Preserving the land with Nohham R. Cachat-Schilling

The world needs people who explore and catalog nature. We as individuals must take time to explore the beauty around us and be more aware of our surroundings. We need to learn about who was on the land before us, and how they lived as keepers and guardians of the earth.  Our guest this week is Nohham R. Cachat-Schilling, who cares deeply for the earth, the trees, and all its creatures, and works to educate the citizenry about previous keepers of the land. He is a Medicine Elder, Bridge-in-the-Sky Medicine Circle, Opitemakaning Mawhihtit; as well as the Chair of the Massachusetts Ethical Archaeology Society. His keen awareness of nature and his vast knowledge of the contributions of those who were here before us, especially Native Indigenous People of the First Nations, gives us insight into the history of our predecessors, whom we often take for granted. We talk about the importance of balance and leaving the land clean and green for the Seven Generations to come. We also talk about preserving the Buttonhook Forest in the Town of New Castle, NY. For more information go to and check out Bridge in the Sky Medicine Circle on FaceBook and [email protected] Also check out for more info on how you can help save this habitat, natural carbon sink and the Native American Ceremonial Sacred Stones. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness