Tips For Preparing Your Yard for Winter with Victoria Alzapiedi

Ob-La-D-, Ob-La-Da, life goes on, Brah, La La La La life goes on...

As per The Beatles, life does go on, but as far as the environment goes, I am not sure what is going to happen in terms of the climate, as America has elected a climate change denying president who panders to big oil and loves shouting “drill baby drill” from the rafters. Climate scientists, environmental organizations and those who tend the land have every reason to be scared out of their wits. The question is, how do we protect the land in spite of recent events? We cannot be silent, and we must push for legislation and protections for the flora and fauna on Mother Earth! 

 I consider myself lucky to live in a beautiful area and my property is covered with trees and wildlife which have a pesticide free zone to thrive on. As we are now in the Fall season, we need to take inventory of our property and make sure we take actions to maintain the biodiversity of the land. As trees shed their vibrant leaves, many of us feel the urge to rake them up, or more likely have them blown away by leaf blowers to clear our yards. But there are many ecological benefits of leaving those leaves right where they fall. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about supporting local ecosystems and enhancing soil health.  Some home owners might be thinking about the aesthetics of a yard covered in leaves, but while some people prefer a tidy lawn, there are creative ways to embrace the natural beauty of fall. You could designate a “wild area” in your garden, use leaves as mulch around plants, or even create a leaf pile for children to play in! Victoria Alzapiedi co-founder of New Castle Healthy Yards gives us some great tips on preparing your yard for winter, how to manage your leaves and how climate change is affecting our gardens and land.  For more information visit New Castle Healthy Yards on Facebook and check out National Wildlife Federation and

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