What are Fair Trade items and why should we buy them? Rodney North of Equal Exchange tells us how fair trade items are helping organic farmers both locally and globally by producing coffee, tea, bananas that are grown organically, and give workers living wages and good working conditions. Eat better and help a farmer, go to www.equalexchange.coop/community to find out more.
Category: Organic
#1235: Corbin Laedlein from Added Value Urban Farm
Urban farms are becoming an important source of food and education, as programs for youth help instill a sense of community as well as healthier eating habits. Corbin Laedlein, Youth Empowerment Coordinator at Added Value Farm in Redhook, Brooklyn, talks about the interconnection of social issues and food as essential tools in community building. Find out what “don’t yuck my yum” means.
#1214: Mallory Sustick of Plovgh
Features Community Manager Mallory Sustick of Plovgh, a Brooklyn-based farmshare organization that connects farmers and consumers, allowing consumers to pick up their choice of farm-fresh foods in their neighborhood, the same day it was picked.
#1115: Paula Maia of Brooklyn Soil
Features Paula Maia, co-owner of Oak Wine Bar where she combines food, health and ecological principles.