#1231: Sustainable CUNY: Let the Sun Shine


Find out your solar potential by knowing how much sun shines on your roof. My guest this week is Tria Case, University Director of Sustainability at CUNY. Tria explains sustainability efforts at the City University of New York and tells you how you can use the NYC Solar Map to calculate costs, and learn about available incentives and payback for investing in solar energy. Listen in and let the sun shine!

#1231: Sustainable CUNY: Let the Sun Shine


#1230: El Puente: The Green Light District


Muralistas, green education and community all come together to create a more sustainable Williamsburg, and a more sustainable planet. This week’s guest, Anusha Venkataraman, is the Acting Director of El Puente’s Green Light District intiative. Anusha gives us insight into the programs and initiatives of El Puente, which moves to build community involvement and awareness of culture and the environment.




#1230: El Puente: The Green Light District

#1224: Amanda Gentile of Grow NYC


Features Amanda Gentile, Director of Development and Communication of GROW NYC, a hands-on non-profit working to build sustainable communities through farming, education and community action.






#1224: Amanda Gentile of Grow NYC

#1220: Ben Shuldiner of the Highschool for Public Service

Ben-Shuldiner-of-the-Highschool-for-Public-ServiceFeatures Ben Shuldiner, an educator, social activist, and founder and Principal of The Highschool for Public Service in Wingate, Brooklyn. The school serves as a flagship model for how sustainable practices interconnect with education in public school, and boasts a 10,000 sq. ft.vegetable farm on the front lawn in partnership with Green Guerillas and BK Farmyards.





#1220: Ben Shuldiner of the Highschool for Public Service

#1216: Activist and Musician Sharon Abreu


Sharon Abreu who is a vocalist, activist, educator and executive director of Irthlingz, an organization that uses music and multi-media entertainment as tools to educate people about the environment.






#1216: Activist and Musician Sharon Abreu

#1205: Donna Stein of NYC Friends of Clearwater


Features Donna Stein, President of NYC Friends of Clearwater, which is a chartered sloop club that teaches people to protect the Hudson River and related waterways through education, advocacy and celebration.




#1205: Donna Stein of NYC Friends of Clearwater

#1109: Erika Brenner & Jessica Leinwand

Food-360-Logo-The-Many-Shades-Of-GreenFeatures Youth Program Manager Jessica Leinwand, Farm & Educational Coordinator Erika Brenner, and students of Food 360, a farm-to-fork job training program that is a collaboration between Family Cook Productionsand Dekalb Farm in downtown Brooklyn.


#1109: Erika Brenner & Jessica Leinwand

#1108: Melissa Ennen of the Commons Brooklyn

Melissa-Ennen-The-Commons-Brooklyn-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenFeatures Melissa Ennen, founder of Foodshed Market and The Commons Brooklyn community and educational center in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.



#1108: Melissa Ennen of the Commons Brooklyn

#1104: Glenn Robinson of Bags for the People

Glenn-Robinson-Bags-for-the-People-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenFeatures Glenn Robinson, founder of Bags for the People, delves into the subject or replacing plastic bags with reusable bags. With the motto “sew me, use me, wash me, reuse me.” Glenn is working to educate the public to use less plastic, by learning how to sew bags made from reusable materials. He is on the path to get people to redue, reuse and recycle, in order to promote positive change and earth friendly habits.

#1104: Glenn Robinson of Bags for the People

#1101: Phillip Musegaas of Riverkeeper

Phillip-Musegaas-The-Hudson-River-Project-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenFeatures Phillip Musegaas of Riverkeeper, and discussions on the Indian Point nuclear power plant 38 miles north of New York City, in Peekskill, New York.

#1101: Phillip Musegaas of Riverkeeper