Shift Happens in Communities with Dayna Reggero of The Climate Listening Project and Paula Swepson-Avery Executive Director of The West Marion Community Forum

“You Got the Power, I’ve seen you use it, they say you don’t have it, that’s how you lose it!” Mitch Margo from his song California Reggae Debate (You Got the Power)

We do have the power, and there are amazing people doing great work to make things better. The Climate Listening Project is a healing listening effort from award-winning documentarian Dayna Reggero to create safe spaces to connect and share hopeful conversations on climate change impacts and move forward towards community solutions. Dayna works within communities to listen and partner with nonprofit organizations and groups to help share the stories that need to be heard. She is working with Paula Swepson-Avery, Executive Director of The West Marion Community Forum. Paula’s quote on the Forum website states: “The best thing about the Forum is that it allows you to dream.”The mission of the Forum is to enhance the quality of life of its residents in McDowell County, North Carolina. This is done by showing compassion, advocating for policy and systems change, promoting economic development, sharing resources, empowering youth, and creating equitable outcomes for all.

   In these times of uncertainty, I think we all find ourselves feeling helpless as to what we can do to make a difference. It is therefore more important than ever that we communicate, and truly listen to one another within our communities so that we can work together to be agents of change. Environmental justice and social justice must be supported and given priority in the conversations of those in government, organizations and with the citizenry. On this episode of TMSOG podcast, we talk to two amazing women who work to bring these important issues to the forefront. Dayna Reggero who is a friend of TMSOG, is an award-winning filmmaker and founding director of the Climate Listening Project. Her work has been recognized for amplifying voices that often go unheard in the mainstream climate conversation. We also speak with Paula Swepson-Avery who is the Executive Director of The West Marion Community Forum. The Forum helps engage residents to help them become leaders to create change through new businesses, empowered youth, affordable housing, teaching gardens, and a community center that creates opportunities for the future. We need to be proactive and be better listeners as we have the power, and we need to use it. For more information go to and
West Marion was donated a Community building that used to be a Black school that will be used as a local resilience hub:

Shift Happens in Communities:  

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A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.