#1518: To Life! Eco-Art in Pursuit of a Sustainable Planet


What is Eco-art and how does it differ from conventional western art and mediums? For the answer, tune in to this week’s program, as Eco-artist, educator, author and curator, Linda Weintraub and I discuss how eco-artists connect to the natural earth via photography, performance and public art, and much more. These cutting edge artists help transform our way of life, through their unique approaches and unconventional methods, which set out to transform our environmental consciousness. From the use of microbes, which ebb and flow into divergent patterns of life forms, to a sunflower which is equipped to photograph the sun as it follows it in the sky, this burgeoning art field helps raise awareness of the environmental impact, both positive and negative, that we humans are having on the planet. For more information about Linda’s work and her book: To Life! Eco-Art in Pursuit of a Sustainable Planet, go to lindaweintraub.com.

#1518: To Life! Eco-Art in Pursuit of a Sustainable Planet by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1515: Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot

Butler_TomOverdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot – Tom Butler’s new large format coffee table book, tells the story of how population increase, and the rise of the industrial complex, has led to social, economic and environmental problems world wide. The phrase ” a picture’s worth a thousand words” is most evident in the photos taken during this three year journey to expose man’s quest to dominate the planet, and leave sprawl, over growth, disease and destruction in its path. We over indulge, over-plug, and over saturate this beautiful planet, with blatant disregard for the other species who live on earth. Tom and I discuss how we can resolve and build solutions to these problems. This unique approach, which uses powerful photographs, illustrates that humankind must do better, we must stop drilling, stop building and stop decimating the earth. Mother Nature is not happy, but we can do things to make her smile again. Go to populationspeakout.org for more information.

#1515: Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot by The Many Shades Of Green on Mixcloud

#1514: Bringing Zen Into Your Life


What steps can you take to enhance the flow of chi? How do you create functional, sustainable and balanced spaces in your home by using Feng Shui techniques? What does the color green represent on the BAGUA MAP, and how many shades of green are there? Find out by tuning in, as this week’s guest, and friend of the show Anjie Cho and I discuss how to put some Feng in your Shui. Her new book: 108 Ways to Create Holistic Spaces, is a must read to bring zen and harmony into your life. Anjie is a LEED certified green architect, and is a BTB Feng Shui practitioner. For information go to holisticspaces.com. Her new book is available on amazon.com

#1507: Eco-Thriller Author, Jenny Milchman

Jenny_Milchman_Ruin-FallsJoin me and my guest, author Jenny Milchman as we talk about her new Eco-Thriller, “RUIN FALLS”, which combines family suspense with environmental undertones. Jenny and I discuss how she interconnects issues of sustainability within the context of her writing.

She is also the founder of Take Your Kids to a Bookstore Day, and Jenny has a third book coming out later this year entitled “As Night Falls”. As special bonus, the first listener that contacts us via our Facebook page with the name of the town the main character lives in, which also appears in her previous book “Cover of Snow” and reappears in “Ruin Falls” will win an autographed copy of “Ruin Falls”. Visit jennymilchman.com to get more information about her books and Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day.


#1450: New Year’s Eve Special

Robyn-Moore-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenRaising Veg Kids’ Robyn Moore and Dom Gervasi of Made in Brooklyn Tours tell us why it’s important to buy local, and enjoy the flavors of products made in Brooklyn.

Eating well is a good resolution for the New Year, and Robyn’s blog RaisingVegKids.com gives you the information needed to make healthier food choices.

Dom-Gervasi-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-1Dom will take you on tours of places in Brooklyn where various items are made local, and where food is prepared fresh daily. Since Made in Brooklyn tours are walking tours, you get exercise, as well as the feel of many neighborhoods and landmarks which make Brooklyn such a special place.

For more information go to MadeinBrooklynTours.com and Raisingvegkids.com

#1448: Zoe Weil, Co-Founder and President of The Institute for Humane Education

Zoe-Weil-Humane-Education-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenWhat connection does Star Trek have to humane education? What needs to be done to our education system to foster creativity, compassion, ethics, empathy and critical thinking? Students need to be better prepared to be problem solvers and thinkers. Our guest this week is Zoe Weil, co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education (IHE). Zoe and I discuss the importance of transforming education, via concepts that teach children to be more caring, nurturing, and curious. While teaching the three R’s is important, humane education will lead to a more peaceful and harmonious society. Zoe is working to establish the Solutionary School in NYC, as she believes that societal problems can be solved by offering curriculum which highlights social justice, respect and empathy, in order to create a more humane and sustainable world. For more information about The Institute for Humane Education and The Solutionary School please visit humaneeducation.org & solutionaryschoolnyc.org and check our her inspiring “The World Becomes What You Teach” Tedx Talk: http://youtu.be/t5HEV96dIuY

#1446: Happy Greengiving

Holiday-Greengiving-tmsog copy

It’s that time of year again, when consumerism and family collide into what we call the holiday season. To help you incorporate sustainable choices into your gift giving, decorations and food, we’ve invited Elissa Olin from Green in BKLYN, Ashley Spivak from Clean Plates and Eva Radke of Film Biz Recycling to share their tips and ideas. greeninbklyn.com, cleanplates.com & filmbizrecycling.org

1439: Andrew Winston, author of “The Big Pivot”

Winston-Andrew-the-many-shades-of-green“Green is Gold” is a classic book, offering a roadmap to companies worldwide to create value from environmental strategy. The author of that book, Andrew Winston, is my guest this week, and his latest book entitled, “The Big Pivot: Radically Practical Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer and More Open World” focuses on how businesses must deal with climate change to create more sustainability driven innovation. Tune in to find out what the Big Pivot is, and how it will help companies adapt and adjust their practices to become better stewards of the environment. For more information visit andrewwinston.com