1711 James Cromwell- Jail Time: What’s Happening in Waywayanda and the protest of the CPV gas-fired power plant. Keep up the fight against fracking!

What’s happening in WayWayanda, NY is happening in many parts of the United States. Protests against fracking, gas-fired plants and pipelines, which are adding toxins to sacred and beautiful natural lands, with little input from the surrounding communities, is causing an uproar. There is a blatant disregard by the oil and gas industries as to the harm they bring to species and humans, who are displaced and poisoned. James Cromwell protested the CPV plant with other community members, and wound up in jail. He said “once you commit yourself to commit an act of civil disobedience, you know there will be consequences.” Tune in to find out what brought about this action. For more info go to protectorangecounty.org


1710 Dark Money vs. Clean Money

There is an expression “money is no object” but the truth is, it’s the main object. On this episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas we talk with Joel Solomon, author of The Clean Money Revolution: Reinventing Power, Purpose, and Capitalism.  Joel explains “We must know where our money is going, and reinvent an economy for a resilient civilization. The revolution is already underway, creating the new, ethical, and sustainable businesses that power local economies, restore ecosystems, and build social and financial equity.”

 For more info go to: JoelSolomon.org, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness



1709 Fisheries and Fish Tales

Sustainable Fishing, Tish, the world’s oldest goldfish, and other fish tales are touched on in the latest episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas. We chat with Noah Bressman, a marine biologist about fisheries, the fishing industry, how to tell if the fish you buy is safe to consume, and other fish stories.
go to thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com for more


1708 Population Does Matter

Population does matter. The Earth cannot continue to produce the resources needed to keep both humans and the animal kingdom alive and well without changing our behavior. Tune in to 50 Shades of Green Divas (thegreendivas.com) and The Many Shades of Green (themanyshadesofgreen.com), and check out our conversation with guest Robert Walker, President of The Population Institute, as we talk about issues of population. For more information go to populationinstitute.org. #PopulationDoesMatter


1707 Climate Listening Project with Dayna Reggero

Enjoy a good shot of optimism with Climate Listening Project’s Dayna Reggero. Funny conversations about how GDs Maxine, Meg, and Dayna all proudly qualify as eco-alpha bitches… and why it is important for alpha women on the forefront of climate action to tell their stories… Strong women are leading the way to a cleaner, healthier planet. So #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

For more info go to climatelisteningproject.org 





1706 Sugar Detox Me with Summer Rayne Oakes


Plants, Bugs, Sugar Detox Me

On this episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas, Meg and I chat with guest Summer Rayne Oakes about how houseplants and beneficial bugs create a healthy environment in your home. Unless the plant is Seymour from The Little Shop of Horrors, plants are very important as natural air filters, as well as adding color and vibrancy to your house decor. We also talk about her new book Sugar Detox Me, and why it is important to reduce sugar in your diet. So think twice before you swig down that cola or eat that piece of pie. For more information go to homesteadbrooklyn.com and sugardetox.me

1705 Climate Mama Harriet Shugarman

#1705 Climate Mama

We can promote positive change even in times of social upheaval. We chat with Harriet Shugarman, Executive Director of Climate Mama, and discuss what actions are ongoing to promote activism, as helping people to rise up to support the greater good, is more essential today than ever. For more info go to climatemama.com, thegreendivas.com


#1704 The Music is the Message

The Music is the Message with Judi Jaeger and Bob Reid

“Times, they are a changin’….” Bob Dylan

This week’s episode focuses on music and the power of its message, as we speak to musicians Judi Jaeger and Bob Reid about how music becomes a force for change, especially during times of struggle, strife, and division. We need to spread the word via song to unite, yet fight for our freedom and for democracy, both at home and abroad. Tune in to find out how Judi and Bob make that happen. For more info go to jaegerreidmusic.com and thegreendivas.com



#1703 Personal Resistance with guest George Polisner

#1703 50 Shades of Green Divas with guest George Polisner

George became a viral sensation when he resigned as a long-time executive of Oracle because of the CEO’s public announcement to support the new president. He’s devoting his time now to building a platform to help make it easier to become proactive within political and social justice arenas, so that you can take action to raise your voice, and promote positive change. For more information go to Civ.Works.


#1701 Why We March, Pink Hats and Big Hearts

#1701 Why WE March

We turned pink for this episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas, as Green Diva Meg (who also knitted the p-hats) reports from the Women’s March in Pompton Plains, NJ. It was a monumental display of activism, as millions of women and men took to the streets across America and across the globe, to partake in this most historic event, to raise awareness of the need to protect and love one another, and stand up for equality and social justice for all. Feminist icon Gloria Steinem spoke to the crowd in Washington, DC and said “make sure you introduce yourselves to each other and decide what we’re going to do tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. We’re never turning back!” We need to keep our collective boots on the ground and not let up for a minute. Mr. Trump will hear us, and we will get under his skin. Keep the faith, and keep on fighting!


#1702 Activism, Actors, Eco-Thriller Film “A Crack in Everything” with guests Academy Award nominee and Emmy Award Winner James Cromwell, and Director and Activist Varushka Franceschi

#1702 Activism, Actors, Eco-Thriller Film “A Crack in Everything”

The wonderful Academy Award nominated and Emmy winning actor and activist James Cromwell, and the lovely Varushka Franceschi, director of the film, A Crack in Everything, are our special guests on 50 Shades of Green Divas.
We talk about the environment, social justice, resistance, the eco-thriller film A Crack in Everything and the HBO series The Young Pope. Tune in and find your shade of green. For more information visit: www.crackineverything.com


#1622 Holiday Show, Comfort and Joy (Rose), Motherhood, Token Bros, Merry, Merry!

This week’s episode of 50 Shades of Green Divas/The Many Shades of Green is our holiday special, and it features Joy Rose, founder of the Museum of Motherhood, the Mamapalooza Festival, the Moms Who Rock movement, and music from the band Housewives on Prozac. Green Diva Meg and I bring you holiday cheer, a tune from The Tokens, and some post election thoughts.  We discuss the importance of raising one’s voice to be proactive, so that we can help mend the divisions within our nation. So have a Merry, Merry and a Happy 2017! For more info go to mommuseum.org, thetokens.com, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com. Wishing everyone Peace, Love and Understanding……