Our guest Don Raskopf is a long time member of the organization Clearwater, which was co-founded in 1966 by legendary singer and activist Pete Seeger. Don talks about the work that Clearwater is doing to help clean up the Hudson River, via the Clearwater sloop, and his relationship with Pete Seeger. We talk about how Clearwater has helped educate thousands of children on environmental issues and why it is so important to promote youth education and outreach. Don is also a member of the Beacon Sloop Club, which fits in with his experience as a carpenter and boat builder. He is active in Beacon4BlackLives, and was a first time poll worker in the last election. We discussed his experience with first time voters, and he had a wonderful story about the passion of those voters. For more information go to clearwater.org. Check out malcolmpresents.com for more shows, and go to thegreendivas.com for info on all things “green”.
Category: Nature
New Show: Courtney on Health, featuring Courtney Gravenese, with tips on wellness, health and fitness
Tips on nutrition, wellness & exercise, given by Courtney Gravenese, MS, RDN, CDN Master of Science -Nutrition and Applied Physiology, an experienced nutritional and health consultant in the NY Metro Area. Courtney talks about what we need to do to calm the mind, and how exercise can help ease stress and anxiety during these COVID times. For more info follow Courtney on Instagram @clgwellness, also tweet us @tmshadesofgreen. Go to malcolmpresents.com for shows
The Many Shades of Green ZoomCast with guest Allison Turcan of DIG Farm
Our guest this week is Allison Turcan, the Founder and Farmer at DIG Farm, in North Salem, NY. She is also the host of the podcast, Getting Dirty, on HudsonRiverRadio.com. We chat about how small farmers are dealing with the pandemic, and the importance of educating students about growing food. Our conversation leads us to Dick Button, who is an environmental philanthropist, and we chat about her work with Farm Aid, specifically her interview with Lukas Nelson, Willie’s son. We also talk about chili peppers, and the wonderful medicinal benefits from adding spice into your life. So tune in and find your shade of green. For more info go to digfarm.org, farmaid.org. malcolmpresents.com, Hudsonriverradio.com, thegreendivas.com #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness
1811 Food Not Lawns
Tune in to 50 Shades of Green Divas, as we discuss the role of lawns, and why we need to do something about our obsession with manicuring them. Spraying the grass with pesticides is not good for children, pets, or anyone else. Cancer rates are increasing, which is problematic to say the least, and the amount of water used to grow that perfect lawn, is adding to already bad drought conditions in many areas within the US and beyond. Why not do something lovely and grow a garden, or better yet grow some food. For more info go to thegreendivas.com #FoodNotLawns
Tweet us @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas, @tmshadesofgreen
1706 Sugar Detox Me with Summer Rayne Oakes
Plants, Bugs, Sugar Detox Me
On this episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas, Meg and I chat with guest Summer Rayne Oakes about how houseplants and beneficial bugs create a healthy environment in your home. Unless the plant is Seymour from The Little Shop of Horrors, plants are very important as natural air filters, as well as adding color and vibrancy to your house decor. We also talk about her new book Sugar Detox Me, and why it is important to reduce sugar in your diet. So think twice before you swig down that cola or eat that piece of pie. For more information go to homesteadbrooklyn.com and sugardetox.me
#1622 Holiday Show, Comfort and Joy (Rose), Motherhood, Token Bros, Merry, Merry!
This week’s episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas/The Many Shades of Green is our holiday special, and it features Joy Rose, founder of the Museum of Motherhood, the Mamapalooza Festival, the Moms Who Rock movement, and music from the band Housewives on Prozac. Green Diva Meg and I bring you holiday cheer, a tune from The Tokens, and some post election thoughts. We discuss the importance of raising one’s voice to be proactive, so that we can help mend the divisions within our nation. So have a Merry, Merry and a Happy 2017! For more info go to mommuseum.org, thetokens.com, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com. Wishing everyone Peace, Love and Understanding……
1621 Climate Monologues, Climate Change and Irthlingz
#1621 Climate Monologues, Stories of Climate Change and the plight of all Irthlingz
I caught up with Sharon Abreu after a performance of her one woman show, The Climate Monologues, at the United Solo Theatre in New York City. Sharon channels the voices of people affected by climate change, and brings their stories to life via monologues and music. Check out more by visiting:
climatemonologues.com, irthlingz.com and send Sharon a tweet @SharonAbreu
#1617: Green Sex For Climate’s Sake
Green Sex for Climate’s Sake (Yes, Green Sex is a shade of green)
There is no single solution for climate change…but separating sex from childbearing represents an under appreciated opportunity to forestall climate disaster…for the climate, family planning’s potential benefits are profound.
Those are the words of my guest this week, Alisha Graves, who is the co-founder of the OASIS Initiative (a project of UC, Berkeley which focuses on reducing population growth and poverty in the Sahel region of Africa). Her recent article, “Green Sex for Climate’s Sake,” debates the link between carbon emissions and population, and the need to educate young women, as well as young men, about contraception, family planning and health. For more information go to: oasisinititative.berkeley.edu and projectdrawdown.org.
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Organic Humor: Videos to Check Out, Share, and Enjoy
By Susan Lutz
The food wars rage on. Good things are happening. We as consumers are getting savvy about what’s in our food and the path it takes to get to our table. Here is a quick look at some of the funny, poignant, and entertaining clips I love. Humor gets the point across like no other. As Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.”
The more we share these clever ideas, the more it will reach an audience, open a door, and perhaps, start a conversation and a new way of thinking.
Cuke Vador? Ham Solo? My kids love this video and it makes me chuckle every time I see it. The Grocery Store Wars is perfectly timed to circulate again with the new (and old) audiences o Star Wars. The props are funny; the lines are cheeky and clever.
This video captures the ridiculous concept of marketing and the power of the written word. Every time I shop, I laugh and gasp at corporations’ claims that their product is “all natural.” After reading the ingredient list, there’s nothing natural about the preservatives, the dyes, and unpronounceable things that start with “p.” I giggle at the amazing pull of advertising and marketing to make us all feel better about paying for close-enough to organic products. Great script. Hilarious.
This video is clever. The satire is on the mark. Simply and with razor-sharp wit, it questions why we had to mess with nature at all. Guess the job just wasn’t up to Monsanto’s standard.
Genetic Scientists Develop Sheep With Brain Of A Goat – The Onion published this short clip showing the overall ridiculous world of altering life on the planet. I realized that I smiled from beginning to end.
Climate Change Deniers Anthem: Beau Bridges plays the Koch brothers; the singers gather to offer up an anthem, We are the World style, that we’re just fine. The climate’s not changing – polar bears are fine; Al Gore’s a liar; and the earth’s temperatures are not rising. We’re fine!
When something’s funny, it hits a chord. The power of video can spread consciousness in a way that isn’t so preachy. Humor may save us all, as nothing can stand against the wave of its assault. Watch and see.
1602: Slick Water
It is no secret that mainstream media coverage of environmental issues is slow-moving, and many stories go un-reported in the press. Climate change deniers spout their ideology with reckless abandon. Enter my guest this week, Andrew Nikiforuk, an award winning environmental writer based in Calgary, Canada, who has written a new book about the hydraulic fracturing industry entitled Slick Water: Fracking and One Insider’s Stand Against the World’s Most Powerful Industry. The book traces the saga of Jessica Ernst, and the path she takes to hold Encana Oil and Canada’s environmental government agencies, responsible for secretly fracking hundreds of gas wells around her home, in a rural area northeast of Calgary. A cover-up ensues, which leads Ms. Ernst to take legal action against the various parties for their role in contaminating land, water and air in her community. For more information andrewnikiforuk.com and to amazon.com to check out his new and older works.
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WECAN: Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network
This weeks episode takes us to the Global Women’s Climate Justice Day of Action at the UN, sponsored by the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN). This event was attended by women from over 50 countries. To have such a collection of amazing women in one place, who presented stories of courage and resilience in combating climate change was deeply touching. Women play a key role in adapting solutions to climate change, and it was an honor to speak with WECAN founder Osprey Lake, environmentalist visionary Sally Ranney, as well as Neha Misra founder of Solar Sister, Harriet Shugarman Executive Director of ClimateMama, Executive Director of CELF Katie Ginsberg and student Coreena, and Patricia Gualinga-Montalvo, Indigenous Leader of Ecuador, whose interview was translated by Amazon Watch’s Executive Director Leila Salazar-López. For more information visit wecaninternational.org
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#1535: Citizens Campaign for the Environment
Microbeads are not part of a kids craft project, they are tiny plastic particles which are entering the wildlife and human populations. My guest this week, Jordan Christensen, is the Program Coordinator for the Citizens Campaign for the Environment, and she is working to put pressure on our elected officials to ban the use of microbeads. She is also working on projects to limit raw sewage and toxins from entering the waterways, as well as reducing use of chemicals in schools. We have to write letters to our local and national representatives to let them know that Earth comes first. Go to www.citizenscampaign.org for more information.
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