The importance of diversity and inclusion in media with Mariana Santos of Chicas Poderosas and George Polisner Founder of

It is extremely important for a free and diverse press to be able to report on news and events and do their job to be a check on government and society. Local reporting is more important than ever, and I am honored to have Mariana Santos on the podcast. Mariana started Chicas Poderosas 10 years ago to create a more inclusive and diverse media where all voices are heard. She is a digital journalist, Ashoka fellow, and social innovator. We also have George Polisner on the program who is our resident political and civic activism expert. He gives us some insight into issues affecting diversity in journalism and touches on the current record breaking heat affecting the globe, all of which was predicted by Climate Scientists Michael Mann and James Hansen decades ago. For more information go to and You can find past podcasts on and Please subscribe to the program on all major podcast apps (Spreaker, Spotify, Apple, iHeart and more). Follow TMSOG on Facebook, Instagram and Threads @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness