My guest this week is Michael Charles Tobias, ecologist, filmmaker, and president of the Dancing Star Foundation, which focuses on conservation, global environmental education, animal protection and more. He recently co-authored a book with Dr. Paul Ehrlich (known for his groundbreaking book “The Population Bomb”), entitled Hope On Earth: A Conversation. Michael and I discuss topics that touch on issues of water, biodiversity, reproductive rights, treatment of animals( especially the cruelty and mass slaughter of billions of chickens annually), and most importantly the need to teach compassion and non-violence within our education system. Perhaps courses in meditation, mediation and yoga, will make for more solid and humane citizens, especially in light of the rash of school shootings, which has plagued the United States since the tragedy at Columbine High School. We have to care about the one, so that we can forward that knowledge to the many. You can get the book, Hope on Earth: A Conversation on and check out to get more information on conservation, animal protection, global education and more.
#1425: Michael Tobias, author of “Hope on Earth: A Conversation”