New Castle Healthy Yards with Victoria Alzapiedi

Happy Earth Day and Earth month. We need to wake up and take action to protect and preserve Mother Nature. She keeps on giving, but we don’t give back enough. We keep taking, but we don’t seem to take the action that is needed to reduce our impact. What can we do in our own backyards to create a healthier thriving place for trees, plants and animals? There is so much wildlife to protect, and it is now baby season in the wild, and the babies need our help.

Victoria Alzapiedi, our resident wildlife expert talks about what we can do to help wildlife exist in a safe space and what the best practices are to maintain our landscape. For more info go to New Castle Healthy Yards on Facebook. For past shows go to and Subscribe to The Many Shades of Green podcast on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and more. Follow us on Instagram @tmshadesofgreen #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness