Plastic Rain, Acid Rain, Purple Rain and the Dismantling of the EPA, NOAA, FEMA, with Eco-activist/artist Charlotte Ghiorse

First there was acid rain, then Prince brought us Purple Rain, and now we have plastic rain. In simple terms, acid rain refers to precipitation—rain, snow, sleet, or fog—that has high levels of acidic components, like sulfuric and nitric acid. It occurs when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air from burning fossil fuels. These pollutants react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the atmosphere to form acidic compounds, which then fall to the earth’s surface as precipitation. It also disrupts aquatic ecosystems by making lakes and streams too acidic for fish and other wildlife to survive. Now we have plastic rain, which refers to the phenomenon where microplastic particles, tiny pieces of plastic, less than 5 millimeters long, are deposited from the sky in rain through atmospheric deposition.
The presence of microplastics in rain raises concerns about their potential impact on ecosystems and human health, as they can contaminate water sources, food chains, and even penetrate deep-sea habitats. Studies have shown that microplastics can be found in rainwater and even in remote areas like national parks and Antarctica. A study published in Science found that over 1,000 metric tons of microplastic particles fall into protected areas in the western USA each year. 
Microplastics get into the food we eat, the water we drink, the land we walk on and it is in our brains, lungs, bloodstream and more. Microplastics come from from synthetic fibers, industrial waste, and the breakdown of plastic products. Plastic pollution has become very pervasive and unless solutions are in place to stop plastic production, the problem will persist. To add to these problems, we now have a government which has slashed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with many health agencies and organizations which do research and put policies into place to protect the land, air, water and citizens of the US and the globe. How can we dodge the DOGE? Our resident eco-activist, artist and astrologer Charlotte Ghiorse joins us on this episode to talk about plastic rain, the dismantling of the US government agencies which were put in place to protect us, and she gives us an astrology update. Prince, as usual, was ahead of himself with Purple Rain, now if we can turn the clock back to 1999, that would be a good thing, as we would all sleep much better. For info on Charlotte go to @sexyastrologer on Facebook and Youtube Donate to Union of Concerned Scientists and ACLU

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to: and  Follow The Many Shades of Green on FB and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on Blue Sky Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.

Is it Safe? Democracy is Free Falling! With George Polisner founder of

“The rich run a global system that allows them to accumulate more wealth while leaving the majority struggling to survive.” – Naomi Klein

The government as we know it is dangling by a thread. The broligarchy has taken over and anointed a self proclaimed king. Here is a quote from the current occupant of the White House, and the dialog that ensued with MAGA MAN and the Governor of NY.

“CONGESTION PRICING IS DEAD. Manhattan, and all of New York, is SAVED. LONG LIVE THE KING!” DJ Trump

New York Governor Kathy Hochul responded by saying that President Trump’s gambit to kill congestion pricing is a direct federal “attack on New York sovereignty” by a self-proclaimed “king.” She further stated that “I’m here to say, New York hasn’t labored under a king in over 250 years, and we sure as hell are not going to start now. The streets of the city where battles were fought, we stood up to a king, and we won then. In case you don’t know New Yorkers, when we’re in a fight, we do not back down — not now, not ever.” “I’m governing the great state of New York. I don’t need to be play-wack-a-mole every time something crazy comes out of Washington,” she said. “But you came after New Yorkers, and now I have to step up on this issue.We are not subservient to a king or anyone else out of Washington,” she added. All I can say is bravo to Hochul for having the chutzpah to call out the liar in chief. While congestion pricing has its pros and cons, the fact that Governor Hochul had the balls to stand up to Trump was impressive. We need to shout from the rafters, that the US is not a Kingdom, and democracy is still alive!

We need to start dredging up the tea leaves from Boston Harbor and kick start our brains into taking action to stop the self proclaimed king and his henchmen from destroying our country. I would always think to myself, how did the people of Germany and the world let the atrocities of the Third Reich happen? It’s not quite 100 years later, yet here we are, in the US of A, experiencing a takeover of democracy in front of our eyes. Is it a coup, is it a Constitutional Crisis, will it take a Revolution or Civil War to stop it? The spineless GOP and mainstream media are in with it, after all, the golden calf needs to be milked, and power and greed are the end game. We are all in the Gulf of Despair, paddling with half a paddle. The only ones who will save us are ourselves! On this episode of TMSOG, we have our resident environmentalist, political analyst and curmudgeon, George Polisner, founder of on the program. George gives us some insight into the state of the world and the quick sand we find ourselves in. Where is the opposition, the media, the union soldiers? It’s time to get out of our collective funk and take action. For more info go to Please donate to and

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to: and  Follow The Many Shades of Green on FB and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on Blue Sky Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.–64484514

Mother Nature to Earthlings “only you can prevent wildfires, so do something about it!” Planting Native trees and shrubs is a start…

FIRE by Bruce Springsteen

Romeo and Juliet

Samson and Delilah

You can bet

Their love they couldn’t deny

Your words say split

But your words they lie

When we kiss

Oh, fire, Fire

So to go back a bit before Romeo and Juliet, the discovery of fire dates back to prehistoric times, when Homo erectus inhabited the Earth. The earliest evidence of controlled fire use is at least one million years old. The oldest unequivocal evidence of fire use is from Qesem Cave in Israel, which dates back 300,000 to 400,000 years. Use of fire in prehistoric era Homo erectus likely used fire inspired by lightning strikes and forest fires. 
Fast forward to 2025 and fire is more associated with disasters, as the prevalence of wildfires in the US and around the globe have reached levels not previously seen before.
As global temperatures rise and winds increase in velocity, many forest areas have become a tinderbox. Climate change has brought us more extreme weather, and the latest fire tragedy in Los Angeles is more proof that many states in the US are not prepared for what’s coming, and that it is crucial for governments and citizens to adapt and be more resilient in dealing with this new abnormal. It is therefore so important to incorporate methods to help reduce the severity of wildfires, as well as droughts, floods and other climate related weather. California is a desert, and non-native plants can be a hazard. Palm trees are beautiful, but most are not native to the state, with the Desert Fan Palm being the exception. As a rule, no matter what state you live in, we have to make our yards more resilient and plant native. I will use LA as an example, but our ecosystems must be supported nationwide. L.A. must balance fire resilience with ecological preservation by gradually replacing flammable non-native plants like eucalyptus and palm trees with native and fire-resistant species while rethinking urban landscapes and land management practices. California native plants have remarkable characteristics that provide protective services to homes and structures during and after a fire. Los Angeles must adopt long-term strategies for sustainable rebuilding and land management.        

Our resident wildlife and environmental expert Victoria Alzapiedi joins us on this episode of TMSOG to talk about the importance and benefits of planting native.  We also delve into how toxins released by wildfires impact human health, as well as erosion control, the importance of adding solar panels to roofs, keeping our local and regional waterways clean and more. For more info go to New Castle Healthy Yards and The Nature of Westchester on Facebook. and California Native Plant Society  also have good information. Please donate to the and

To donate to those affected by the LA Wildfires go to: and

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and  Follow The Many Shades of Green on FB and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on Blue Sky Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.

Manly Men, Climate Change and Spermageddon with Mark W. Sutton

The Oligarchy is already entrenched in the US, and the billionaire man boys are touting the man culture, because hey, men need help. Recently, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg who turned to the MAGA side said that more “masculine energy” is needed in the American workplace, because the current high levels of male dominance in the corporate world is not enough! There seems to be a tech-bros-know-how-to-be-macho movement which is being splashed across the news cycles as Bezos, Musk, and Zuckerberg et al, spread their testosterone far and wide, especially Musk, who is on a mission to populate the world almost by himself, as he has fathered 12 children by various women. In addition, misogyny and predatory behavior once a roadblock to being a government representative, is now being brushed aside, as the GOP turns the other cheek when a prospective cabinet member is accused of sexual assault or is a blackout drunk! Amazingly they stopped Matt Gaetz, but he will rise again, pun intended! Men have ruled the world for centuries, and look where it’s gotten us!! How are we going to reach regular good guys and the men who need help and need guidance to get through these tough times. Who is looking after them? Certainly not the Tech/MAGA bros.
So what do we do in this new year to protect the planet and protect ourselves from the incoming blitzkrieg?  Are there men who will stand along side women to resist, and fight and take action to heal the earth? The world is topsy turvy now, and there is much work to be done to preserve the rights of Earthlings and resist the madmen! 
On the climate side of things, we need to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for their role in causing global warming, which is leading to extreme weather events. On this week’s episode of TMSOG, Mark W. Sutton joins us and he gives us some insight into how best to reach out to men. We discuss how chemicals in the environment are harming children and lowering  mens sperm counts (Spermageddon), plus we talk about the LA fires and the hell storm in the White House. Mark is the author of the very timely book How Democrats Can Win Back Men. He has produced radio content for NPR, Air America and The Mother Jones Radio Show. He appeared as a gender expert on MSNBC, CBS Radio and as a guest host for the TV show Men’s Net. He is passionate about social justice, economic justice, the environment and much more. For more info go to

To donate to those affected by the LA Wildfires go to: and

If you need a laugh, and I think we all do, check out Spermageddon, a Norwegian Animated film of that name — here is the trailer.

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and  Follow The Many Shades of Green on FB and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on Blue Sky Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.

Oligarchs Fanning the Flames of Climate Change with George Polisner founder of

“The thing about climate change is that it really doesn’t care if you believe in it or not.” unknown

“In the decades to come, we will look back and wonder what biblical levels of greed prevented us from taking the necessary actions to prevent climate change.” Finneas, songwriter, actor, and musician who is the brother of Billie Eilish

Outgoing US President Joe Biden warned of the dangers of an oligarchy gaining power as he delivered his farewell address and brought a decades-long career in politics to an end. He said “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that really threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedom,” He also used his final speech from the White House to issue warnings about climate change and social media disinformation. On climate change, he said “powerful forces want to wield their unchecked influence to eliminate the steps we’ve taken to tackle the climate crisis to serve their own interests for power and profit.”As the oligarchs push their oil and gas agenda, the “drill, baby drill” mantra gives the CEOs of the fossil fuel industry and the tech barons a giant boner. AI and bitcoins use massive amounts of energy, and there is little consideration as to what the after effects will be. Has any one tech oligarch pledged any money to the devastating wildfires sweeping through Los Angeles County? If Musk is Iron Man, how is he helping the communities engulfed by multiple wildfires, which has led to unprecedented destruction and loss? He seems to add more flames to the fire with his rhetoric and conspiracy theories about water, and DEI practices of the LA Fire Department. While he sent some Tesla Cybertrucks to set-up Starlinks in some locations to help with internet connections, as the world’s richest man, he should be doing much more. The damage and destruction of the most significant blazes—the Palisades Fire, the Eaton Fire, and the Hurst Fire—have collectively scorched close to 40,000 acres, and it is on track to be the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history. On this TMSOG podcast episode, we talk about the LA fires and how climate change is exacerbating their severity, as well as how the US is teetering on the verge of a kleptocracy as the oligarchs have infiltrated our government. We delve into political and environmental topics with our monthly contributor, commentator, curmudgeon and founder of, George Polisner. For the latest official updates and resources, please visit the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) website at Check out, and please donate by visiting, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767) or texting the word CAWILDFIRES to 90999 to make a donation and to World Central Kitchen

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green on FB and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on Blue Sky Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.

Trains in the Fast Lane, Maglevs and Righteous Indignation with Pluto in Aquarius with Eco-Activist, Artist and Sexy Astrology Founder Charlotte Ghiorse

“Under President Biden’s leadership, we are making historic investments in rail, which means fewer accidents and delays, faster travel times, and lower shipping costs for the American people.” “These projects will make American rail safer, more reliable, and more resilient, delivering tangible benefits to dozens of communities where railroads are located, and strengthening supply chains for the entire country.” USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

As a kid I used to play with my brother’s Lionel train set, and I particularly liked the miniature animals and people which I could place in the station or on the caboose (the last car on the train). I grew up in Brooklyn, and my mom Ruthie the QOFE (Queen of F’ing Everything) would often take me on the BMT subway line to downtown Brooklyn to shop at A&S and go to the Automat for lunch. I loved train rides, and for years I commuted from the suburbs to NYC on the Metro North Railroad. I have taken Amtrak trains to Washington DC and Boston, and I have ridden the rails in Europe. Train travel started in 1830 on Christmas Day when the first mechanical passenger train in the US opened for service. On May 10th 1869 the infamous ceremonial 17.6 karat golden spike (also known as The Last Spike) was driven in by Leland Stanford to join the rails of the first transcontinental railroad across the United States connecting the Central Pacific Railroad from Sacramento and the Union Pacific Railroad from Omaha. Over the next century, both passenger and freight rail exploded, laying the tracks for westward expansion and an economic boom. During his 36 years as a senator, President Biden traveled back and forth from Wilmington DE to Washington DC daily. The president says he’s logged more than 1 million miles on Amtrak during his public service career. Biden has asked  “Why, in the United States of America, do we not have the best rail system in the world?” He noted that better train service in some of America’s busiest locales would help ease car traffic and potentially reduce fossil fuel use, he added, “There’s so much more we can do to better the environment and quality of life.” Passenger rail ridership has been on the decline, but people still like to take trains, and we need to improve the train system in the US, as Europe, Japan and China have more advanced rail systems, including high speed bullet trains. Polls do show that improved Amtrak services are important to Americans. It is a more sustainable way to travel and it can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our transportation sector.  Our monthly guest commentator, eco-activist, artist and sexy astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse joins us to discuss the importance of trains in the fight against climate change, plus some Astrology updates.

To listen to past TMSOG shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcasts on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024

Paris and Ithaca: A Tale of Two Cities Working to put Green Plans into Action with Artist, Eco Activist, and Sexy Astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse

When I asked Charlotte Ghiorse our guest on this episode of The Many Shades of Green the standard opening question:

Quel ton de vert préférez-vous? (What’s your shade of green/ what shade of green do you prefer?)

She answered “Vert Caca d’oie”  (Goose poop green)

Charlotte was in France at the time of the taping, so we got slightly carried away with the what’s your shade of green question. Both Paris and Ithaca have been in the news of late, as both cities have put green initiatives into place to reduce their carbon emissions. In Ithaca, the city is focused on eliminating gas from buildings because as stated in, homes in the United States are responsible for about 20% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions annually. These emissions come directly from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, fracked gas and gasoline. Shifting your home energy towards cleaner alternatives is a critical component to slashing emissions and creating a healthier future, as natural gas is mostly methane, a potent greenhouse gas with more climate-warming particles. The goal then is to switch buildings to electricity that’s generated mostly from renewable electricity. Heat pumps and geothermal energy are being used as alternatives to gas. Ithaca is working with their electric utility NYSEG, and using incentives to make the gas to electric switch happen. 

On the other side of the pond, Paris is working to make the city more resilient and has added more bike lanes and green space. The air quality is not great and the Seine is polluted, but Paris has a plan. The city is preparing for the 2024 Summer Olympics and is working hard to have the various sites be more sustainable. The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, has placed green policies at the forefront of her campaigns, and she has plans to plant four new ‘urban forests’ next to major landmarks including the Hôtel de Ville, the Gare de Lyon and the Opéra Garnier. Hidalgo told The New York Times that one of her major goals is to “build this city around the individual” using the “15 minute city” model proposed by Carlos Moreno, a professor at the city’s Sorbonne University. In this model of the city, residents would have access to all basic services (public transport, shops, schools) within a quarter-hour of their home. One simple way to do that, is to put nature back into urban life. I was in Paris at the Eiffel Tower last November and I saw the work being done on the new park surrounding the landmark, and it is going to be beautiful. As mentioned, an area of concern now is the pollution in the Seine. Many Olympic water events are going to take place on and in the river, so something needs to be done quite quickly to resolve this issue, as the controversy surrounding the quality of the water is in the forefront. With that aside, Paris is making headway to be cleaner and greener.  By 2030, the most famous street in Paris, the Champs-Élysées, will be turned into an ‘extraordinary garden’ as part of a massive €250 million makeover. The plans include reducing the number of car lanes from four to two, creating new pedestrian and green areas, and planting ‘tree tunnels’ that improve air quality along the 1.9km-long avenue. Joni Mitchell will be happy to hear that news, as her tune Free Man in Paris originally released in 1974, has her wandering down the Champs-Elysees, which will soon look quite different, and will be environmentally friendly.

Our resident artist, eco-activist and astrologist, Charlotte Ghiorse discusses what is happening in Ithaca and Paris to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. She also gives us some updated astrology (Uranus in conjunct with Jupiter in the 11h House), and much more. To get more info as to what Charlotte is up to go to and visit Sexy Astrology on Facebook and YouTube. Check out for sustainability info. For past shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green (TMSOG) on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Listen to TMSOG podcast on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list (at # 8) of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts to follow in 2024

Cornell Cooperative Regional Clean Energy Hub in the Hudson Valley

We all have to care, we all have to do our part to protect Mother Earth. With the recent IPCC report from the UN, which stated that we will pierce the 2 degree threshold for global warming within a decade, it is more important than ever that we take actions now on both local and global levels to reduce the impact of climate change and carbon emissions. Our local and state officials must lead the way to create programs that help communities, especially in underserved areas, to be proactive in reducing green house gas emissions and more. This includes making renewable energy more available and affordable, creating green jobs and educating the public on what must be done to get people involved in working to curtail the use of fossil fuels while encouraging the use of clean energy. On December 9, 2022 Governor Hochul announced $52 Million Dollars in Awards for Regional Clean Energy Hubs to Connect New York Communities with Clean Energy Resources. 12 Regional Clean Energy Hubs were created to serve as centers of outreach, awareness, and education in regions across New York State to help foster residents’ participation, especially those in underserved or otherwise disadvantaged communities, with respect to New York’s clean energy transition. The announcement supports the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act which is in place to deliver at least 35-40 percent of the benefits from clean energy investments to disadvantaged communities, and help advance an equitable clean energy transition for all New Yorkers.  My guests on this episode are Frankie Lede and Amanda Catale who are working to put these important sustainability  programs into effect and are both stewards of Mother Earth.  Frankie and Amanda are Energy Resource Educators/Advisors with Cornell Cooperative Extension, who are working with the Energy Hub located in the Mid-Hudson Valley. For more info go to: SustainableWestchester: Regional Energy Hub Workforce Development – New Yorkers for Clean Power:

The Democracy Doomsday Clock is Ticking

We are now in very trying times and the need for putting together the collective will of the people who want clean air, healthcare, gun reform, affordable housing and democratic values is becoming more difficult due to the spreading of misinformation and outright lies. The citizenry must vote for leaders who have the ability to provide policies, and are educated and versed in making government work. Time in not on our side, and my guest on this episode, George Polisner, says that the democracy doomsday clock is quickly ticking away. George is a monthly commentator and friend of the podcast, who is working to educate citizens about civic responsibility to increase participation to promote the civic good. He is working to engage the populous to be more active and take action to protect our democratic values. George is a Behavioral Economist and Technologist with a passion for civic engagement and works to create a growing and fair economy, safe and well-funded schools and environmental protection. He is active in policy, addressing wealth and income inequality, participatory democracy and he has significant experience in corporate social responsibility. George is the Founder of Civ Works, a non-profit technology platform for civic engagement, constituent engagement, participatory democracy and participatory budgeting. For more info go to Please subscribe to TMSOG podcast on your favorite podcast app, and for past shows go to and #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Coalition to Prevent Westchester Airport Expansion with Peter Schlactus

If you are living near a large or small airport, please know that you are being exposed to ultrafine particles of air pollution. Emissions from aviation are a significant contributor to climate change. If unmitigated, aviation emissions are expected to double or triple by 2050. Adverse environmental impacts affect communities that are near airports, especially those near watersheds areas which affect stormwater runoff and drinking water. Westchester Airport is a local airport in a suburb of NYC and there are major concerns about water and air pollution, as well as noise and increased usage by private jets. The skies are not very friendly in the surrounding communities, and my guest this week, Peter Schlactus, is tirelessly working to reduce the expansion of Westchester Airport, to help reduce environmental impacts to area residents, as the airport borders the Kensico watershed. Peter is a member of the Steering Committee of the Coalition to Prevent Westchester Airport Expansion, a non-profit watchdog group of community and environmental organizations, as well as many hundreds of unaffiliated residents that together represent thousands of constituents united in seeking a vibrant but limited and environmentally responsible County airport, with no expansion of airport operations. For more information go to or

To file a noise complaint go to

Please subscribe to The Many Shades of Green Podcast on Spotify, Apple,, iHeart, Amazon and more. Check out past shows on and Follow us on FaceBook and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

TMSOG welcomes guest Margaret Perkins, climate activist with 350NYC

Our guest on this episode is Margaret Perkins, who works on climate legislation in NYC with 350NYC. We discuss the importance of cities in the global climate fight and the C40 international coalition of cities. We talk about the need to reduce carbon emissions in buildings, and we touch on the pandemic, and the vaccine, as Margaret has a background in public health and infectious diseases. It is very important that we all take action the reduce our carbon footprint, and below, see some solutions and actions you can take. For more info go to,,, . Send us a tweet @tmshadesofgreen

Easy steps to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions that
cause climate change.

 Shift your diet to eat more plant-based foods
 Reduce food waste and buy foods from local producers
 Compost organic waste; find local drop-off sites here-

 NYC passed Local Law 97 and this mandates limits on greenhouse
gas emissions in large building like Lincoln Towers by 2030
 Stay informed how you and your building must comply with this
 Use LED light bulbs, Energy Star efficient appliances
 Urge your board and management company to choose a “green”
energy supply company (ESCO) that generates electricity from
wind, solar or hydro;

 Buy brands that use non-fluorinated gases (CFCs and HFCs) as
coolants. HFCs are potent greenhouse gases. See brands here;
 Dispose of old appliances according to local Dept of Sanitation

1803 Van Jones, Vien Truong, Rev Yearwood discuss Poverty, Pollution and Climate Justice

The most vulnerable members of society bear the brunt of adverse pollution effects. This is becoming more prevalent each day, as we see what has happened in Flint Michigan and the Port of Newark. Pollutants fill the air and water in lower and middle class neighborhoods, where the population is at greater risk both medically and financially.  This episode brings in three powerful community leaders, Van Jones, Vien Truong and Reverend Yearwood to discuss this important issue.  Cheech and Chong and Harold and Kumar also get mentioned, as spotted owls need to be saved from black market marijuana growers in CA.  There is also the story of Camels and Botox, yup you read that right.  So tune in, be informed and be active. It’s time to be Green for All! For more info go to,,

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