1719 Merry Merry and Small Victories

Saying farewell to 2017 in our year end show. It’s been a tough year, yet it had positive moments. Dedicating the good things in life, in honor of my brother Mitch, who passed away during the Thanksgiving holiday. He will be greatly missed. His music and art will fill the universe forever.

With all the tumult, we have had many Small Victories, and with the help of Stephanie Palumbo and Alison Diviney, we will learn about more Small Victories in the coming year. Go to celebratesmallvictories.com, thetokens.com and thegreendivas.com for more info.

Green Diva Meg and I (Green Diva Max) wish everyone a  Merry, Merry and a Happy, Healthy New Year!



1718 Pesticide Madness

Pesticides are permeating the land, air and water. Our crops and food are sprayed with toxic chemicals which is causing health issues, pollution and collapse of pollinators. We talk to Carey Gillam, author of the new book  Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science. Ms. Gillam picks up where Rachel Carson left off with the perils of DDT,  but this time the culprit is glyphosate, the main chemical used in Roundup, produced by Monsanto. We also chat with June Stoyer, host of The Organic View, about neonictinoids, and how it is causing the reduction in the bee population.  We need to work to stop the pesticide madness.

Tune in to find out what the hottest tortilla chip on Earth will do to your digestive system and mouth. It’s the hottest chip on the Scoville heat scale, coming in at 1.92 SHU, a Guinness World Record.

For more information go to U.S. Right to Know: usrtk.org, careygillam.com theorganicview.com, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com




1717 #StopSucking, Strawless Oceans, and Strawsome

Green Diva Meg and I speak  with Dune Ives, Co-founder of the Lonely Whale Foundation, which has a campaign to reduce how plastic straws find their way into the ocean.  Check out their Strawless Ocean (#StopSucking) campaign.

Plastics wind up in are the ocean via land and are carried by the wind and rain into the sea. Grocery bags, coffee cup lids, plastic bottles, straws and more. We need to work to stop this from happening.

One solution is in the form of glass straws, and we speak to Daedra Surowiec, Founder of Strawsome, which produces beautiful glass straws as an alternative to the polluting plastic version. They even designed a straw for the 50 Shades of Green Divas, called the GD Straw. Details coming soon on how you can purchase them.

Will we be able to get the now crippled EPA to regulate plastics as a pollutant under the Clean Water? Find out by going to:biologicaldiversity.org/campaigns/oceans and getting more info.

For additional info go to: lonelywhale.org, strawsome.com, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com




1716 Climate Reality, Pachamama, and Climate Hope with guest Elly Lessin

Elly  Lessin has produced many corporate and non-profit events over the last couple of decades, and she has recently switched gears to became a steward of the Earth. She is now a Climate Reality Project Presenter, and she also works with the Pachamama Alliance, which focuses environmental and social issues via the spiritual connection we all have to the earth, and embraces all humanity.  Working with the elders of the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon, Pachamama  has an unwavering commitment to work together to “change the dream of the modern world.” 

Elly’s  green “ah ha” moment came from her father, via his passion for astronomy and the physical sciences, as well as social justice issues/causes. He loved the cosmos and the magnificence of the Universe. Elly wants to carry on her dad’s visions and love of the earth.  For more information go to climaterealityproject.org, pachamama.org, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com



1715 Intimacy with Nature-Tree Girl Julianne Skai Arbor

We enjoy being lost―or perhaps found―in wildness and the grandness of nature. TreeGirl brings us there. In TreeGirl: Intimate Encounters with Wild Nature,  Julianne Skai Arbor, a.k.a. TreeGirl―photographer, certified arborist, conservation educator and forest eco-therapist―invites us into intimate contact with fifty magnificent tree species from her adventures in thirteen countries on four continents. Using a remote-control timer and a tripod, she photographs herself and others in sensual connection with the trees of the world.     For more information go to: treegirl.org


1714 Zoe Weil, Institute for Humane Education

Zoe Weil is the co-founder of the Institute for Humane Education, which focuses on problem solving, investigatory skills, and creating solutions to issues of social justice and the environment. Zoe is a Ted speaker, and a teacher who is working to promote education that is kinder, more humane, and helps develop a youth culture that cares about all earthlings and Mother Nature.

The Solutionary Program is a direct response to the pressing and growing issues facing our planet today. Through the program, students are given the skills and motivation to help solve existing global issues, as well as to minimize their contribution to future problems by living as compassionate, collaborative, global citizens.

For more info go to: humaneeducation.org




1713 Project Farmhouse, GrowNYC with guest Amanda Gentile

Our guest this week on 50 Shades of Green Divas is Amanda Gentile of GrowNYC. We discuss Project Farmhouse, a beautiful new LEED certified facility, which brings farming  and sustainable education into the heart of NYC. The space contains a full kitchen, conference area, and it has a Green Hydroponic wall which contains freshly grown herbs and greens. Amanda explains the importance of this new facility, and the need to educate citizens of NYC and beyond, about healthy eating, being more sustainable and practicing the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) within one’s daily routine. Changing our habits just a little bit will make Mother Nature and all Earth’s creatures breathe easier.

For more information go to: projectfarmhouse.org, grownyc.org and thegreendivas.com. Tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen


1712 Suburban Coyotes and the need to coexist

Did you know that Wyle E. Coyote of Looney Tunes fame is cousins with Tech E Coyote, the main character in Loonatics Unleashed? We didn’t either, but if you toon in (ha!) you will find out the connection, as well as get important information on the suburbanization of coyotes, and how we can coexist with them. We talk with Victoria Alzapiedi who has vast knowledge on the subject, and we will help you understand their habits, and how we can live in harmony.

For more info check out: dec.ny.gov/animals/9359.html

1711 James Cromwell- Jail Time: What’s Happening in Waywayanda and the protest of the CPV gas-fired power plant. Keep up the fight against fracking!

What’s happening in WayWayanda, NY is happening in many parts of the United States. Protests against fracking, gas-fired plants and pipelines, which are adding toxins to sacred and beautiful natural lands, with little input from the surrounding communities, is causing an uproar. There is a blatant disregard by the oil and gas industries as to the harm they bring to species and humans, who are displaced and poisoned. James Cromwell protested the CPV plant with other community members, and wound up in jail. He said “once you commit yourself to commit an act of civil disobedience, you know there will be consequences.” Tune in to find out what brought about this action. For more info go to protectorangecounty.org


1710 Dark Money vs. Clean Money

There is an expression “money is no object” but the truth is, it’s the main object. On this episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas we talk with Joel Solomon, author of The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism.  Joel explains “We must know where our money is going, and reinvent an economy for a resilient civilization. The revolution is already underway, creating the new, ethical, and sustainable businesses that power local economies, restore ecosystems, and build social and financial equity.”

 For more info go to: JoelSolomon.org, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness



1709 Fisheries and Fish Tales

Sustainable Fishing, Tish, the world’s oldest goldfish, and other fish tales are touched on in the latest episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas. We chat with Noah Bressman, a marine biologist about fisheries, the fishing industry, how to tell if the fish you buy is safe to consume, and other fish stories.
go to thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com for more


1708 Population Does Matter

Population does matter. The Earth cannot continue to produce the resources needed to keep both humans and the animal kingdom alive and well without changing our behavior. Tune in to 50 Shades of Green Divas (thegreendivas.com) and The Many Shades of Green (themanyshadesofgreen.com), and check out our conversation with guest Robert Walker, President of The Population Institute, as we talk about issues of population. For more information go to populationinstitute.org. #PopulationDoesMatter