How to Be Alive: A Guide to the Kind of Happiness That Helps the World, with author Colin Beavan

What makes us happy is always a universal question. I try to be happy, but many things of late seem to make that difficult. According to our guest this week, author Colin Beavan“the most energetic and helpful people are those who are aligned with their whole selves. Awake people thrive. Communities, organizations and societies filled with awake people also thrive.” In his new book, How To Be Alive: A Guide to the Kind of Happiness That Helps the World, Colin focuses on how our happiness and the happiness of others are interdependent. He is also obsessed with the following three points:

1.Living an authentic, purposeful life that has a meaningful impact on the world. 2. Helping other people to do the same. 3. Creating a world where the freedom to find that kind of human dignity is available to everyone.

For more info go to Check out his book and documentary film No Impact Man. Subscribe to TMSOG podcast and follow the show on Facebook and on Twitter @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness