Over 100 million people in the U.S. are hunkering down and staying in place during these unprecedented and scary times. This episode gives information to help you get through and be calmer, more balanced, greener and a bit more optimistic. We don’t have to panic or hoard toilet paper, we need to try to center our psyches. Mother Nature is a bit happier, as the CO2 emissions are dropping, as everyone stays homes. Dolphins have returned to the canals of Venice, Italy as the water is cleaner. We can only hope that there will be some more sliver linings beyond the clouds. We are all in this together. For more info go to thegreendivas.com. #STAYSAFE #KEEPYOURDISTANCE
Eco-travel, Eco-therapy and Sexy Tortoises… Go Diego!
Wonderful show from GD PonderRosa Studios as Green Divas Meg, Max and Lisa chat about Eco-tourism and why we should consider visiting places that have been hard hit by climate change. We also discuss various ways that eco-therapy can calm our jagged nerves. Tune in to hear Silly Science Facts and learn about Diego the tortoise, who single handedly brought his species back from extinction. For more info go to thegreendivas.com
New Season: Lucky 13 #SAVETHEGIRAFFES, Think Green for the Afterlife, Climate Optimism
Welcome to the GD PonderRosa
Vedat Gashi
In this episode of QuaCast we interview Vedat Gashi, who is running for Westchester County Legislator in District 4, which includes New Castle and portions of Somers and Yorktown. We discuss issues which touch on the Westchester County Airport Expansion, Con Ed’s storm responses, green space and development in the county, plus much more. We also find out what it was like for Vedat to run his first marathon and asked him to connect running a marathon to running for office. Tune in to find out the answers.
For more info go to QuaCast.net, themanyshadesofgreen.com. You can contact Vedat Gashi via Twitter@VoteGashi, or email him at [email protected]
1908 Plastic, Plastic and more Plastic
We are a world filled with plastic bottles, bags, straws, packaging and more. Rivers, lakes, oceans, parks, highways, train tracks, fields are littered with single use throwaway plastic and it is damaging the planet. We can use our collective will to be more proactive and work to find solutions, as well as take personal responsibility. On this episode Green Divas Meg and Max delve into the plastic problem and give information and ideas about the problem and what can be done about it. We talk to Eileen Bastianelli, Founder of Eco Centric Solutions, who is a Plastic Hunter (she helps promote One Plastic Free Day) as well as a marketing advisor and eco-steward of the earth, about steps that can be taken to reduce plastic. For more information go to oneplasticfreeday.com. We also talk about the Octopuses Garden in the shade filled with plastic straws. We would love to hear from you, so tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and tune in via thegreendivas.com on Spotify, Buzzsprout, iHeart, iTunes and ask Alexa or Siri to play The Green Divas podcast. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness
1907 Climate Resilience, adapt, mitigate and help reduce the effects of climate change
In this episode Green Divas Meg and Max discuss ways to be more resilient with guests Dayna Reggero of the Climate Listening Project, Joshua Proudfoot, founder of Good Company and Andrew Winston, The Big Pivot. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness
1906 Everyday should be Earth Day
Follow the youth and start speaking up, Mother Earth needs us, but the truth is we need her more. Goats are good, so tune in and activate your inner eco-consciousness…..
1905 GD Politics, The Green New Deal, will it save the environment or a will a carbon tax and/or carbon tax dividends be the answer?
GD Politics
The Green New Deal recently proposed by new congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and senator Ed Markey may become the rallying cry and theme for the democratic party… or anyone concerned about climate change, healthcare, fair wages, infrastructure and general social justice. It may seem like an overwhelming proposal, but many feel that the general concept could work. It may require a political miracle, but hey, crazy political things seem to happen every day!
GDs Meg & Wayne got to meet with and have a brief chat with their newly elected congresswoman, NJ democrat, Mikie Sherrill and ask her about her thoughts on this big proposal. tweet us your thoughts @thegreendivas and @tmshdadesofgreen
1904 The Kids are fighting climate change and teaching their parents well
The Green Divas stand together with the youth activists who are trying to build a greener future… climate change is affecting the planet, and we must take steps now to form solutions, and stop the degradation of Mother Earth. So support the kids, and tune in to this latest episode, as kids lead the way. The youth are marching and protesting to show they are the true adults in the room! We interview Tia Hatton and Kiran Oommen, who are plaintiff’s in the Juliana v US judicial climate action case, and we hear from Grist reporter Zoya Teistein about the Sunrise Movement and the Green New Deal. For more info go to thegreendivas.com, ourchildrenstrust.org Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @50ShadesofGDs, @thegreendivas
1903 Can Technology Help Us? Green Gadgets are on the way
With all the dire news about climate change acceleration and tipping points being tipped, are we doomed or can technology help to save us? Will we all be driving electric cars in the foreseeable future? Will we be able to create safer, more renewable energy to power them? From giant CO2-sucking air filters to large-scale ocean trash bins, some humans are finding creative solutions. Does the answer lie in the technology developed in the Mel Brooks classic Spaceballs?
Learn about the latest in electric cars, battery and charging tech and what’s coming down the road (ha ha) in the next few years from Green Car Dude John Voelcker.
Hear commentary on solar and capacitor tech from Green Living Guy (aka Green Dude) Seth Leitman. For more info, go to thegreendivas.com. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @50Shadesof GDs and @thegreendivas. Tune in via iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and ask Alexa or Siri to play The Green Divas.
1902 Eco-Therapy
Yes climate depression, climate anxiety and climate denial are all legit problems right now. The answer could be eco-therapy. Hear from Dr. Ed O’Malley, who specializes in eco-therapy; Rolly Montpelier, founder of Below 2C; and actress, activist and author of Running with Nature, Mariel Hemingway.
For more info, go to thegreendivas.com. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, @50Shadesof GDs and @thegreendivas. Tune in via iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and ask Alexa or Siri to play The Green Divas.