Summer is for Bugs: Say NO to dangerous pesticides.

Our resident landscape and wildlife expert Victoria Alzapiedi of New Castle Healthy Yards, has insight into the use of pesticides, and gives us some tips on how to maintain our landscape without killing beneficial insects. While people are bug phobic and want to rid their land of certain bugs, especially ticks, which seem to be the villain, our constant spaying of chemicals is hurting us, our pets, the land, the air, the water, and is causing the bug population, especially pollinators, to disappear. According to a fact sheet on studies show that hazardous lawn chemicals are drifting into our homes where they contaminate indoor air and surfaces, and expose children to levels ten times higher than pre-application levels. We can and should do better. For more info go to the New Castle Healthy Yards Facebook page. For past episodes go to, and Follow us on Instagram and twitter @tmshadesofgreen. Join The Nature of Westchester on FaceBook. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness #SweatBees