Our guest this week is Victoria Alzapiedi, who is an environmental consultant and Founder of My Native Garden Oasis – providing coaching and guidance to homeowners who want to create thriving habitats for birds, pollinators, and beneficial insects in their own yards.Victoria is also the Co-Founder of New Castle Healthy Yards, Co-Chair of the New Castle Pollinator Pathways Coalition, and a member of the New Castle Conservation Board. She is a steward of Mother Earth and does everything in her power to protect the flora and fauna on the planet. We talk about the importance of trees within the balance of nature, as well as how many species rely on trees for their survival. So think twice before cutting down a tree. GO HUG A TREE! For more info follow Victoria on her FaceBook pages My Native Garden Oasis and New Castle Healthy yards. Also check out malcolmpresents.com and thegreendivas.com
Category: Environment
TMSOG welcomes Don Raskopf, we talk about the Clearwater organization, Pete Seeger, and what it was like to be a poll worker in the 2020 election
Our guest Don Raskopf is a long time member of the organization Clearwater, which was co-founded in 1966 by legendary singer and activist Pete Seeger. Don talks about the work that Clearwater is doing to help clean up the Hudson River, via the Clearwater sloop, and his relationship with Pete Seeger. We talk about how Clearwater has helped educate thousands of children on environmental issues and why it is so important to promote youth education and outreach. Don is also a member of the Beacon Sloop Club, which fits in with his experience as a carpenter and boat builder. He is active in Beacon4BlackLives, and was a first time poll worker in the last election. We discussed his experience with first time voters, and he had a wonderful story about the passion of those voters. For more information go to clearwater.org. Check out malcolmpresents.com for more shows, and go to thegreendivas.com for info on all things “green”.
TMSOG welcomes guest Margaret Perkins, climate activist with 350NYC
Our guest on this episode is Margaret Perkins, who works on climate legislation in NYC with 350NYC. We discuss the importance of cities in the global climate fight and the C40 international coalition of cities. We talk about the need to reduce carbon emissions in buildings, and we touch on the pandemic, and the vaccine, as Margaret has a background in public health and infectious diseases. It is very important that we all take action the reduce our carbon footprint, and below, see some solutions and actions you can take. For more info go to 350NYC.org, malcolmpresents.com, thegreendivas.com, 350.org . Send us a tweet @tmshadesofgreen
Easy steps to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions that
cause climate change.
Shift your diet to eat more plant-based foods
Reduce food waste and buy foods from local producers
Compost organic waste; find local drop-off sites here-
NYC passed Local Law 97 and this mandates limits on greenhouse
gas emissions in large building like Lincoln Towers by 2030
Stay informed how you and your building must comply with this
law. https://www.newyorkbuildingenergy.com/
Use LED light bulbs, Energy Star efficient appliances
Urge your board and management company to choose a “green”
energy supply company (ESCO) that generates electricity from
wind, solar or hydro; https://www.cityrealty.com/nyc/market-
Buy brands that use non-fluorinated gases (CFCs and HFCs) as
coolants. HFCs are potent greenhouse gases. See brands here;
Dispose of old appliances according to local Dept of Sanitation
regulations: https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01792
The Many Shades of Green ZoomCast with guests Courtney Gravenese and Kevin Egolf
Finance and food are connected in various ways, as we need to have a healthy diet filled with good fruits and veggies to keep us fit, and we need to make sure the small farmers who grow our food locally, have the financial backing to keep them sustainable. Our guests Courtney Gravenese and Kevin Egolf bring their expertise to this episode, and give us insight into food and finance. Courtney is a Registered dietician, nutrition consultant and health educator. Kevin is the VP of Investor Relations at Capital Good Fund and founder of Local Farms Fund. For more information go to capitalgoodfund.org, localfarmsfund.com, malcolmpresents.com, thegreendivas.com and HudsonRiverRadio.com Follow Courtney on instagram @clgwellness and LinkedIn. Check us out on FaceBook, tweet us @tmshadesofgreen #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness
The Many Shades of Green ZoomCast with guest Allison Turcan of DIG Farm
Our guest this week is Allison Turcan, the Founder and Farmer at DIG Farm, in North Salem, NY. She is also the host of the podcast, Getting Dirty, on HudsonRiverRadio.com. We chat about how small farmers are dealing with the pandemic, and the importance of educating students about growing food. Our conversation leads us to Dick Button, who is an environmental philanthropist, and we chat about her work with Farm Aid, specifically her interview with Lukas Nelson, Willie’s son. We also talk about chili peppers, and the wonderful medicinal benefits from adding spice into your life. So tune in and find your shade of green. For more info go to digfarm.org, farmaid.org. malcolmpresents.com, Hudsonriverradio.com, thegreendivas.com #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness
ZoomCast with Eva Radke, CEO of ArtCube Nation
This week’s episode of The Many Shades of Green ZoomCast version features Eva Radke, CEO of ArtCube Nation. We talk about people coming together to help each other in this most unprecedented moment in history. Eva is a shining example of a wonderful human making a difference. To add some humor we touch on belly buttons! Malcolm and Eva chat about the search and use of props for films and TV now and back in the day. For more info go to ArtCubeNation.com, themanyshadesofgreen.com, malcolmpresents.com, and for more environment info go to thegreendivas.com.#RaiseYourEcoConsciousness
The Youth Will Lead the Way with guest Peter Carellini climate activist
Our guest on this episode is Peter Carellini who is a youth climate activist and has worked with Project Drawdown and works with Earth Angel NYC, a leading sustainability consultancy in film and television production. He also has a new podcast called Dawn of Tomorrow, which you can hear on MalcolmPresents.com Follow us on Facebook and twitter @tmshadesofgreen, @50ShadesofGDs, additional info at earthangel.nyc and 350NYC.org, thegreendivas.com
The Many Shades of Green ZoomCast with guest Keith Voos teacher, environmental facilitator, and workshop presenter for Pachamama and Drawdown.org
We welcome Keith Voos to the show to talk about what you can do to be a climate activist and steward of the planet. Keith is a teacher, and he has been presenting workshops for Pachamama (which means Mother Earth) and Project Drawdown. We all need to become active and take steps to be better environmental citizens. For more information, go to pachamama.org and drawdown.org. Check out malcolmpresents.com and thegreendivias.com. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen
The Many Shades of Green ZoomCast with Guest Monica Weiss of 350NYC.org
This is a new iteration of The Many Shades of Green . Our guest is Monica Weiss, who taught pubic school in NYC for many years, and always added environmental curriculum to hear teaching plan. She now is a climate activist and works with 350NYC.org and Project Drawdown. Tune in and #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness.
Food Systems, Community Gardens, and the pandemic
The current pandemic has highlighted problems with our food system, as food waste and food insecurity must be addressed more than ever. On this show Green Divas Meg, Max, Lisa and Elly delve into topics about food, how to get fresh food to communities in need, and how Community Gardens help in that area. We also discuss the need to build your immune system in the era of COVID, the Drawdown Project (drawdown.org), cows emitting methane (and no, it’s not cow farts), and the importance of growing your own food. Guest Dr. Susan Rubin talks about teaching children to garden, food pantries, gorilla gardens which helped start the Community Garden movement, and more. Check out the 50 Shades of Green Divas Podcast on Spotify, Buzzsprout, Stitcher, Apple Music, iHeart, and HudsonRiverRadio.com. Ask Alexa or Siri to play The Green Divas podcast, and check out the webpage thegreendivas.com
FEAR by Mercy Faith (May 2020)
maybe we needed to slow down
maybe Mother Nature said enough is enough
humans are destroying the planet
by polluting the air, the land, the water
with plastics and toxic chemicals invading
our rivers, streams, oceans, lakes, mountain tops
jungles, beaches, farms and lawns
we infringed upon the habitats of other species
killing them or turning them into trophies
something had to give, so a virus transferred
by a bat sent a plague into the world
the ME had overtaken for too long, became dominant,
lost its way, and the WE had to take a back seat,
now the WE is what will save us,
as we retreat from the viral enemy
FEAR has a way to make people change their ways
yet the greed and stupidity is spreading,
we disregard death,
human life doesn’t count, you can be sacrificed
‘cause you’re old or you are a different color
yet you still bleed red, you still die
clearly shopping is more important than living
gotta go to the bar, gotta get a tattoo,
gotta go bowling for dollars, even though the
risk is great, only facts tell the truth
we can’t slow down, we have lost
our way, we need to respect each other
Mother Nature has taken charge,
she is delivering a message from the universe
she is screaming at us to clean up our room,
clean up our act and clean up the planet!
or she will send bigger things to FEAR,
as this is only the beginning
Earth Day at 50: what do we want Earth Day to look like on its 100th Anniversary in 2070?
This is a special addition of 50 Shades of Green Divas with Green Divas Meg, Lisa, Max and Elly. We have various special guests who answer the question: what actions can we take now to make the environment better in 2070, when the people of planet Earth celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Earth Day? Our guests include environmental activists in various fields including Ed Begley Jr., Raffi, Dayna Reggero, Harriet Shugarman, Seth Leitman, and more. We need to use our collective will to be active, in order to put measures in place to reduce carbon emissions. We are living in difficult times right now, but there are silver linings. Go to thegreendivas.com for more info.