1815 Is it the Weather or is it Climate Change with guest Paul Douglas, Meteorologist

“The climate is changing, our lives rearranging, the weather just alters our minds. It’s cold where it’s hot, it’s hot where it’s cold, some things you cannot deny.” That’s a lyric from  a song I wrote called, ‘Find The Blue’ and as the recent U.S. National Climate Assessment Report Volume Two predicts the climate is changing. There are high risks of future disasters from flooding,  droughts, fires, and  extreme weather events, which will have a profound effect on the populous of the America citizenry, and the globe. The question is : why are we downplaying climate change? Green Divas Meg and Max discuss weather vs. climate, and we hear from Paul Douglas, a respected meteorologist  who gives us some insight into climate and weather, and how the changes in climate are impacting humans and the economy (pauldouglasweather.com). Get more info by going to thegreendivas.com. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @thegreendivas and @50ShadesofGDs.





1813 Slow and Sustainable Fashion

1811 Food Not Lawns

Tune in to 50 Shades of Green Divas, as we discuss the role of lawns, and why we need to do something about our obsession with manicuring them. Spraying the grass with pesticides is not good for children, pets, or anyone else. Cancer rates are increasing, which is problematic to say the least, and the amount of water used to grow that perfect lawn, is adding to already bad drought conditions in many areas within the US and beyond. Why not do something lovely and grow a garden, or better yet grow some food. For more info go to thegreendivas.com    #FoodNotLawns
Tweet us @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas, @tmshadesofgreen

1810 The Greening of the Entertainment industry with Earth Angel, Film Biz Recycling, ArtCube Nation and Rock and Wrap It Up

Yes, the film and TV  industries are wasteful, but… with the help of some wonderful people and organizations, the landfills are less full of discarded sets and food, and  therefore, as the slogan created by our guest Eva Radke so aptly puts it, “Not in a Dumpster.”  We talk to Emellie O’Brien, founder of Earth Angel, Samita Wolfe, Director of Film Biz Recycling in Savannah, Eva Radke, founder and CEO of ArtCube Nation, and Syd Mandelbaum, founder of Rock and Wrap it Up, about their roles in keeping the entertainment industry cleaner and less wasteful. We also touch on the topic of asteroids, green screens and raccoons. Find out what the Amazing Spiderman-2, VINYL, Elementary, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and 30 Rock have in common… hint green and sustainable TV and film sets.

For more info check out: Earthangel.nyc, Filmbizrecycling.org, ArtCubeNation.com, RockandWrapItUp.org and TheGreenDivas.com


1808 Every day should be Earth Day! Get Active and be resilient!

Happy Earth Day, Earth Week, Earth Month, Earth Year from Green Divas Meg and Max. It is everyone’s job to be proactive to protect the planet, and to be resilient. The show features the tune California Reggae Debate (You Got the Power) by Token great and sorely missed brother, Mitch Margo. There is also commentary by Harriet Shugarman, founder of Climate Mama, Ed Begley Jr., a very Super Green Dude and Stephanie Palumbo founder of Small Victories. The episode wraps with a song by Brute Force to help welcome in Earth Day #EarthAlways. Tweet us your thoughts: @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas, @tmshadesofgreen.  Check out climatemama.com and begleyliving.com as well as thegreendivas.com, celebratesmallvictories.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com


1805 Using the Law to battle climate change with Maya Van Rossum and John Parker

Using the law to battle climate change, this episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas focuses on how the legal system is an important tool in combating global warming. We talk to Maya Van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, and author of the book, The Green Amendment: Securing Our Right to a Healthy Environment and John Parker, environmental lawyer and Adjunct Professor of Law at the Elizabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University. Maya and John give us examples of recent court actions which have been successful in the fight to keep the planet clean and green. We also touch on how the kids are leading the way, not only on the gun issue, but on the environment via the case Juliana v. The US. Their complaint asserts that, through the government’s affirmative actions that cause climate change, it has violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, and has failed to protect essential public trust resources. Mix in some weird science facts on space and Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and you have the classic Green Divas Meg and Max at their podcast best.

For more info check out delawareriverkeeper.org, LEAF-Legal Environmental Fund of theHudson Valley (Susan Shapiro 845.371.2100), thegreendivas.com, themanyshadesofgreen.com   Tweet us @TheGreen Divas, @50ShadesofGDs, @tmshadesofgreen and @parkjlp (John Parker).


1804 Before the Flood with Green Dude Fisher Stevens talking about Climate Change and Leonardo DiCaprio

This episode of Green Dudes features Fisher Stevens, Academy Award winner for the documentary film, The Cove, and a wonderful actor and activist. He directed the Eco-documentary, Before the Flood, which follows Leonardo DiCaprio as he meets with activists, scientists and world leaders to discuss the dangers of climate change and possible solutions. Green Diva Meg chats with Fisher about the film. I met Fisher Stevens at a screening of the documentary at the Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville, NY, and we talked about the movie, and briefly discussed how important it is to get the message out to all Earthlings, that we must be proactive in pushing forward ideas and solutions, to make the planet a cleaner and healthier place to live. For more info go to beforetheflood.comthegreendivas.com, tweet us @50ShadesofGDs, @TheGreenDivas, @tmshadesofgreen, @BeforeTheFlood_        #BeforeTheFlood



1803 Van Jones, Vien Truong, Rev Yearwood discuss Poverty, Pollution and Climate Justice

The most vulnerable members of society bear the brunt of adverse pollution effects. This is becoming more prevalent each day, as we see what has happened in Flint Michigan and the Port of Newark. Pollutants fill the air and water in lower and middle class neighborhoods, where the population is at greater risk both medically and financially.  This episode brings in three powerful community leaders, Van Jones, Vien Truong and Reverend Yearwood to discuss this important issue.  Cheech and Chong and Harold and Kumar also get mentioned, as spotted owls need to be saved from black market marijuana growers in CA.  There is also the story of Camels and Botox, yup you read that right.  So tune in, be informed and be active. It’s time to be Green for All! For more info go to greenforall.org, hiphopcaucus.org, vanjones.net

Also visit thegreendivas.com and tweet us @TheGreenDivas, @tmshadesofgreen and @50ShadesofGDs


1719 Merry Merry and Small Victories

Saying farewell to 2017 in our year end show. It’s been a tough year, yet it had positive moments. Dedicating the good things in life, in honor of my brother Mitch, who passed away during the Thanksgiving holiday. He will be greatly missed. His music and art will fill the universe forever.

With all the tumult, we have had many Small Victories, and with the help of Stephanie Palumbo and Alison Diviney, we will learn about more Small Victories in the coming year. Go to celebratesmallvictories.com, thetokens.com and thegreendivas.com for more info.

Green Diva Meg and I (Green Diva Max) wish everyone a  Merry, Merry and a Happy, Healthy New Year!



1712 Suburban Coyotes and the need to coexist

Did you know that Wyle E. Coyote of Looney Tunes fame is cousins with Tech E Coyote, the main character in Loonatics Unleashed? We didn’t either, but if you toon in (ha!) you will find out the connection, as well as get important information on the suburbanization of coyotes, and how we can coexist with them. We talk with Victoria Alzapiedi who has vast knowledge on the subject, and we will help you understand their habits, and how we can live in harmony.

For more info check out: dec.ny.gov/animals/9359.html

1710 Dark Money vs. Clean Money

There is an expression “money is no object” but the truth is, it’s the main object. On this episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas we talk with Joel Solomon, author of The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism.  Joel explains “We must know where our money is going, and reinvent an economy for a resilient civilization. The revolution is already underway, creating the new, ethical, and sustainable businesses that power local economies, restore ecosystems, and build social and financial equity.”

 For more info go to: JoelSolomon.org, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness



1709 Fisheries and Fish Tales

Sustainable Fishing, Tish, the world’s oldest goldfish, and other fish tales are touched on in the latest episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas. We chat with Noah Bressman, a marine biologist about fisheries, the fishing industry, how to tell if the fish you buy is safe to consume, and other fish stories.
go to thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com for more