose to describe your state of mind? I said in a recent email to George Polisner, that I am pretty much a nervous wreck and I am falling down the rabbit hole. I feel like I have travelled through the looking glass into a bizzaro world, so my inclination is to go with the first lyric…HELP! The anger within me is Talkin’ Bout a Revolution, but the optimist inside is going with Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, as life will go on. Being a boomer, I have lived through the McCarthy Era, the Cuban Missile crisis, Duck and Cover, the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, the Vietnam War, the Civil rights movement, violent protests, 9-11, the 2008 financial collapse, the pandemic and more, but what is going on in this current political climate is a nightmare that I cannot seem to wake up from. On TMSOG we try to inform our listeners about environmental and social justice issues, and we highlight the positive work people are doing. We also call out those who are trying to take America down and bring us back to a time when our freedoms were restricted. I had more rights over my own body in the 1970’s than I do now as a result of the recent SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade, and I am afraid of what they are coming for next.  According to Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation, women should go back to being housewives, mothers and nothing more. Their mantra is “go make some babies and stay out of politics!” What kind of world are we leaving for our grandchildren? Loyalty to party over country will wipe us out!! We have a responsibility to current and future generations, and we must do better, we must do whatever it takes for the greater good to create a world that is respectful to all its inhabitants. Our resident environmentalist, political analyst and curmudgeon, George Polisner, founder of, gives us some insight into environmental and political issues. We talk about some good environmental news, tangible actions people can take to make their voices heard and improve society, as well as Project 2025 and more. Find out more by going to, and

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024:

Plastic in the Clouds, Pluto in Aquarius and more with Artist, Eco-Activist and Sexy Astrologist, Charlotte Ghiorse

Plastic is everywhere. In our blood, in our food (beer, honey, salt) and more. A one liter of bottle of water contains 240,000 detectable plastic fragments. Microplastics are even in clouds! Joni Mitchell did not in a million years think that plastic would be inside clouds when she wrote the lyrics to her iconic tune “Both Sides Now” Joni wrote about the clouds and said:

But now they only block the sun

They rain and they snow on everyone

So many things I would have done

But clouds got in my way

I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now

From up and down and still somehow

It’s cloud illusions I recall

I really don’t know clouds at all

Plastic in clouds is not an illusion, so maybe the lyric needs to be updated to say:

Now microplastics are in the air

within the clouds and everywhere, 

now scientists are really scared 

they know what must be done, 

We have to work to clear the skies 

and wipe the plastic from our eyes,

from tears and rain we cannot hide

plastic cannot rule the way 

On this episode we focus on how plastic winds up in clouds. Researchers recently collected 28 samples of liquid from clouds at the top of Mount Tai in eastern China. They found microplastic fibers—from clothing, packaging, and tires—in their samples. Lower altitude and denser clouds contained greater amounts of microplastics. Plastic is now part of the Earth’s geology as it is in rocks, reefs, and shells, soil and more. It now has a geologic name: plastistones. We discuss how plastic is infiltrating the environment and getting into the clouds, and we delve into astrology-Pluto in Aquarius, with our resident eco-activist, artist, and sexy Astrologist, Charlotte Ghiorse. For more info about plastic/chemicals in our environment go to Get more info about Charlotte via and Sexy Astrology on YouTube. Find more shows on,, and TMSOG – Follow us and Like us on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen, and listen and share TMSOG podcast on Apple, Amazon, Spotify, iHeart ( and more. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

The Many Shades of Green is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of environmental podcasts to follow in 2024 (@ #8)

War, what is it good for? And Some Good environmental news in Portugal and more with George Polisner founder of Civ.Works

WAR by Edwin Starr 1970War, huh, yeah…What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, uh!

The sixties and seventies were filled with protest songs like WAR, as battles raged in Vietnam and Cambodia, killing thousands of young men and Vietcong, as well as the collateral damage of innocent lives. There was a draft, and young men did not want to fight what they thought was a senseless war. A song written in the 50’s by Pete Seeger, Where Have All the Flowers Gone, has the lyric “When will we ever learn”? And the Rodgers and Hammerstein song from South Pacific, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught” has lyrics which delve into racism and hate, placed within a beautiful ballad: Here are some of the lyrics: 

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear. You’ve got to be taught from year to year, it’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear—You’ve got to be carefully taught!

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid of people whose eyes are oddly made, and people whose skin is a different shade—You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, before you are six or seven or eight, to hate all the people your relatives hate—You’ve got to be carefully taught! You’ve got to be carefully taught!

Fast forward to October 2023, and the question stays the same, WAR what is it good for, absolutely nothin’!!! There are no words for the atrocities which are being unleashed in Israel and Gaza. Mankind has once again plummeted into yet another war. So what is the answer? Does one avenge and take revenge? How does one cope with the humanitarian and moral dilemma? I truly have no words to express my feelings and outrage. How long will this hate and destruction go on? So the tune “Where Have All the Flowers Gone” keeps popping into my mind, and the refrain written by Pete Seeger in 1955, “when will they ever learn when will they ever learn” is now a constant ear worm in my head. There is much to discuss, and on this episode of TMSOG George Polisner our resident political, economic, environmental, social justice expert and founder of gives us some insight into the Israeli conflict with Hamas, the insanity of US Politics and some positive energy solutions from Portugal. For more info check out Civ.Works and for past podcasts go to and Please subscribe to The Many Shades of Green on all major podcast apps. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Sustainable Westchester: The Grid Rewards Program and more with Lauren Brois and Dan Welsh

Local environmental organizations play a key role in creating programs to build sustainable communities, and they truly make a difference in helping to create a cleaner, greener planet Earth. Sustainable Westchester is an organization which works to integrate policies, environmental campaigns and outreach to educate the citizens of Westchester County about issues of sustainability, and how they can take action to be adaptive and resilient, in order to reduce their carbon footprint. Some of Sustainable Westchester campaigns include: GRID Rewards, Solar and Geothermal incentives and deductions, Westchester Power and more. Lauren Brois and Dan Welsh work to help activate people to reduce their carbon footprint, and are dedicated to creating a more sustainable planet through local programs in Westchester County and beyond. For more information go to, check out the Grid Rewards Program via your smartphone app or on your computer at

Please subscribe to The Many Shades of Green podcast on all major podcast apps. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen. For more shows go to and

Cornell Cooperative Regional Clean Energy Hub in the Hudson Valley

We all have to care, we all have to do our part to protect Mother Earth. With the recent IPCC report from the UN, which stated that we will pierce the 2 degree threshold for global warming within a decade, it is more important than ever that we take actions now on both local and global levels to reduce the impact of climate change and carbon emissions. Our local and state officials must lead the way to create programs that help communities, especially in underserved areas, to be proactive in reducing green house gas emissions and more. This includes making renewable energy more available and affordable, creating green jobs and educating the public on what must be done to get people involved in working to curtail the use of fossil fuels while encouraging the use of clean energy. On December 9, 2022 Governor Hochul announced $52 Million Dollars in Awards for Regional Clean Energy Hubs to Connect New York Communities with Clean Energy Resources. 12 Regional Clean Energy Hubs were created to serve as centers of outreach, awareness, and education in regions across New York State to help foster residents’ participation, especially those in underserved or otherwise disadvantaged communities, with respect to New York’s clean energy transition. The announcement supports the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act which is in place to deliver at least 35-40 percent of the benefits from clean energy investments to disadvantaged communities, and help advance an equitable clean energy transition for all New Yorkers.  My guests on this episode are Frankie Lede and Amanda Catale who are working to put these important sustainability  programs into effect and are both stewards of Mother Earth.  Frankie and Amanda are Energy Resource Educators/Advisors with Cornell Cooperative Extension, who are working with the Energy Hub located in the Mid-Hudson Valley. For more info go to: SustainableWestchester: Regional Energy Hub Workforce Development – New Yorkers for Clean Power:

#1622 Holiday Show, Comfort and Joy (Rose), Motherhood, Token Bros, Merry, Merry!

This week’s episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas/The Many Shades of Green is our holiday special, and it features Joy Rose, founder of the Museum of Motherhood, the Mamapalooza Festival, the Moms Who Rock movement, and music from the band Housewives on Prozac. Green Diva Meg and I bring you holiday cheer, a tune from The Tokens, and some post election thoughts.  We discuss the importance of raising one’s voice to be proactive, so that we can help mend the divisions within our nation. So have a Merry, Merry and a Happy 2017! For more info go to,, and Wishing everyone Peace, Love and Understanding……

Getting Green on the Road

Seth-LeitmanElectric cars are cool, electric cars are fun, electric cars don’t pollute the air we breathe, so why aren’t there more of them on the road? My co-host Brian Horowtiz and I chat about this and other topics, with my guest Seth Leitman, Green Living Guy. Seth is an EV car aficionado, and author of a series of books called the Green Guru Guides. He is working with the Solarize initiative in Westchester County to promote solar energy. Seth will be lecturing and touring colleges this Spring, to spread the word about green living. For more information go to


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#1603: Beyond Global Warming

My guest this week is Victor Provenzano, eco-consultant and author, who has written articles for clean tech websites. His article for Clean Technics, entitled The Intermittence of Wind and Solar, has been well received, and has been widely circulated. In addition, Victor is currently working on a new book, Beyond Global Warming, which will emphasize that solutions to current ecological problems are being developed, and will hopefully be put into place within the next decade. You can also check out Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions For The New Energy Era, by Amory Lovins, to get more detailed data, analysis and modeling regarding the future of energy. For more info go to Rocky Mountain Institute:

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#1526: What is the Clean Air Act anyway?

Elon-Rubin-TMSOGWhy are environmental regulations important in helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions? The Clean Air Act and the Clean Power Standard Rule have been put into place to keep the air, land and water safe, in order to reduce the negative health effects of pollutants. Join me and my special guest, Elon D. Rubin, Esq., Environmental lawyer, entrepreneur, techie, musician and most importantly my awesome son, as we talk about the environmental regulatory process, and how citizens can participate in the process. The climate is changing, and we must be proactive in being resilient and adaptive to current and future climate challenges. For more information visit and

#1526: What is the Clean Air Act anyway? by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1525: 2015 Clearwater Music Festival

Abba-and-M-clearwaterNeither rain, nor fog, nor soggy dew could dampen the spirit of the Clearwater 2015 Festival. We spoke to many environmental activists and green entrepreneurs who are creating ideas, and spreading the message about the need to be proactive stewards of Mother Earth. Music echoed throughout the festival, with many performers motivating the populace to take a stand and raise their voices on environmental and social justice issues. Music icon David Crosby, sang new songs with lyrics that commented on the nation’s current state of affairs, and implored people to email, call or show up at the offices of their elected officials and make some noise. Pete Seeger would have been proud to see his vision perpetuated. For more info go to

#1525: 2015 Clearwater Music Festival by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud