Courtney on Health: Food Safety

Let’s start with the fact that we don’t always know what is lurking in our refrigerators or when certain foods go bad. My metric is, if it smells bad, it’s tossed. Most people know there are expiration dates on bottles, cans, cartons, but when are fresh veggies, fruits and meat past their prime?  Are food expiration dates even accurate, and can we still eat what’s in the carton past its sell by or use before date? How long will the picnic basket last in the sun until the mayo becomes toxic?  Recently, we have had to think twice about tainted romaine lettuce and onions, or if the chemicals sprayed on the tomatoes and other produce will make us sick. Food recalls seem to pop into the news on a daily basis. How can we protect ourselves from what parasite or coliform bacteria-E-coli might be in our food?  We love to eat, but we must be extra careful these days at what we are buying, and what we are putting into our bodies. Salmonella in meat and poultry, e-coli in lettuce and more all lead to a food system that has defects, and thus we must be aware of food that can adversely affect our heath. On this show, Courtney discusses food safety.  Should we chow down or chuck out our food? For more info follow Courtney on Health on FaceBook and on Instagram @clgwellness. Check out more shows on and tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen