Courtney on Health: Shaken, not stirred. What you should know about alcohol before you raise a glass to toast to your health.

James Bond likes his martinis shaken, not stirred, but does he keep track of how many martinis he drinks at the Baccarat table in the Casino de Monte Carlo in the film GoldenEye? According to the Center for Disease Control, The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (or British spies), it is recommended that adults of legal drinking age can choose not to drink, or to drink in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men or 1 drink or less in a day for women, on days when alcohol is consumed. The Guidelines also do not recommend that individuals who do not drink alcohol start drinking for any reason and that if adults of legal drinking age choose to drink alcoholic beverages, drinking less is better for health than drinking more. So here is the question: between wine, beer or booze which is better for your health, and should it be shaken or stirred or none of the above? Courtney gives us some great information on the affects of alcohol on health. For more info visit Courtney on Health on FaceBook, follow her on Instagram and now TikTok @clgwellness. Check out her webpage, For past shows go to and send us a tweet @tmshadesofgreen.