Food Scrap programs, Recycle Rangers, and yes, you can recycle used paint cans in NYS, plus more great information on the importance of local community eco-actions with Michelle Sterling and Youth Environmentalist Alexa Troob

The Power of Local community action is essential to empower communities to become resilient. Actions on the local level build a sense of ownership and responsibility and improves the effectiveness of initiatives which promote sustainability. Local governments, schools and organizations must address the climate concerns of the residents in their communities, which helps promote sustainable practices in their towns and villages in order to get green initiatives passed. What happens locally goes global! Our guest on this episode of TMOSG is Michelle Sterling, who has been instrumental in launching sustainability initiatives throughout Scarsdale and Westchester County. She is the co-chair of Scarsdale’s Sustainability committee and is on their Conservation council as well.  Michelle works with her sustainability partner Ron Schulhof, to help Scarsdale Village, as well as all seven Scarsdale Schools and a number of Scarsdale Houses of Worship, launch food scrap recycling and zero waste programs. Their efforts have made a tremendous impact within the community as well as throughout Westchester County, and they have now helped 21 towns within in the county, and several towns outside of Westchester start municipal food scrap recycling programs. We are also joined by Alexa Troob, who is a youth champion of the environment, a journalist and a student member of the Sustainability Advisory Board in the Town of New Castle New York. We discuss the Food Scrap Program in Scarsdale, the EPR Packaging Bill in NYS and the Paint Recycling Program. To reach out to Michelle email her at: [email protected]. Some helpful links are below:

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