Green Faith and Earth Day with special guest Reverend Fletcher Harper

People of faith make up over 80% percent of the world’s population. Our religions teach us to care for the earth and each other; we seek to live by these values. Green Faith is helping to build resilient, caring communities and economies that meet everyone’s needs while protecting the planet. The era of conquest, extraction, and exploitation has given way to cooperation and community. We had a wonderful and informative conversation with our guest Rev. Fletcher Harper, who is the Executive Director of Green Faith, and he is a pioneer of the global religious environmental movement. Reverend Harper helps spearhead the faith-based fossil fuel divestment movement, organizes faith turnouts at major climate mobilizations, and is a co-founder of Shine, an international campaign that supports women and community-led renewable energy access initiatives in Africa and India. He is the author of GreenFaith: Mobilizing God’s People to Protect the Earth. For more information go to For more shows go to, and check out Listen via your favorite podcast apps: Spotify, Apple Music, Spreaker, iHeartRadio and more. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness Earth Day is Every Day!

Eco Friendly products, Refill and Reduce Waste with Amanda Runkle and Jessica Paschkes

On this episode we talk to Amanda Runkle and Jessica Paschkes, two wonderful women with green businesses, which focus on eliminating wasteful products by providing items you can swap with to reduce single use plastics. Amanda formed a company called Me Mother Earth Brand, which has a line of eco-friendly products that simplify our lives and reduce plastic waste— especially with products we use everyday.  Jessica started the Refillery Shop, which is the first Zero Waste Eco-Shop in Northern Westchester, NY.  The goal is to stop single use plastic and raise awareness of the need to take individual action to use less plastic, by refilling household and personal products instead of buying new products in containers that are for single use and are very wasteful. For more information go to and You can check out past shows by visiting and You can find The Many Shades of Green podcast on Spotify, Spreaker, Apple Music, Google Play, iHeartradio and more. Tweet us your thought @tmshadesofgreen. Check out Remember to pick a shade of green and #RaiseYour EcoConsciousness

Courtney on Health with Special Guest Dr. Dorian Gravenese. The topic: foods for fabulous skin, plus tips for reducing skin cancer and more…

 Gimme some skin, is an appropriate slang phrase for this episode of Courtney on Heath. The topic covered is foods for fabulous skin, and Dr. Dorian Gravenese, who is a board certified dermatologist and a Fellow of the American academy of dermatology, is our special guest. In adults, skin accounts for 16% of total body weight and covers approximately 22 square feet. That’s a lot of skin… So we must eat right, take precautions in the sun, and protect our skin. Dr. Dorian chats with her sister, Courtney, and gives great information about prevention of skin cancer, foods to eat or not to eat to keep skin healthy. It’s a family affair, so tune in. For more information check out the Courtney On Health Facebook page, follow her on Instagram @clgwellness, and her website To reach out to Dr. Dorian Gravenese google Scarsdale Medical Group. For past shows visit Tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen. Courtney on Health: Smart, Sound Nutrition. Strong, Safe Fitness.

Courtney on Health: Exercises for upper body strength

In this episode Courtney focuses on exercises that help maintain upper body strength. There are many benefits of exercise. In as quickly as 5 minutes into physical activity, individuals can notice enhancement in their mood, as exercise can help release stress and increase relaxation. It is an energy booster, and it helps improve health, as it decreases blood pressure and heart rate, controls weight, strengthens muscles and enhances immunity. It also helps you get more restful sleep. Courtney explains why is it so important to maintain your upper body muscles, and she demonstrates exercises that help build up your biceps, triceps and more. For additional info, follow Courtney on Health on Facebook, Instagram @clgwellness, and her website Go to for more shows. Tweet us

Courtney on Health delves into organic vs. conventional foods, the Dirty Dozen, the Clean 15. Then there is the question of what’s in that cheeseburger in paradise?

  Is that cheeseburger in paradise organic? Should it be? While we want to eat healthy, we also want to indulge on occasión. What do we know about what’s inside that cheeseburger? Was the cattle grain fed with no pesticides or growth hormones? Did the livestock roam free, or were they locked side by side in a giant facility with little space to move? When we see meat or eggs with a USDA organic certification, should we feel safer knowing that it was grown or raised under higher standards? Courtney gives us valuable information about organic v conventional foods. For more info follow Courtney on Facebook and on Instagram @clgwellness. For more shows go to and tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen

Are humans causing Climate Change? Dr. Rachel Licker, Senior Climate Scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists answers that question and more in this latest episode of TMSOG

What is the difference between climate and weather?  What is the root cause of global warming, and what do corporations and humans have to do with it? NASA has confirmed that humans are causing the rise in greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Our guest, Dr. Rachel Licker, a senior climate scientist  with the Climate and Energy Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, gives us factual scientific information about the climate crisis, and the NASA report.  For more information go to Union of Concerned Scientists at Check out more shows on and Tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen. A shout out to my Green Diva Sistas @

Earth Day Initiative with John Oppermann

 Our guest on this episode is John Oppermann, who helps bring Mother Earth into our hearts and our soul, and treats every day as Earth Day. John is the Executive Director of Earth Day Initiative.  He manages the breadth of Earth Day Initiative and activities, from its large-scale annual Earth Day events to its year-round programs, including the 2020 Earth Day 50 virtual event which featured Bill Nye, Al Gore, Elizabeth Warren, climate scientists and activists. John hosts the organization’s Parts Per Million podcast, as well as frequent virtual sessions and discussions for corporate and community partners, with a variety of experts and activists. He has also taught a course titled Marketing Green Homes at NYU, and he has been featured as an expert on sustainability topics by a variety of media outlets, including the Guardian,, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. For more information go to and Do Just 1 Thing. Go to and for more shows. A shout out to my Green Diva sistas @thegreendivas. Tweet me @tmshadesofgreen

Listen to “John Oppermann – Executive Director of Earth Day Initiative” on Spreaker.

Courtney on Health: Food Safety

Let’s start with the fact that we don’t always know what is lurking in our refrigerators or when certain foods go bad. My metric is, if it smells bad, it’s tossed. Most people know there are expiration dates on bottles, cans, cartons, but when are fresh veggies, fruits and meat past their prime?  Are food expiration dates even accurate, and can we still eat what’s in the carton past its sell by or use before date? How long will the picnic basket last in the sun until the mayo becomes toxic?  Recently, we have had to think twice about tainted romaine lettuce and onions, or if the chemicals sprayed on the tomatoes and other produce will make us sick. Food recalls seem to pop into the news on a daily basis. How can we protect ourselves from what parasite or coliform bacteria-E-coli might be in our food?  We love to eat, but we must be extra careful these days at what we are buying, and what we are putting into our bodies. Salmonella in meat and poultry, e-coli in lettuce and more all lead to a food system that has defects, and thus we must be aware of food that can adversely affect our heath. On this show, Courtney discusses food safety.  Should we chow down or chuck out our food? For more info follow Courtney on Health on FaceBook and on Instagram @clgwellness. Check out more shows on and tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen

Here Comes the Sun with guest Rand Manasse

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say, it’s alright…

Those are some good words by George Harrison that fit nicely into this episode, which is how do we harness energy from the sun. Our guest, Rand Manasse, gives us some great info about solar energy. Rand is the Chief Operating Officer at Sunrise Solar Solutions. We talk about the steps needed to install solar in your home or office, and where power comes from when you turn on the lights. Find out about micro grids, community solar and more. Rand has vast knowledge about solar power, as well as a great deal of expertise in finance. He is the author of several articles on business topics, such as integrated manufacturing solutions and business networking. Rand has advised over 300 clients including Marvel Entertainment,  Readers Digest, The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority, Arby’s, PepsiCo, Guinness and more. We can harness the sun and reduce our carbon footprint, and Rand helps us take a step closer to that goal by working to get solar energy into homes, offices and other spaces. For more info go to Check out and to hear past shows. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Listen to “Rand Manasse – Chief Operating Officer at Sunrise Solar” on Spreaker.

Author/Attorney/Artist Susan Pollet talks about her book Women in Crisis: Stories from the Edge

Our guest in this episode is attorney, author and artist Susan L. Pollet, who has been practicing law for over forty years. Susan’s experience in family law has given her a deep perspective into what women deal with to keep their heads above water. Her latest book entitled Women in Crisis-Stories from the Edge, consists of stories about women patients of an accomplished woman psychiatrist, whose experiences exemplify challenges faced by many women, to varying degrees. Susan recites a poem she wrote about the environment, and we discuss the question of how to deal with flirtation, its generational nature, as well what effects it is having on the #MeToo era. In her first novel, LESSONS IN SURVIVAL: ALL ABOUT AMOS, Susan created the collage for the book cover, and also painted the portrait which appears on the cover of this novel. For more information go to and For past shows go to and Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and tweet us @tmshadesofgreen

Listen to “Susan L. Pollet – Attorney, Artist, and Author of “Women in Crisis: Stories From the Edge”” on Spreaker.

Are we all EcoSexuals? Guests Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens give us insight into the field of Ecosexolgy

In this episode, we will explore the Ecosexuality movement, a relatively new sexual identity which connects environmental activism based around nature, and promotes the idea of the earth as a lover. It invites people to treat the earth with love rather than see it as an infinite resource to exploit. It was founded by our guests, Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle, who describe themselves as “two ecosexual artists-in-love”, whose manifesto is to make environmental activism “more sexy, fun, and diverse”. Their new book, is titled, Assuming the Ecosexual Position: The Earth as Lover. Annie and Beth give us insight about how they came together to collaborate on this latest work, how they took a stand against homophobia, xenophobia, and how this union led to the miraculous conception of the Love Art Laboratory.

Check out their new book Assuming the Ecosexual Position:The Earth As Lover
  and go to to get more about the EcoSexual movement and films Water Makes Us Wet and Goodbye Gauley Mountain. For past shows go to and Follow us on FaceBook and Instagram, tweet us @tmshadesofgreen. A shout out to my Green Diva Sistas at

Listen to “Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens and The Eco Sexual Movement” on Spreaker.

Courtney on Health: Eating Well on a Budget

There are many layers within the global food system. In a world in which so many people struggle, especially during these pandemic times, it is important to stay healthy, and good nutrition is a big part of health. Not everyone can afford organic produce or farm to table food. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization within the UN, healthy diets are unaffordable for more than 3 billion people, which is approximately 26% of the global population. There is a growing class of food insecurity, and Covid has affected both lower and middle income level families. There are lines at food banks that stretch for miles. So how can we eat healthy on a budget?  Courtney will explain how to maintain good nutrition without breaking the bank. Follow Courtney on FaceBook and Instagram @clgwellness. For more shows go to Tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen