The lyric of the chorus of the song California Reggae Debate/ You’ve Got the Power, written and performed by my Token Bro now in Rock n Roll Heaven, Mitch Margo, points to the power we have, which we must use our highest potential. We must create a world where the collective will thrives, to keep the planet from imploding. Collective will is crucial to perpetuate the greater good! There were many things to be happy about in 2023, and many things that were truly horrible. While words are important, actions in most cases, speak louder than words, and we need be more proactive in making the planet a greener and safer place to live and thrive. The lyrics below of California Reggae Debate are great words to follow:
You’ve go the power, I’ve seen you use it
You think you don’t have it, that’s how you lose it!
The Fab 4, George Polisner, Neil Richter, Rusti Wolintz and Malcolm Burman join me (Maxine Margo Rubin), in discussing what made us happy, what pissed us off in 2023, and what we hope to see in the coming New Year. There are more of us doing good and making a difference. The Press, seems to hightlight the evil, and that has to change. For more info go to Civ.Works, and for current and past shows go to and Follow The Many Shades of Green (TMSOG) on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. Please subscribe to TMSOG podcast on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, iHeart, and more. You’ve Got The Power, I’ve Seen You Use It, You Think You Don’t Have It, That’s How You Lost it! SO USE THE POWER YOU HAVE #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness