It’s A Wrap 2023 with the Fab 4 George Polisner, Neil Richter, Rusti Wolintz and Malcolm Burman

The lyric of the chorus of the song California Reggae Debate/ You’ve Got the Power, written and performed by my Token Bro now in Rock n Roll Heaven, Mitch Margo, points to the power we have, which we must use our highest potential. We must create a world where the collective will thrives, to keep the planet from imploding. Collective will is crucial to perpetuate the greater good! There were many things to be happy about in 2023, and many things that were truly horrible. While words are important, actions in most cases, speak louder than words, and we need be more proactive in making the planet a greener and safer place to live and thrive. The lyrics below of California Reggae Debate are great words to follow:

You’ve go the power, I’ve seen you use it

You think you don’t have it, that’s how you lose it!

The Fab 4, George Polisner, Neil Richter, Rusti Wolintz and Malcolm Burman join me (Maxine Margo Rubin), in discussing what made us happy, what pissed us off in 2023, and what we hope to see in the coming New Year. There are more of us doing good and making a difference. The Press, seems to hightlight the evil, and that has to change. For more info go to Civ.Works, and for current and past shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green (TMSOG) on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Please subscribe to TMSOG podcast on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, iHeart, and more. You’ve Got The Power, I’ve Seen You Use It, You Think You Don’t Have It, That’s How You Lost it! SO USE THE POWER YOU HAVE #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Hopeful Solutions to Plastic Pollution with Eco-Activist, Artist and Sexy Astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse

According to plastic pollution is leaving behind impacts for generations to come. If our current rate of pollution continues, experts predict that there will be MORE PLASTIC THAN FISH IN THE OCEAN BY 2050. We need solutions, and there is ongoing research and many promising innovations on the horizon, as well as new discoveries which are happening daily to help reduce plastic pollution. There are scientists working on solutions from NASA Satellite Technology which finds micro-plastics in the ocean, and the mighty fungi has yet another important function, eating plastic, hail to the mushroom! Japanese Scientist and Inventor Akinori Ito invented a machine to recycle plastic bags into usable fuel oil. We simultaneously need to tackle the problem of plastic which is already in the water, as well as what to do with the plastic that is recycled and what needs to be done to reduce manufacturing of single use plastic. Corporations must do better in producing containers made with more sustainable materials at the point of production, that will not leave plastics in the earth for centuries.

On this episode, the shade of green is phthalo (a mixture of yellow ochre and a little cool green viridian), and we get some insight about what work is being done within the scientific community to help reduce plastic pollution and waste, with our resident eco-activist, artist and Sexy Astrologist Charlotte Ghiorse. We also intertwine astrology connections to the environment within the discussion (Mars in Sagittarius and Pluto in Capricorn). For more info go to and visit Sexy Astrology on Facebook and YouTube. Visit for eco news and for past TMSOG podcasts go to and Please subscribe to The Many Shades of Green podcast on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, iHeart, and more. Follow TMSOG on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Whistleblowers, The Cost of Clean Air, and Misdirection of the Media with George Polisner, Founder of Civ.Works

This quote by Lionel Fisher is dedicated to my MudgeBro Phil Margo who was the ultimate Curmudgeon….“Curmudgeons speak up because they have to, because it’s become critically important for them to tell the truth as they see it. Telling the truth is as natural to them once more as it was when they were children. The fact that no one cares to listen is inconsequential. Curmudgeons speak up, raise their voices, stand for something too right to be silent about anymore, whatever the cost, despite a world that deals with what it doesn’t want to hear by crucifying the messenger. Increasingly these days, they’re being called by another name: whistleblower.”

 Let’s face it, we live in a topsy turvy world, and times are difficult. We don’t know who or what to trust, and we rely on those on the inside to speak up when something goes awry. People who stand up to report wrongdoing within government, industry and institutions are called whistleblowers. According to the Government Accountability Project a common legal definition of a whistleblower is someone, typically an employee, who discloses information, either internally (to managers, organizational hotlines, etc.) or externally (to lawmakers, regulators, the media, watchdog organizations, etc.), that he or she reasonably believes is a violation of law, rule or regulation; gross mismanagement, as well as a gross waste of funds; abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety made according to the law or in protection of the public interest. Some famous Whistleblowers include Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the  Pentagon Papers to NYT, Karen Silkwood, who outed the nuclear plant Kerr-McGee for plutonium leaks and a unsafe work conditions, as well as Col. Alexander Vindman and John Schilling who both spoke up to call out the wrongs they witnessed. We should all be grateful to the whistleblowers who have the inner strength to speak out and give info that they believe must be reported to disclose wrongdoing. George Polisner, our resident political, economic, environmental and social justice expert, gives us some insight into whistleblowers and delves into the new EPA rules about reducing harmful particulate matter which is being scrutinized by the oil, gas and manufacturing industries as being too costly. We will also touch on the international misdirection of the media. For more info go to Civ.Works and For past shows go to and Follow TMSOG on Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen, and on FaceBook. Subscribe to The Many Shades of Green on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Climate Scientist and Organic Chemist Stacy Morgan talks about Climate Change, Mothers Out Front, Renewable Heat Now, and Buttonhook Forest

I used to say, when I was talking about climate change, that climate change is serious, certain, and soon. But this is no longer accurate. Now it is very serious, very certain, and now.”(Posted August 9, 2021 Sci-Line ( Linda O. Mearns, Ph.D. Senior scientist, Research Applications Lab, National Center for Atmospheric Research 

 We need to listen to the scientists, and take heed before it’s too late. So on this episode we talk to scientist Stacy Morgan, who gives us some important information and her thoughts on the climate crisis and how organizations  like Mothers Out Front and Renewable Heat Now are putting solutions into place that can help reduce CO2 emissions. Community involvement on a local level is crucial to getting things done. Stacy is an organic chemist, and she became interested in climate science while working at the National Physical Laboratory in London. She lives in Northern Westchester with her family and is a core member of Friends of Buttonhook Forest, which is group of community residents who are trying to preserve a magnificent 20.3 acres of land, which contains over 1000 trees, is a wildlife habitat and contains Native American Sacred Ceremonial Stones.  Stacy is working hard to save this diverse and important carbon sink and she continues to educate and engage the community in protecting this amazing land. To contact Stacy go to Instagram @savebuttonhook and follow Save Buttonhook on Facebook. Also go to and For past shows go to and Follow us on Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Subscribe to the TMSOG podcast on Amazon, Apple, Spotify, iHeart and more. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

The Dangers of Lawn Pesticides

“A Who’s Who of pesticides is therefore of concern to us all. If we are going to live so intimately with these chemicals eating and drinking them, taking them into the very marrow of our bones — we had better know something about their nature and their power.” Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson is known as the woman who challenged the notion that humans could obtain mastery over nature by using chemicals. Her sensational book Silent Spring (1962) warned of the dangers to all natural systems from the misuse of chemical pesticides such as DDT, and questioned the scope and direction of modern science, which would lead to the initiation of the contemporary environmental movement. I don’t think that Rachel would be happy with today’s overuse of pesticide chemicals in lawn treatment, which threaten native flowers and grasses by harming beneficial pollinating insects as well as wildlife, our dogs and cats and yes, us humans. Of 40 most commonly used lawn pesticides, 26 are linked with cancer or carcinogenicity, 12 are linked with birth defects, 21 with reproductive effects, 32 with liver or kidney damage, 24 with neurotoxicity, and 24 with disruption of the endocrine (hormonal) system. Of those same 40 lawn pesticides, 21 are detected in groundwater, 24 have the ability to leach into drinking water sources, 39 are toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms vital to our ecosystem, 33 are toxic to bees, 18 are toxic to mammals, and 28 are toxic to birds. With numbers like this, the only logical question becomes: is this really necessary and what can we do to stop or prevent this kind of contamination, and what are the alternatives? Our resident wildlife, garden and habitat guru, Victoria Alzapiedi, co-founder of New Castle Healthy Yards, gives us some great info about pesticides and why we need to talk more about the risks of chemical use on our property. For more info go to and follow New Castle Healthy Yards on Facebook. For past shows go to and Please subscribe to TMSOG on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Fires, Goats and Indictments with our monthly commentator on civics, politics, the environment and more… George Polisner

The world is burning literally and figuratively. But in the literal definition, people around the globe are struggling and fighting to put out wildfires on a daily basis. The burning fires are creating high levels of pollution, causing destruction and damage to flora and fauna. The East coast of the US recently got a dose of what it’s like to live on the West coast, as the apocalyptic orange skies and smoke filled air obliterated the skylines of NYC and other cities in the Mid-Atlantic states. Wildfires are getting bigger and more destructive. One of the main forces driving this trend is climate change, which has intensified summertime droughts thus reducing the mountaintop snowpack, making fire seasons longer. There is an increase in lightening strikes that can trigger big fires in tinder-dry forests. Fire seasons are longer and since the 1980s, researchers say, climate change has roughly doubled the area of wildfires in the west. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Biden discussed the need to “work together to address the devastating impacts of climate change.” Chuck Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor that “the climate crisis is real and it is here to stay. We must take action against the climate crisis, both short-term and long-term.” But what are our elected officials really doing about it? What is the politics of wild fires, and how can we work to reduce these fires? On a different note we will also touch on the latest indictment of a former president, which is a first in US history. We are lucky to have George Polisner our resident political expert on this episode to give us some insight into issues of climate change, fires, and politics.  George is the founder of, who works to bring civic engagement, activism, citizen participation and political communication to the forefront. For more info go to Civ.Works, check out past shows on, Subscribe to TMSOG podcast on all major podcast apps. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Burning Forests, Food Waste, June Astrology and more with Charlotte Ghiorse

Do we ever think how far our food has traveled to be on our plate, and what it took to grow? Our mom’s used to yell at us “ don’t waste your food and clean your plate, there are kids who go hungry!” Mom of course, was right, and today, hunger is more widespread than ever, and more food is wasted which could be used to feed those in need. Food waste already accounts for roughly 8 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases. According to a UCLA study, 26% percent of the United States’ total greenhouse gas emissions comes from food production and consumption. Therefore, the choices we make when deciding what to eat really can have an impact. If all of the 80% of Americans who eat the standard American diet shifted their habits to eat fewer animal products, even if just a few times a week, the difference could be significant. On this episode our resident artist, filmmaker, astrologist, mother of three awesome kiddos, and Earth activist Charlotte Ghiorse joins us to discuss the problems and solutions of food waste, forests burning in Canada causing hazardous air quality, as well as how the astrological connections of the planets in June affect us.  For more info go to You can find Sexy Astrology on YouTube and Facebook. Subscribe to TMSOG on all major podcast apps, on Instagram @tmshadesofgren and on and #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Gulf Coast Love Story with Dayna Reggero, Founder of The Climate Listening Project

While oil & gas executives are planning massive expansions, we’re gathering to share stories of environmental injustice & continued hope.” Dayna Reggero

According to Earth Justice, pipeline spills can cause irreversible environmental destruction. Since 2001, there have been almost 700 reported incidents of serious pipeline failures. Over 2.6 million miles of oil and gas pipelines crisscross the country. Pipelines run through lakes, rivers, aquifers, and waterways, endangering the ecosystems and communities in their paths and fueling the climate crisis. Communities have the right to clean air, safe drinking water, and unspoiled lands, and they are being denied those rights by the harmful excesses of the fossil fuel industry. Our guest on this episode is Dayna Reggero who is an environmentalist, award winning documentarian, art activist and a guardian of Mother Earth. Her latest film project is called Gulf Coast Love Story, a collaborative Climate Listening Project which takes place in the Gulf Coast (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida). Dayna has collaborated with artist activist Roishetta Ozane, photographer Rev. Michael Malcom, poet Ebony Stewart, and many Gulf Coast artists to produce a collaborative artistic endeavor visioning a better future grounded in the Gulf Coast Love. Artists involved with take part in the project. It is a movement comprised of artists taking action to stop LNG exports, who envision a better future for the Gulf Coast. For more info go to, For past shows on TMSOG go to and Subscribe to our podcast on all major podcast apps.

Cornell Cooperative Regional Clean Energy Hub in the Hudson Valley

We all have to care, we all have to do our part to protect Mother Earth. With the recent IPCC report from the UN, which stated that we will pierce the 2 degree threshold for global warming within a decade, it is more important than ever that we take actions now on both local and global levels to reduce the impact of climate change and carbon emissions. Our local and state officials must lead the way to create programs that help communities, especially in underserved areas, to be proactive in reducing green house gas emissions and more. This includes making renewable energy more available and affordable, creating green jobs and educating the public on what must be done to get people involved in working to curtail the use of fossil fuels while encouraging the use of clean energy. On December 9, 2022 Governor Hochul announced $52 Million Dollars in Awards for Regional Clean Energy Hubs to Connect New York Communities with Clean Energy Resources. 12 Regional Clean Energy Hubs were created to serve as centers of outreach, awareness, and education in regions across New York State to help foster residents’ participation, especially those in underserved or otherwise disadvantaged communities, with respect to New York’s clean energy transition. The announcement supports the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act which is in place to deliver at least 35-40 percent of the benefits from clean energy investments to disadvantaged communities, and help advance an equitable clean energy transition for all New Yorkers.  My guests on this episode are Frankie Lede and Amanda Catale who are working to put these important sustainability  programs into effect and are both stewards of Mother Earth.  Frankie and Amanda are Energy Resource Educators/Advisors with Cornell Cooperative Extension, who are working with the Energy Hub located in the Mid-Hudson Valley. For more info go to: SustainableWestchester: Regional Energy Hub Workforce Development – New Yorkers for Clean Power:

Coalition to Prevent Westchester Airport Expansion with Peter Schlactus

If you are living near a large or small airport, please know that you are being exposed to ultrafine particles of air pollution. Emissions from aviation are a significant contributor to climate change. If unmitigated, aviation emissions are expected to double or triple by 2050. Adverse environmental impacts affect communities that are near airports, especially those near watersheds areas which affect stormwater runoff and drinking water. Westchester Airport is a local airport in a suburb of NYC and there are major concerns about water and air pollution, as well as noise and increased usage by private jets. The skies are not very friendly in the surrounding communities, and my guest this week, Peter Schlactus, is tirelessly working to reduce the expansion of Westchester Airport, to help reduce environmental impacts to area residents, as the airport borders the Kensico watershed. Peter is a member of the Steering Committee of the Coalition to Prevent Westchester Airport Expansion, a non-profit watchdog group of community and environmental organizations, as well as many hundreds of unaffiliated residents that together represent thousands of constituents united in seeking a vibrant but limited and environmentally responsible County airport, with no expansion of airport operations. For more information go to or

To file a noise complaint go to

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Guest Greg Vizzi, naturalist and co-author of THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE: THE ANCIENT CULTURE AND WISDOM OF THE LENNI-LENAPE PEOPLE talks about the Indigenous world view and the philosophy of co-author Chief Quiet Thunder

How is the world view of Chief Quiet Thunder relevant to todays modern world? Guest Greg Vizzi talks about how the Indigenous world view has been lost to modern man, and why it is important to collect the oral histories and tell the stories of Native Americans. The traditions of the Lenni-Lenape, teaches “the sacred obligation to protect the Earth.” We should all be protectors of the earth and do our part to prevent further damage to the planet caused by fossil fuel pollution, which is having a damaging effect on the land, the air and the water. Greg is an American naturalist and writer, and he gives us some answers and background on the need to understand and appreciate the culture of the Original People. For more information go to Please subscribe to TMSOG podcast on all major podcast apps (Spotify, Apple, iHeart, Amazon, and more). Follow us on Instagram @tmshadesofgreen and on the web at, and #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness #BEEGREEN

TMSOG with Guest Maya van Rossum, Delaware Riverkeeper and initiator of The Green Amendment Movement

Our guest is Maya van Rossum who has dedicated her life to being the “voice of the Delaware River.” She has taken on industry, government, and even the U.S. Army, preventing harm to the River, communities, and environments she so bravely champions. Maya is currently working to empower individuals across the nation to stand up for their environmental rights by pioneering the Green Amendment Movement. She has written a book called The Green Amendment: Securing Our Right to a Healthy Environment.  In 2013, Maya and her organization achieved a major victory in the landmark case, Robinson Township, Delaware Riverkeeper Network,  v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The case, decided by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, revived the state’s long-ignored Constitutional Environmental Rights Amendment, empowering it to protect the people’s right to pure water, clean air, and a healthy environment.  Maya has also inspired some musicians, and a group called The Donuts wrote a song in her name, titled “Maya van Rossum’s Blues,”  which is about an oil spill that spewed 165,000 gallons of heavy crude into the Delaware. For more information go to,, to hear more shows go to and tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen