1902 Eco-Therapy

Yes climate depression, climate anxiety and climate denial are all legit problems right now. The answer could be eco-therapy. Hear from Dr. Ed O’Malley, who specializes in eco-therapy; Rolly Montpelier, founder of Below 2C; and actress, activist and author of Running with Nature, Mariel Hemingway.

For more info, go to thegreendivas.com. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @50Shadesof GDs and @thegreendivas. Tune in via iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and ask Alexa or Siri to play The Green Divas.

1901 It’s a wrap and a new beginning

Green Divas Meg and Max wrap up the year with highlights and song. Some of the highlights from Max’s Silly Science facts include spider goats, giggling rats, and how we might all be transformed into virtual beings in the afterlife. We also hear from Delaware Riverkeeper Maya K. van Rossum, author of the book The Green Amendment, and John Parker, environmental attorney, and Adjunct Professor at Pace Law School who is is always fighting to help save the environment….Mother Earth certainly needs a good attorney right now. Hear some tips from Meg’s GD Minute. GDs Meg and Max close out the year singing Auld Lang Syne, and we hope to bring you more Singing Green Divas in 2019, so stay tuned. Have a Happy, Healthy and Green New Year!

For more info go to thegreendivas.com. Tweet us @50ShadesofGDs, @greenworldradio @tmshadesofgreen. Ask Alexa or Siri to play The Green Divas Podcast. Peace out!


1815 Is it the Weather or is it Climate Change with guest Paul Douglas, Meteorologist

“The climate is changing, our lives rearranging, the weather just alters our minds. It’s cold where it’s hot, it’s hot where it’s cold, some things you cannot deny.” That’s a lyric from  a song I wrote called, ‘Find The Blue’ and as the recent U.S. National Climate Assessment Report Volume Two predicts the climate is changing. There are high risks of future disasters from flooding,  droughts, fires, and  extreme weather events, which will have a profound effect on the populous of the America citizenry, and the globe. The question is : why are we downplaying climate change? Green Divas Meg and Max discuss weather vs. climate, and we hear from Paul Douglas, a respected meteorologist  who gives us some insight into climate and weather, and how the changes in climate are impacting humans and the economy (pauldouglasweather.com). Get more info by going to thegreendivas.com. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @thegreendivas and @50ShadesofGDs.





1814 Liberty and Justice for Some- Will SCOTUS Ever Be the Same

#MeToo, the US Senate and the Supreme Court of the US are on a collision course and the future of our branches of government are traveling on a very dark and narrow path . Where this all lands will affect our democracy for generations to come.  This episode of GD Politics delves into the Kavanaugh cover-up, Dr. Ford’s claim of sexual assault, and it includes comment by Lt. Governor of NYS Kathy Hochul and Pete Harckham, who is running for NYS Senate in District 40. You can also hear a tune by Token Bro Mitch, called Liberty and Justice for Some, which is more timely now than it was when he wrote it in the year 2000 about the Bush v. Gore debacle.  For our voices to be heard we must VOTE on Tuesday, November 6, 2016. Check out thegreendivas.com for additional info. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @thegreendivas.com, and @50ShadesofGDs.


1813 Slow and Sustainable Fashion

1812 GDp Green Divas Politics [pilot epsisode]

Politics makes strange bedfellows, and politics has been really strange of late, as there are really no words to describe what is going on.  With that said, Green Divas Meg and Max, along with Green Dude Wayne, have entered the political twilight zone, and have embarked on a means to get the message out that WE MUST VOTE in the 2018 mid-terms. We will touch on the politics OF many things, including environmental and social justice issues and much more. Is there a politics OF Bees???  Is there politics OF Overpopulation???  The answer is most certainly yes. So tune in to find the Green Truth, and also please send us your thoughts about the current state of political madness.  GO to thegreendivas.com for more info, and tweet us @thegreendivas, @50ShadesofGDs, and @tmshadesofgreen





1811 Food Not Lawns

Tune in to 50 Shades of Green Divas, as we discuss the role of lawns, and why we need to do something about our obsession with manicuring them. Spraying the grass with pesticides is not good for children, pets, or anyone else. Cancer rates are increasing, which is problematic to say the least, and the amount of water used to grow that perfect lawn, is adding to already bad drought conditions in many areas within the US and beyond. Why not do something lovely and grow a garden, or better yet grow some food. For more info go to thegreendivas.com    #FoodNotLawns
Tweet us @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas, @tmshadesofgreen

1810 The Greening of the Entertainment industry with Earth Angel, Film Biz Recycling, ArtCube Nation and Rock and Wrap It Up

Yes, the film and TV  industries are wasteful, but… with the help of some wonderful people and organizations, the landfills are less full of discarded sets and food, and  therefore, as the slogan created by our guest Eva Radke so aptly puts it, “Not in a Dumpster.”  We talk to Emellie O’Brien, founder of Earth Angel, Samita Wolfe, Director of Film Biz Recycling in Savannah, Eva Radke, founder and CEO of ArtCube Nation, and Syd Mandelbaum, founder of Rock and Wrap it Up, about their roles in keeping the entertainment industry cleaner and less wasteful. We also touch on the topic of asteroids, green screens and raccoons. Find out what the Amazing Spiderman-2, VINYL, Elementary, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and 30 Rock have in common… hint green and sustainable TV and film sets.

For more info check out: Earthangel.nyc, Filmbizrecycling.org, ArtCubeNation.com, RockandWrapItUp.org and TheGreenDivas.com


1809 Local Farm Funding, Farmers Markets, Slow Money and Spider Goats

Local farmers are an important part of feeding the populace. We need to support them by helping them get the proper financing,  and by shopping at Farmers Markets and CSA’s. We need to know our farmers, and to understand that small AG provides healthy and fresh food, that tastes delicious. We speak to Kevin Egolf, Co-Founder of Local Farms Fund, Woody Tasch, Founder and Chairman of Slow Money, and Pascale Le Draoulec, Manager of several farmers markets in the lower Hudson Valley, and author of the book American Pie: Slices of Life (and pie) from America’s Back Roads, to get their perspective on the world of small farms and farmers. We also talk about spider goats, the Carolina Grim Reaper pepper, and yes, how to milk a moose.

For more info go to localfarmsfund.com, slowmoney.org, thegreendivas.com and check out Pascale Le Draoulec on her Facebook page.

Tweet us your thoughts @thegreendivas, @50ShadesofGDs, @tmshadesofgreen



1808 Every day should be Earth Day! Get Active and be resilient!

Happy Earth Day, Earth Week, Earth Month, Earth Year from Green Divas Meg and Max. It is everyone’s job to be proactive to protect the planet, and to be resilient. The show features the tune California Reggae Debate (You Got the Power) by Token great and sorely missed brother, Mitch Margo. There is also commentary by Harriet Shugarman, founder of Climate Mama, Ed Begley Jr., a very Super Green Dude and Stephanie Palumbo founder of Small Victories. The episode wraps with a song by Brute Force to help welcome in Earth Day #EarthAlways. Tweet us your thoughts: @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas, @tmshadesofgreen.  Check out climatemama.com and begleyliving.com as well as thegreendivas.com, celebratesmallvictories.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com


1807 Green Burials and the Digital Beyond

This latest episode features guest Kerry Potter, Founder of Dying to Bloom Boutique in Nyack, NY.  Green Diva Meg and I talk with Kerry about green burials. We also chat about the Digital Beyond. If our minds and consciousness continue to live on in the cyber world,  then the question arises:  what do we do with the physical body?  For more info check out dyingtobloom.com, thegreendivas.com. Tweet us your thoughts @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas, and @tmshadesofgreen



1806 The Mankind Project with guests Josh Rasp and Elly Lessin

While the #MeToo movement has taken hold to focus on how women are ill treated in the workplace, and as the uptick of reported cases of sexual and verbal abuse continues to rise, it is important that we get the perspective of men. We need to determine what can be done to educate them to help change behavior, yet make sure that they are given a bit of space to speak to each other, and work on their emotions and feelings. Enter The Mankind Project, which helps men develop skills and develop friendships through weekend retreats and meetings. It is important for men to have a place to talk, and we need their input, so we can come up with solutions that will lead to how we can all live and respect each other, sort of a #MenToo moment so to speak.

For more information go to themankindproject.org, thegreendivas.com