Mother Nature to Earthlings “only you can prevent wildfires, so do something about it!” Planting Native trees and shrubs is a start…

FIRE by Bruce Springsteen

Romeo and Juliet

Samson and Delilah

You can bet

Their love they couldn’t deny

Your words say split

But your words they lie

When we kiss

Oh, fire, Fire

So to go back a bit before Romeo and Juliet, the discovery of fire dates back to prehistoric times, when Homo erectus inhabited the Earth. The earliest evidence of controlled fire use is at least one million years old. The oldest unequivocal evidence of fire use is from Qesem Cave in Israel, which dates back 300,000 to 400,000 years. Use of fire in prehistoric era Homo erectus likely used fire inspired by lightning strikes and forest fires. 
Fast forward to 2025 and fire is more associated with disasters, as the prevalence of wildfires in the US and around the globe have reached levels not previously seen before.
As global temperatures rise and winds increase in velocity, many forest areas have become a tinderbox. Climate change has brought us more extreme weather, and the latest fire tragedy in Los Angeles is more proof that many states in the US are not prepared for what’s coming, and that it is crucial for governments and citizens to adapt and be more resilient in dealing with this new abnormal. It is therefore so important to incorporate methods to help reduce the severity of wildfires, as well as droughts, floods and other climate related weather. California is a desert, and non-native plants can be a hazard. Palm trees are beautiful, but most are not native to the state, with the Desert Fan Palm being the exception. As a rule, no matter what state you live in, we have to make our yards more resilient and plant native. I will use LA as an example, but our ecosystems must be supported nationwide. L.A. must balance fire resilience with ecological preservation by gradually replacing flammable non-native plants like eucalyptus and palm trees with native and fire-resistant species while rethinking urban landscapes and land management practices. California native plants have remarkable characteristics that provide protective services to homes and structures during and after a fire. Los Angeles must adopt long-term strategies for sustainable rebuilding and land management.        

Our resident wildlife and environmental expert Victoria Alzapiedi joins us on this episode of TMSOG to talk about the importance and benefits of planting native.  We also delve into how toxins released by wildfires impact human health, as well as erosion control, the importance of adding solar panels to roofs, keeping our local and regional waterways clean and more. For more info go to New Castle Healthy Yards and The Nature of Westchester on Facebook. and California Native Plant Society  also have good information. Please donate to the and

To donate to those affected by the LA Wildfires go to: and

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A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.