How to Save Energy: Sustainable Westchester with Dan Welsh and Lauren Brois

Sustainable development is key to reducing the world’s carbon footprint. We are at the tipping point in a warming planet, and we need to change our habits and use programs available to help reduce global warming. We need to start taking action on a local level, as practices and solutions start in your home community. It is important to raise awareness of what is being worked on and what programs are in place to help curb emissions, and reduce the use of fossil fuels. In this episode we talk to Dan Welsh and Lauren Brois of Sustainable Westchester, which is a nonprofit, consortium of Westchester County local governments, that facilitates effective collaboration on sustainability initiatives. Dan Welsh is Program Director for Westchester Power, Community Energy Program. Dan’s responsibilities include business operations and program development for Westchester Power, New York State’s first Community Choice Aggregation Program (CCA). Lauren Brois is the Director of the EnergySmart HOMES/Grid Rewards campaign, which works to transform the local uptake of residential clean heating and cooling options in an effort to support the goals of New York State Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) Initiative. Dan and Lauren work to create campaigns to help residents use electricity more efficiently while saving money. You can start by joining a CCA, getting a home energy audit, signing up for Grid Rewards, learning about heat pumps, geothermal energy, solar and more. Dan and Lauren work to bring socially responsible, environmentally sound, and economically viable solutions to Westchester residents which create healthy, resilient, sustainable communities. Check out the Grid Rewards program, EnergySmart Homes, Westchester Power (CCA) by going to Please subscribe to The Many Shades of Green Podcast. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness #BEEGREEN