Swag is a slang word that generally means to have or do something that is “cool”. This term is often used to describe a person, but S.W.A.G also stands for Stuff We All Get, and generally describes give-aways such as samples or promotional items provided by companies at conventions or events. The ultimate SWAG is most likely the gift bag presented at the Oscars, which in 2018 exceeded $100,000. So let’s figure that we need to change the opulence of some swag, and provide companies who want to promote themselves or their products, with environmentally sourced, and eco-friendly manufactured products. Enter our guest this week, Gia Machlin, who started the company EcoPlum, which is paving the way to sustainable swag, and sells eco friendly promotional products to companies, universities and organizations. Gia also started a non-profit called Sustainable Sisters, which connects women business owners with projects that help women and girls affected by climate change. For more info check out ecoplum.com. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, and check out more shows on hudsonriverradio.com and malcolmpresents.com, as well as thegreendivas.com.