The Greening of the Paris Olympics, Media Shame, and is Weird to Blame? with George Polisner

What makes someone weird, and why are they labeled as such? There is good weird and bad weird. The good weird might include someone doing things on the edge or being more creative and just a bit kookie, the bad weird tends to focus on a person who is a labeled a weirdo, as they drift far from the norm. One can be considered weird if you are bizarre, crazy, erratic, screwy, off the wall, outlandish, wacky, spaced out, off-kilter and way out. We can refer to many things as weird, for instance the weather over the last few years has been really weird because it has been extreme, with heat domes, derechos, CAT 5 cyclones and hail the size of softballs pounding our roofs, car hoods and lining our front lawns. So using the phrase “the weather has been really weird” is common of late as it’s not the usual. It’s raining cats and dogs is now passé, as it is more likely raining King Kong and Godzilla sized raindrops. Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz used the “weird” label when he addressed the Republican candidates in July. He said about the party: “These guys are just weird. They’re running for He-Man women-haters’ club or something. That’s what they go at..”  So now, weird is in the spotlight and on the front of a tee shirt that your Blue voting neighbor might be wearing. The question arises, are you good weird or bad weird? Therein lies the conundrum. Joining us on this episode of TMOSG is our resident environmentalist, political analyst, curmudgeon, and difference maker, George Polisner, founder of He gives us some insight into his take on weird, as well as on environmental and political issues. We talk about the greening of the Paris Olympics, the need for the media to do their jobs and call out lies when they are blatantly spoken. We also touch on the 2024 elections and where the weird folks are, as well as the phrase “the exhausted majority.” For more info go to, and

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Pollution, Politics and Positive Astrology of the Harris/Walz ticket #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.” – from the song Garbage by Pete Seeger, late American singer and social activist. 

We need to raise our awareness of what is going on around us. What we need to do is take a moment out of each day to do something proactive to reduce our carbon footprint. The tag line of The Many Shades of Green is Raise Your Eco Consciousness, but how do we do that, and what is eco-consciousness? There is actually a definition. Eco-consciousness, also known as ecological consciousness, is the practice of living sustainably to minimize or harmlessly impact the environment. It involves being aware of how your actions and decisions affect the environment, and making conscious choices to reduce your environmental footprint. Ecological conscience is the awareness of the human impact on the environment and other living organisms and the need for humans to adjust their behaviors and thinking to ensure that the environment and its resources are not destroyed. So what can we do to elevate our actions to be more in tune with nature and reduce our impact? Here are some examples of some actions you can take to be more sustainable: Use LED lights, which use 90% less energy than other lights for the same amount of light. You can also encourage the use of electric leaf blowers, mowers, and weed trimmers.  Use water conservation techniques, such as reducing water usage, shorter showers, and using rain barrels. In terms of transportation take the train, bike, walk and think about purchasing an EV.  Use compostable containers, source from local and sustainable farms, plant native plants and recycle. There are many issues that must be addressed including Air and Water Pollution, Food Waste, Plastic pollution and more.  We need to do more as individuals to become part of the solution and not the problem. Joining us on this podcast episode is our monthly guest commentator, eco-activist, eco-artist and sexy astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse. We touch on topics regarding Air, Water, Plastic Pollution and Food Waste, as well as what Canada is doing to reduce their carbon footprint. In addition Charlotte gives us a rundown of Harris Walz ticket from an Astrology point of view. The new Dem nominees, Harris and Walz are very conscious about environmental issues and they promise to direct legislation to promote clean air, water and more. Climate and environmental advocacy groups are calling the Harris-Walz Democratic ticket a strong pairing on climate policy, citing Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s record of pushing for policies to mitigate climate change in his state. Go to and Sexy Astrology (@SexyAstrology) on YouTube for more info. Check out and follow their environmental policies.

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Mark Sutton talks about his new book “How Democrats Can Win Back Men” plus environmental issues that affect men’s health, how to handle the current election cycle and more

In a recent article in USA Today by Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy entitled Lessons from Hillary: Harris campaign faces a familiar playbook versus Trump, something important was brought up that will greatly effect the US Presidential election in November. It contained a quote by Carol Evans, the founder of Executive Women 4 Hillary in 2016 and the co-founder of 100 Days 4 Harris in North Carolina. She emphasized and stated:”Don’t forget men.” “Invite, welcome and get the men involved. And don’t worry about likability. She’s running for president.”

I know Carol Evans, as she lives in my town, our kids went to school together, and her quote is spot on. We cannot make the same mistake twice, as our democracy is hanging in the balance. My guest on this episode is Mark Sutton, who has much to say about what democrats need to do to win the election. Mark and I have known each other for many years, as we both worked on a radio show on Air America with host Marc Sussman called Green America, which morphed into The Money Message. The program touched on the environment, politics and finance. So flash forward to 2024 and Mark Sutton has written a book entitled How Democrats Can Win Back Men. With the recent turn of events with President Biden dropping out of the race, and Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in, we have a different scenario. While woman are lining up and adding their support, we need to reach out to men to help reverse the loss of their demographic within Democratic party. While it is important to concentrate on female and younger voters, reaching out to men is crucial in this election cycle. We must bring in male voters and work to understand what their issues are, as it is vital to a Democratic victory. Mark gives us some insight into how the dems can best reach out to the male population, a/k/a The Dudes! He has vast experience in media, as he has produced radio content for NPR, Air America and The Mother Jones Radio Show. He appeared as a gender expert on MSNBC, CBS Radio and as a guest host for the TV show Men’s Net. Mark is passionate about economic justice, the environment and much more. His book How Democrats Can Win Back Men is available through Amazon and you can check out Mark’s webpage and his blog on Substack via

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

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Climate Goodness, Earth Justice, Project 2025 and more with George Polisner Founder of Civ.Works

I have been thinking about songs that reflect my mood of late, and three songs came to mind. Two Beatles tunes and an amazing protest song by Tracy Chapman seem to spell things out.

Song number one is the Beatles song HELP 

Help! I need somebody
(Help) not just anybody
(Help) you know I need someone, help


Help me if you can I’m feeling down

and I do appreciate you feeling ’round

Help me get my feet back on the ground

Won’t you please, please help me

The second tune is also from the Beatles Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Ob-La-Di, ob-la-da 

Life goes on, brah

La, la, how the life goes on

It ends with: 

And if you want to have some fun

Take Ob-la-di-bla-da

Thank you

and lastly a real protest song

   Talkin’ Bout a Revolution (Tracy Chapman)

Don’t you know

They’re talking about a revolution?

It sounds like a whisper

Don’t you know you better run, run, run, run, run, run

‘Cause finally the tables are starting to turn

Talkin’ ’bout a revolution

The question now arises, which lyric would you choose to describe your state of mind? I said in a recent email to George Polisner, that I am pretty much a nervous wreck and I am falling down the rabbit hole. I feel like I have travelled through the looking glass into a bizzaro world, so my inclination is to go with the first lyric…HELP! The anger within me is Talkin’ Bout a Revolution, but the optimist inside is going with Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, as life will go on. Being a boomer, I have lived through the McCarthy Era, the Cuban Missile crisis, Duck and Cover, the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, the Vietnam War, the Civil rights movement, violent protests, 9-11, the 2008 financial collapse, the pandemic and more, but what is going on in this current political climate is a nightmare that I cannot seem to wake up from. On TMSOG we try to inform our listeners about environmental and social justice issues, and we highlight the positive work people are doing. We also call out those who are trying to take America down and bring us back to a time when our freedoms were restricted. I had more rights over my own body in the 1970’s than I do now as a result of the recent SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade, and I am afraid of what they are coming for next.  According to Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation, women should go back to being housewives, mothers and nothing more. Their mantra is “go make some babies and stay out of politics!” What kind of world are we leaving for our grandchildren? Loyalty to party over country will wipe us out!! We have a responsibility to current and future generations, and we must do better, we must do whatever it takes for the greater good to create a world that is respectful to all its inhabitants. Our resident environmentalist, political analyst and curmudgeon, George Polisner, founder of, gives us some insight into environmental and political issues. We talk about some good environmental news, tangible actions people can take to make their voices heard and improve society, as well as Project 2025 and more. Find out more by going to, and

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024:

Heat Domes, Deepfakes, Disinformation-Plus History of Juneteenth and CEO’s choosing dollars over Democracy with George Polisner, Founder of Civ.Works

Yogi Berra quote: “It ain’t the heat it’s the humility.”

“When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” Ronald Reagan

Over half of the United States is currently sweltering under a heat dome making millions of people miserable. The song Summer Time written by George Gershwin, which has been covered by Ella Fitzgerald, Janis Joplin and others has the line “summer time, and the living is easy” but climate change is changing the tune. As weather becomes more extreme, heat waves, floods and wildfires are now the norm, and more and more people are living in conditions that are detrimental to their health and well being. The cries from the cult say it’s all a hoax, and it’s just the weather. Well, if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. The weather is so extreme, that insurance companies are no longer offering home insurance in many states which are more prone to hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and earthquakes. Deny, deny, deny and drill, drill, drill continue to be the mantras of a certain political party out of touch with the citizens who they represent who have been affected by extreme weather and cannot get their lives back. Disinformation is being used to divide the populous and create chaos. A government of the people, by the people and for the people cannot subsist when propaganda rules the news cycles. So what can we do to make things better and how can we shape policy and forge ahead in a more positive way? There are actions being taken to help the environment, such as the newly established American Climate Corps. The first class of ACC was recently sworn in to this federal program that is meant to place young people in the clean energy, conservation and climate resilience sectors. In addition, there are clean tech innovations being developed and environmental groups are working to protect the planet. In terms of what you can do to help, be active in your community and teach civility and civics to your kids. Also, please make sure you are registered to vote (go to On this episode of TMSOG podcast, our resident environmentalist, political analyst and curmudgeon, George Polisner, founder of, gives us some insight into environmental and political issues. We discuss Juneteenth, deepfakes and disinformation, as well as what actions we can take before November 5th and much more. Visit for more info.

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

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Jeffrey Rissman author of ‘Zero-Carbon Industry: Transformative Technologies and Policies to Achieve Sustainable Prosperity’ discusses GHG Emissions in the Industrial Sector


 Progress is defined as movement toward an improved or more developed state. The Industrial Revolution was a major period of industrialization, and a defining moment in the timeline of mankind’s accomplishments, but while it has it brought manufacturing to the forefront, as well as new ideas and technologies, it has also brought a depletion of natural resources, as factories continue to spew smog and soot into the air. The emissions and release of pollutants and chemicals into rivers and streams has resulted in increased air and water pollution. Fossil fuels, which include coal, oil, and fracked gas play a major role in the release of green house gas emissions into the atmosphere, but there are other high-emission sectors which need to cut emissions, specifically those which manufacture materials such as iron, steel, chemicals, cement, and concrete. Jeffrey Rissman discusses current technology and policies being put into place to combat greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial sector. Jeffrey is the Senior Director for Industry at Energy Innovation, where he leads the company’s work on technologies and policies to eliminate industrial greenhouse gas emissions. He is the author of Zero-Carbon Industry: Transformative Technologies and Policies to Achieve Sustainable Prosperity (2024) and coauthor of Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon Energy (2018). In 2024, Jeffrey was appointed by Secretary Jennifer Granholm to serve on the Department of Energy’s Industrial Technology Innovation Advisory Committee. Jeffrey is also the creator of the Energy Policy Simulator, an open-source computer model that quantifies the effects of various energy and environmental policies in combination, predicting outputs such as fuel use, pollutant emissions, financial cost or savings, electric vehicle deployment, power sector structure, and more. For more information go to

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TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024: