#1337: Vandra Thorburn, Vokashi


Kitchen scraps can be turned into compost with “magic” bran (EM Bokashi, a Japanese fermenting process) and a Vokashi eco bucket. Vandra Thorburn, founder of Vokashi waste solutions talks about how easy it is to take fruit and vegetable peels and other food scraps, and put the composted end product back into the soil and out of the landfills. Mother Earth will be happy to see us humans reduce, reuse and recycle our waste. For more information go to vokashi.com


#1337: Vandra Thorburn, Vokashi

#1336: Clare Donohue

clare-donohueMove over Sharknado, GASNADO is coming to a beach near you. Clare Donohue, founder of the Sane Energy Project is working to stop the Spectra Pipeline from making its way into your rivers, beaches, parks, streets and kitchens. It is not safe, and we’ll tell you why. Natural gas pipelines under your feet in a densely populated city is a disaster in the making. The harmful effects can be widespread. Lives and homes have been lost due to faulty pipelines (San Bruno,CA, Kansas City and more). Find out what you can do to help stop it. Go to www.saneenergyproject.org and get involved.

#1336: Clare Donohue

#1325: Environmental Lawyer, John L Parker

john-luis-parker-environmental-lawyerJohn Parker environmental lawyer extraordinaire, takes us through what steps are needed to adapt and create legal policies to guide us through extreme weather events such as Superstorm Sandy. Should we rebuild in areas that are flood zones? What natural barriers can be put in place to prevent flooding? Resilience is the key to helping us prepare for future extreme weather as a result of climate change.

#1325: Environmental Lawyer, John L Parker

#1322: Scott Seydel, Global Green

Scott-SeydelScott Seydel is the Chairperson of Global Green, an organization that advocates for smart solutions to global warming. We discuss waste stream diversion, and what companies are participating to help reduce and recycle waste. Global Green is an affiliate of Green Cross International, an organization that works to foster a global value shift to a sustainable and secure future. Scott is a leader in building communities affected by natural disasters, as he moves to green affordable housing via use of alternative energy and building materials that are less toxic. He is a true environmental ambassador. For more info go to www.globalgreen.org

#1320: Megan Offner, New York Heartwoods

megan-ny-heartwoodsDowned trees are an asset to wood sawyers and the environment at large. Wood from those trees are used for lumber and furniture, which in turn helps divert waste from landfills. Tune in to get great information from Megan Offner of New York Heartwoods. Trees are are precious and give life to Mother Earth. Humans can work intelligently with our environment for mutual prosperity. Go to www.newyorkheartwoods.com for more information.

#1320: Megan Offner, New York Heartwoods

#1324: Riverkeeper Sweep

riverkeeper-sweep-david-and-lisaDavid Berreby, member of Red Hook Boaters, and Lisa Bloodgood, Environmental Advisor to NYC Councilman Stephen Levin talk about ways to become more in tune with the waterways in NYC, and how we can all be better environmental stewards. One way to get involved is to volunteer for the 2nd Annual Riverkeeper Sweep on May 11th, 2013. Help clean up the parks and surrounding rivers and estuaries in 70 locations from NYC to Albany. Events in North Brooklyn will take place at Grand Ferry Park in Williamsburg, McCarren Park in Greenpoint, and Valentino Park in Red Hook, where you can also go kayaking for free. For more information and to register for the event, go to www.riverkeeper.org/sweep


#1302: Elissa Olin, Green in BKLYN

#1312: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Pt 2 of 2

tiokasin-ghosthorse-on-the-many-shades-of-green-part-1We continue our discussion with Tiokasin Ghosthorse about past and present treatment of Native Americans, and we delve into their connection and knowledge of Mother Earth. For more information go to www.firstvoicesindigenousradio.org


#1312: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Pt 1 of 2

1311: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Pt 1 of 2


Join me and “spiritual agitator”, advocate of Indigenous Rights, and host of First Voices Indigeneous Radio on WBAI, Tiokasin Ghosthorse, for a two part series on Native Americans. Learn about their struggles, their wisdom, and their connection to Mother Earth. We have to respect those who were here before us and who deserve our attention and compassion. Tiokasin imparts his wisdom, as we take a journey into the history of the Lakota people, as well as the Elder Brothers from the Kogi Tribe and their warning about what we are doing to the environment. Tune in and be moved by the spirit and knowledge of Tiokasin Ghosthorse.


#1311: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Pt 1 of 2

#1309: Rand Weeks

rand-weeksSaving Oysters to Save Ourselves is the message of Rand Weeks. We must protect the oyster beds and coral reefs to keep the planet healthy for all species. This can be done through the process of Bio Rock, no it’s not a new heavy metal band, so tune in to find out how important it is. Go to global coral.org for more information. Also check out Shell Shocked the documentary film that delves into the importance of oyster reefs and why we need to save them.

#1308: Rock and Wrap It Up

syd-mandelbaumSyd Mandelbaum talks about feeding the hungry andfighting poverty. He has helped feed millions of people through the work of Rock and Wrap It Up. Syd uses greening tactics to collect food that is prepared but not served at concerts, sporting events, schools and hotels. Go to rockandwrapitup.org and hungerpedia.com for more info. Hunger is NOT a game.


The Many Shades of GreenPosted on Categories Brooklyn, Earth, Education, Goods, Music, New York City, Opinion, PoliticsTags

#1242: Green Mountain Energy

green-mountain-energy-doug-semmesDoug Semmes, Director of the New York Market of Green Mountain Energy, is a green power pioneer who is moving to change the way power is distributed.Green Mountain Energy is the nation’s longest serving renewable energy retailer. Become a green energy consumer and reduce your carbon footprint. Listen in and find out how. It’s good to be green.






#1242: Green Mountain Energy

#1238: Food and Water Watch

Alex-Beauchamp-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenAlex Beauchamp, North East Regional Director of Food and Water Watch. Learn about food security and issues affecting clean water.







#1238: Food and Water Watch