Courtney on Health: Nutritional Myths

There are many myths about food. Two items often bashed are eggs and potatoes. I would often hear people say “Don’t eat too many eggs especially the yolks, stay away from potatoes, as they are too starchy, have too many carbs and calories.” Those are myths, and a myth is defined as a widely held but false belief or idea. In this episode, Courtney will dispel some of the myths about nutrition. There are certain foods which people might think are bad, but are actually packed with vitamins and minerals which are healthy. La Rochefoucald said “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” Courtney demystifies some of the foods that get a bad rap, and puts nutritional facts on center stage. There is an art to eating, so let’s find out how to create a healthy food pallet. For more information follow Courtney on Facebook and Instagram @clgwellness, visit her on the web at To view past shows go to