The Greening of the Paris Olympics, Media Shame, and is Weird to Blame? with George Polisner

What makes someone weird, and why are they labeled as such? There is good weird and bad weird. The good weird might include someone doing things on the edge or being more creative and just a bit kookie, the bad weird tends to focus on a person who is a labeled a weirdo, as they drift far from the norm. One can be considered weird if you are bizarre, crazy, erratic, screwy, off the wall, outlandish, wacky, spaced out, off-kilter and way out. We can refer to many things as weird, for instance the weather over the last few years has been really weird because it has been extreme, with heat domes, derechos, CAT 5 cyclones and hail the size of softballs pounding our roofs, car hoods and lining our front lawns. So using the phrase “the weather has been really weird” is common of late as it’s not the usual. It’s raining cats and dogs is now passé, as it is more likely raining King Kong and Godzilla sized raindrops. Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz used the “weird” label when he addressed the Republican candidates in July. He said about the party: “These guys are just weird. They’re running for He-Man women-haters’ club or something. That’s what they go at..”  So now, weird is in the spotlight and on the front of a tee shirt that your Blue voting neighbor might be wearing. The question arises, are you good weird or bad weird? Therein lies the conundrum. Joining us on this episode of TMOSG is our resident environmentalist, political analyst, curmudgeon, and difference maker, George Polisner, founder of He gives us some insight into his take on weird, as well as on environmental and political issues. We talk about the greening of the Paris Olympics, the need for the media to do their jobs and call out lies when they are blatantly spoken. We also touch on the 2024 elections and where the weird folks are, as well as the phrase “the exhausted majority.” For more info go to, and

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