GrowthBusters founder Dave Gardner talks about population growth

“We’re faced with a gigantic challenge that we haven’t been prepared for, either in our genetic evolution, or more importantly, in our cultural evolution.” – Paul Ehrlich Biologist Professor of Population Studies, Stanford University and Author of The Population Bomb

There are almost 8 billion people on this third rock from the sun, and the question is, how do we take care of everyone, and at what cost is this growing population having on natural resources, climate, the economy and basic day to day living. Population growth is an important topic, and we need to start thinking more about the issues affecting population. We talk to Dave Gardner, founder of GrowthBusters about the need to keep population in check as growth cannot be infinite. Dave is a filmmaker, writer and producer who directed the documentary GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth, which is coming up on the Tenth Anniversary of its release. He also has a GrowthBusters podcast and works with the organization World Population Balance. For more info go to For past shows go to,, tweet us @tmshadesofgreen and subscribe and listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple, Spreaker, iHeart Radio and more. Ask Siri or Alexa to play The Many Shades of Green Podcast. Also check out #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness