#1317: Bonnie Rogers, Founder of Radiant Health for Life

bonnie_platt_rodgersBonnie Rogers is a Clinical Herbalist, Wellness coach and educator. We talk about holistic remedies, and what plants and herbs are best for certain ailments. We are all stressed out and have problems sleeping. Find out how to de-stress, sleep better and eliminate harmful chemicals from your body. You can reach out to Bonnie at [email protected]


#1317: Bonnie Rogers, Founder of Radiant Health for Life

#1320: Megan Offner, New York Heartwoods

megan-ny-heartwoodsDowned trees are an asset to wood sawyers and the environment at large. Wood from those trees are used for lumber and furniture, which in turn helps divert waste from landfills. Tune in to get great information from Megan Offner of New York Heartwoods. Trees are are precious and give life to Mother Earth. Humans can work intelligently with our environment for mutual prosperity. Go to www.newyorkheartwoods.com for more information.

#1320: Megan Offner, New York Heartwoods

#1313: LEAF Program, The Nature Conservancy

brigitte-griswoldOur guest is Brigitte Griswold, National LEAF Director at The Nature Conservancy. Children are spending half as much time outdoors as they did 20 years ago. The LEAF program helps students get back to nature, and learn about environmental issues through classwork and field experience. Go to www.nature.org/LEAF for more information.

#1313: LEAF Program, The Nature Conservancy

#1312: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Pt 2 of 2

tiokasin-ghosthorse-on-the-many-shades-of-green-part-1We continue our discussion with Tiokasin Ghosthorse about past and present treatment of Native Americans, and we delve into their connection and knowledge of Mother Earth. For more information go to www.firstvoicesindigenousradio.org


#1312: Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Pt 1 of 2

#1310: 350.org

may-boeve-350We cannot continue spewing massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere without dangerous consequences. 350.org is using grassroots efforts to help reduce carbon emissions via education, rallies, writing campaigns, and events like DO THE MATH. May Boeve, Executive Director of 350.org explains the dangers of carbon emissions, and what we need to do to keep the levels at 350 ppm. Listen in and Do The Math. Special guest legal commentator, Elon D.


#1310: 350.org

#1305: Barbara Landis, The Nose

barbara-landisMeet Barbara Landis, the “Wine Lady” who became known in the wine industry as “The Nose.” We chat about her career and about the organic wine industry, which has been growing in popularity, as people are becoming more conscious about the ecology of wine. For more information, you can go to www.organicconsumers.org or send an email to Barbara at [email protected]


#1305: The Nose

#1301: Carolina Salguero, PortSide New York

PortSide New YorkPortSide NewYork Founder and Director Carolina Salguero discusses how this unique organization is bringing New York City’s “blue space” to life aboard the re-purposed oil tanker. The tanker is currently based in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

#1303: Carolina Salguero, PortSide New York

#1242: Green Mountain Energy

green-mountain-energy-doug-semmesDoug Semmes, Director of the New York Market of Green Mountain Energy, is a green power pioneer who is moving to change the way power is distributed.Green Mountain Energy is the nation’s longest serving renewable energy retailer. Become a green energy consumer and reduce your carbon footprint. Listen in and find out how. It’s good to be green.






#1242: Green Mountain Energy

#1241: Marc Sussman

marc-sussmanWhat is the connection between the White Cliffs of Dover and the Fiscal Cliff. Marc Sussman, founder of The Sussman Group is my guest, and we chat about Climate Change, Socially Responsible Investment and more…




#1241: Marc Sussman

#1240: Nancercize with Nancy Bruning


If you want to know “101 Things You Can Do on A Park Bench” tune in to hear Nancy Bruning and I discuss how outdoor spaces can double as the perfect exercise place. You can get into shape without spending lots of cash on a fitness club. Be one with nature and feel good in both your body and your mind.






#1240: Nancercize with Nancy Bruning

#1239: Riverkeeper & Newton Creek Alliance


Phillip Musegaas, Hudson River Program Director at Riverkeeper and Kate Zidar, Executive Director of Newtown Creek Alliance discuss the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy on the Gowanus Canal and areas of Greenpoint.




#1239: Riverkeeper & Newton Creek Alliance

#1238: Food and Water Watch

Alex-Beauchamp-The-Many-Shades-of-GreenAlex Beauchamp, North East Regional Director of Food and Water Watch. Learn about food security and issues affecting clean water.







#1238: Food and Water Watch