#1414: Doug Semmes, Green Mountain Energy

green-mountain-energy-doug-semmesAn educated consumer makes the best choices. I can now say I made the best choice, and I am a Green Mountain Energy customer. Doug Semmes and I discuss how important it is to make an effort to have a part of your electric consumption be provided via renewable energy. It is a positive way to reduce your carbon footprint, and be a good eco-citizen. It is easy to sign-up, and it is worth knowing that you are helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are damaging the atmosphere. Cleaner electricity is here to stay, so become part of the solution. You can get more info on Green Mountain Energy by going to www.greenmountain.com.

#1414: Doug Semmes, Green Mountain Energy

#1242: Green Mountain Energy

green-mountain-energy-doug-semmesDoug Semmes, Director of the New York Market of Green Mountain Energy, is a green power pioneer who is moving to change the way power is distributed.Green Mountain Energy is the nation’s longest serving renewable energy retailer. Become a green energy consumer and reduce your carbon footprint. Listen in and find out how. It’s good to be green.






#1242: Green Mountain Energy