Here Comes the Sun with guest Rand Manasse

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say, it’s alright…

Those are some good words by George Harrison that fit nicely into this episode, which is how do we harness energy from the sun. Our guest, Rand Manasse, gives us some great info about solar energy. Rand is the Chief Operating Officer at Sunrise Solar Solutions. We talk about the steps needed to install solar in your home or office, and where power comes from when you turn on the lights. Find out about micro grids, community solar and more. Rand has vast knowledge about solar power, as well as a great deal of expertise in finance. He is the author of several articles on business topics, such as integrated manufacturing solutions and business networking. Rand has advised over 300 clients including Marvel Entertainment,  Readers Digest, The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority, Arby’s, PepsiCo, Guinness and more. We can harness the sun and reduce our carbon footprint, and Rand helps us take a step closer to that goal by working to get solar energy into homes, offices and other spaces. For more info go to Check out and to hear past shows. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness

Listen to “Rand Manasse – Chief Operating Officer at Sunrise Solar” on Spreaker.