“We are keepers of the planet, we are protectors of the water, the land, the air.” Join me and my guest Don Raskopf, a member of the Board of Directors for Clearwater, and co-founder of Ban Fracking Now, as we delve into topics of fracking, train transportation of bakken crude oil, green building and the musical connection to Clearwater via one its founders, Pete Seeger. Music continues to be the message, as it is the force behind social movement and activism. For more information about Clearwater and the upcoming Clearwater Festival go to clearwater.org.
Category: Nature
#1505: Thinking Animals part 1/2
If we could talk to the animals, just imagine it, chatting to a chimp in chimpanzee, imagine talking to a tiger, chatting to a cheetah, what a neat achievement that would be. In Part 1 of my talk with Bonnie Wyper, President and Director of Thinking Animals, we delve into the topic of animal behavior and cognition. Charles Darwin once said that “Evolution is not just the physical body, but our emotional sides as well.” Bonnie and I discuss how animals experience joy, stress, thought and nuance, and are more complex than humans know. Most humans think of themselves as superior beings, and species are being decimated because of that thought process. We need to step up and treat all creatures humanely. For more information go to thinkinganimals.org
#1442: Annie Hauck-Lawson, Founder of Mompost
My guest this week is Annie Hauck-Lawson, author, nutritionist, master composter and the current Greening Director at Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn. Annie co-edited the book Gastropolis: Food and New York City, and founded Brooklyn Mompost. She created the term “Food Voice,” and her recollections of her upbringing in Brooklyn, foraging for edibles in Prospect Park, fishing off the Brooklyn Coast, and starting one of the first Natural Food pushcarts in Brooklyn gives us great insight into her upbringing, which shaped her vision of the importance and connection we all have to food and nature. To get more information go to www.brooklynmompost.com
1432: Jane Gray Morrison: Conservationist, Filmmaker, Author and Ecologist
Compassionate conservationist, filmmaker, author and ecologist, Jane Gray Morrison tells us about the need for ethical treatment of animals, and how important it is to preserve and protect the natural earth for this and future generations to come. Jane and I discuss her trilogy of documentary films: Mad Cowboy, No Vacancy and Hotspots, as well as her beautiful photographed book Sanctuary: Global Oases of Innocence. She was also the senior producer for the ten hour dramatic miniseries for TBS entitled: Voice of the Planet, which was written by Michael Tobias and starred William Shatner and Faye Dunaway. Jane is the Executive Vice President of Dancing Star Foundation, and is also a lover of Opera. She was an opera singer, and is now Director of the International Festival Society, which nurtures and supports gifted musicians at workshops and classical music festivals worldwide. To find out more about what Jane is up to visit www.dancingstarfoundation.
#1432: Jane Gray Morrison: Conservationist, Filmmaker, Author and Ecologist
#1426: Veronica Horvath, Environmental Advocate
My guest this week is Veronica Horvath, a member of Americorps, who coordinates environmental service learning programs at the Prospect Park Alliance. Veronica is passionate about all things green, but she is most concerned about water issues, and what needs to be done to keep water safe and clean. We talk a bit about her eco adventures in Jordan, and her role as a volunteer for Riverkeeper. Tune in to find out what items popped up on the shores of Brooklyn Bridge Park during the Riverkeeper Sweep event. Veronica’s passion about all things environmental is truly a breath of fresh air. For more info on Riverkeeper go to www.riverkeeper.org
#1348: Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
My co-producer Abba Carmichael steps in to host TMSOG, and chats with Tony Sirna co-founder of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, a highly sustainable community, which encourages members to live off the land, off the grid and reduce consumption. They are a stellar example of being one with nature and being mindful of Mother Earth. Tune in to find out more about how Dancing Rabbit Eco Village is a model for eco awareness and preservation of the planet. Go to www.dancingrabbit.org for more info.
#1324: Riverkeeper Sweep
David Berreby, member of Red Hook Boaters, and Lisa Bloodgood, Environmental Advisor to NYC Councilman Stephen Levin talk about ways to become more in tune with the waterways in NYC, and how we can all be better environmental stewards. One way to get involved is to volunteer for the 2nd Annual Riverkeeper Sweep on May 11th, 2013. Help clean up the parks and surrounding rivers and estuaries in 70 locations from NYC to Albany. Events in North Brooklyn will take place at Grand Ferry Park in Williamsburg, McCarren Park in Greenpoint, and Valentino Park in Red Hook, where you can also go kayaking for free. For more information and to register for the event, go to www.riverkeeper.org/sweep
#1240: Nancercize with Nancy Bruning
If you want to know “101 Things You Can Do on A Park Bench” tune in to hear Nancy Bruning and I discuss how outdoor spaces can double as the perfect exercise place. You can get into shape without spending lots of cash on a fitness club. Be one with nature and feel good in both your body and your mind.