1435: Peter Olmsted; Vote Solar

Peter-Olmsted-Vote-SolarThe sun is free, the sun is strong, the sun can power the planet. Join me and my guest Peter Olmsted, Solar Policy Advocate for Vote Solar, as we discuss how grassroot campaigns and communities can bring solar to the people. Peter works to promote energy independence and reduce the effects of climate change by making solar a mainstream energy source across the US. New York is quickly becoming a lead solar state via the NY Sun Initiative. Tomorrow may rain, but we’ll follow the sun. For more info on Vote Solar initiatives and how you can help solarize your community, go to votesolar.org

#1414: Doug Semmes, Green Mountain Energy

green-mountain-energy-doug-semmesAn educated consumer makes the best choices. I can now say I made the best choice, and I am a Green Mountain Energy customer. Doug Semmes and I discuss how important it is to make an effort to have a part of your electric consumption be provided via renewable energy. It is a positive way to reduce your carbon footprint, and be a good eco-citizen. It is easy to sign-up, and it is worth knowing that you are helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are damaging the atmosphere. Cleaner electricity is here to stay, so become part of the solution. You can get more info on Green Mountain Energy by going to www.greenmountain.com.

#1414: Doug Semmes, Green Mountain Energy

#1237: Eco Brooklyn


Guerrilla Green Building, Passive Heating and Cooling, Zero Waste and Zero Energy are all discussed with my guest Gennaro Brooks-Church, Director of Eco Brooklyn.It’s cool to build green. Get more info at www.ecobrooklyn.com






#1237: Eco Brooklyn

#1231: Sustainable CUNY: Let the Sun Shine


Find out your solar potential by knowing how much sun shines on your roof. My guest this week is Tria Case, University Director of Sustainability at CUNY. Tria explains sustainability efforts at the City University of New York and tells you how you can use the NYC Solar Map to calculate costs, and learn about available incentives and payback for investing in solar energy. Listen in and let the sun shine!

#1231: Sustainable CUNY: Let the Sun Shine