Sustainable development is key to reducing the world’s carbon footprint. We are at the tipping point in a warming planet, and we need to change our habits and use programs available to help reduce global warming. We need to start taking action on a local level, as practices and solutions start in your home community. It is important to raise awareness of what is being worked on and what programs are in place to help curb emissions, and reduce the use of fossil fuels. In this episode we talk to Dan Welsh and Lauren Brois of Sustainable Westchester, which is a nonprofit, consortium of Westchester County local governments, that facilitates effective collaboration on sustainability initiatives. Dan Welsh is Program Director for Westchester Power, Community Energy Program. Dan’s responsibilities include business operations and program development for Westchester Power, New York State’s first Community Choice Aggregation Program (CCA). Lauren Brois is the Director of the EnergySmart HOMES/Grid Rewards campaign, which works to transform the local uptake of residential clean heating and cooling options in an effort to support the goals of New York State Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) Initiative. Dan and Lauren work to create campaigns to help residents use electricity more efficiently while saving money. You can start by joining a CCA, getting a home energy audit, signing up for Grid Rewards, learning about heat pumps, geothermal energy, solar and more. Dan and Lauren work to bring socially responsible, environmentally sound, and economically viable solutions to Westchester residents which create healthy, resilient, sustainable communities. Check out the Grid Rewards program, EnergySmart Homes, Westchester Power (CCA) by going to Please subscribe to The Many Shades of Green Podcast. #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness #BEEGREEN
Category: Environment
Courtney on Health: Upper Body Strength
Both Jane Fonda, now in her 80s and Olivia Newton John now in her 70s, both knew the importance of exercise. Fonda’s popular workout videos and Newton John’s “Let’s Get Physical” music video were instrumental in boosting the fitness craze. We need to keep our core in good shape, but we cannot disregard our upper body, especially shoulder muscles and deltoids, as it helps reduce the chance of rotator cuff injuries. When your body talks to you in the form of aches and pains, you need to take action to relieve and prevent pain. It is therefore important to focus on upper-body strength to avoid issues with posture, and reduce problems lifting and carrying heavy items. Upper body strengthening should be part of your regular fitness routine, and Courtney gives us some great info on working your upper body to help support your daily activities. For more info follow Courtney on FaceBook and Instagram @clgwellness, and on Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen
Green and social justice finance: Capital Good Fund
If we are to save the Earth we need to get started, and fast. We talk the talk, but we are not walking the walk, and it is going to end badly if we don’t act as if the world is on fire. We need to take that single step, which in today’s society is very elusive. People still don’t see the urgency to the negative affects of climate change. As with everything in life, money is at the root of of the problem. We must finance the companies which promote ideas and practices which create solutions to the problem of carbon emissions. What can we do to reduce our carbon footprint? How do we promote renewable energy, especially in communities that can least afford to make the switch to solar, wind, geothermal. It takes money to work on carbon capture and other energy saving solutions. Creating an atmosphere which brings everyone together for the goal of stopping climate change is not an easy task. It takes innovation, money, and time, the latter of which we are running out of according to the latest UN IPCC report on climate. On this episode we talk with our guest Kevin Egolf, Senior VP at Capital Good Fund, which is a non-profit Community Development Financial Institution. Kevin works to create streams of finance to help individuals and communities get needed funds to develop renewable energy, help small farmers, and promote the use and purchase of electric vehicles. Kevin is also the founder of the Local Farm Fund, and he helped develop a $50 million real estate investment trust focused on organic farmland. He is also working with EV Life to promote incentives and use of electric vehicles. Green finance is an important component of a green economy both on an environmental and social justice scale. For more info go to, and Subscribe to our podcast and follow us on FB, Instagram and Twitter @tmshadesofgreen
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Courtney on Health: A Fish Tail or a Fish Tale About Sustainable Fish
Eating fish as part of your diet, is a healthy option. Fish contains omega-3s, which can help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammatory disorders, and mental and emotional problems. There are things to know about choosing fish and seafood, so that you pick what is most sustainable. Is it wild? Is it farmed? What is the difference and why does it matter? Courtney gives us great info on how to choose the most sustainable fish and seafood, and which types are best for your health. Follow Courtney on FaceBook and on Instagram @clgwellness. Check out her website Tweet us your thoughts @tmshadesofgreen and check out past shows on
WE, the World works to replace the “I” with “WE”. Jana Larsen, Volunteer Coordinator at WE, talks about the mission and her work with this great organization
The WE Campaign unites and amplifies the efforts of people, organizations and global movements working for the common good. Jana Larsen, is our guest on this episode, and she is the Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator at We The World. Jana is involved with engaging volunteers and working with and ‘managing’ them all over the world. Jana is helping WE build collaborations and partnerships in various corners around the globe, via a program called WE Change Agent Network.The WE Network provides a vehicle for connection, interaction and opportunity for unprecedented cooperation between people, organizations and movements. For more information go to and to hear past shows go to and Subscribe to TMSOG on all major podcast outlets. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @tmshadesofgreen #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness
Courtney on Health: Food Banks with guest Roberta Horowitz, Director of the Mount Kisco Food Pantry
According to a food bank is a place where people in need can get food, typically basic provisions and non-perishables for free. Each year billions of pounds of food is wasted, while one in four people in the world are malnourished. One in seven Americans rely on food banks. That’s approximately 46 million people. That’s more than the populations of New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois combined. These figures are just one reason why food banks are important. Food is a right and should not be a privilege. Often people must choose between paying the bills and feeding their children. On this episode Courtney welcomes guest Roberta Horowitz, Director of the Mount Kisco Food Pantry to talk about food pantries and why they are so important to communities on a local and global level.
We talk about the Space Race, the politics of Soyuz/Apollo, the ISS and environmental history with guest Professor Neil Maher
We all have this instinct to explore, and to reach the stars. Humans quest for space exploration became a reality when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik on October 4, 1957. This was the inauguration of the “Space Age” Sputnik, was the world’s first artificial satellite. The spacecraft, was named Sputnik after the Russian word for “fellow traveler.” It circled Earth once every hour and 36 minutes. Traveling at 18,000 miles an hour, it was visible with binoculars before sunrise or after sunset. Sputnik transmitted radio signals back to Earth strong enough to be picked up by amateur radio operators. In January 1958, Sputnik’s orbit deteriorated, as expected, and the spacecraft burned up in the atmosphere. To say the least the U.S. government, military, and scientific community were caught off guard by the Soviet technological achievement, and their united efforts to catch up with the Soviets heralded the beginning of the “space race.” But when Apollo 11 landed on the moon, it was check mate for the United States. Our guest Neil Maher, knows a thing or two about the history of the space program. Our discussion takes us to the Apollo Project, Soyuz, the International Space Station, the cost of space programs and how those projects affect politics, history and human life on Earth.
Sexy Astrology with Charlotte Ghiorse, plus the House of ChocLet
According to Astrology is defined as a, type of divination that involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars, the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Devotees believe that an understanding of the influence of the planets and stars on earthly affairs allows them to both predict and affect the destinies of individuals, groups, and nations. On this episode we talk to an amazing artist and friend of the show Charlotte Ghiorse, a painter, video and performance artist, and a mom of three, who has vision and a sense of depth which gives purpose to her art and life. Charlotte is the founder of Sexy Astrology and has a show on YouTube which gives astrological advice and forecasting, as well as horoscopes.
What does it mean that the conjunction of Venus and Mars is in Capricorn? Pluto is in Capricorn Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces…and north node and Uranus in Taurus. How does this affect the environment? What does Scorpio have to do with the war in Ukraine? Tune in to find out how the planets and stars align, which affects life on Earth. Find Sexy Astrology on YouTube and check out on the web. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple, iHeart, Google, Spreaker, Spotify and more. Check out and #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness #BEEGREEN
Digestive issues resulting from High FODMAP foods can result in abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation which can be irritating, inconvenient and embarrassing. By following a Low FODMAP diet, it can help decrease these symptoms and you can avoid some uncomfortable digestive problems. Courtney gives us information today on the FODMAP diet, IBS, gut health and more. Check out Courtney on her FaceBook page, Instagram @clgwellness, her website Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen, check out past shows on
The COH podcast is available on Spotify, Apple and other apps.
Music is the Messaage with Judi Jaeger and Bob Reid
Music is the message, and can be very powerful in times of upheaval and times of joy. The 60’s brought this to light as musicians took to the studio and stage to protest the war and civil unrest. Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Crosby, Stills Nash and Young and many more gave us music that is even more relevant in todays troubling and difficult world events. Our guests on this episode are Judi Jaeger and Bob Reid, who are two wonderful musicians with a social conscience, who strongly believe that music plays a strong role in getting out messages of social and environmental justice. Listen to a beautiful version of From Way Up Here, written by Pete Seeger and Malvina Reynolds, and Judi and Bob do a live acapella version of Bill Staines ‘Bridges’. They believe that music is a conduit of change. Here is a wonderful quote about their music:
“Jaeger & Reid fill the air with amazing energy, unique harmonies and insightful original songs that are both meaningful and memorable. Their musical synergy is truly infectious!”- Neil Scott – iHeart Radio
Here is some info on an upcoming Jaeger & Reid show:
For more information go to Subscribe to The Many Shades of Green Podcast, and tweet us @tmshadesofgreen Check out and for past shows. #BEEGREEN
Mindful Eating and How Food Affects Your Mood
Some words of wisdom from the late Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh taken from his book How To Eat:
Eating our feelings
“We human beings have many feelings, both positive and negative. Some people tend to eat more when they’re joyful, while others tend to eat less. Some people eat when they are sad or upset as a way of eating their feelings, hoping the feelings will go away. Food becomes a craving to them, rather than a source of nourishment. If we do not attempt to look deeply to understand our craving, it will grow. When we take the time to take care of our emotions with mindfulness and compassion, then we can just eat. We can enjoy our food without craving and develop a healthy and positive relationship to eating.”
So with those wonderful words of Thich That Hanh, on this episode we delve into the topic of mindful eating and mood foods. Courtney gives us great information on how to eat mindfully and what foods affect our mood. For more info visit Courtney on her Facebook page Courtney on Health and follow her on Instagram @clgwellness. Also go to for past shows. Tweet us @tmshadesofgreen.
Spring is Around the Corner So Get Ready
Our resident wildlife and garden specialist, Victoria Alzapiedi joins us for this episode to talk about what we can do to get our landscapes ready for Spring. If you have landscapers speak to them and tell them what you want them to do. Give them your input on native plantings, pesticides, leaf blowers, length of grass etc. (Grow your own National Park). Here are some tips to follow as the hills come alive with birds, insects, trees and plants:
Here’s what birds will be looking for: habitat, shelter, nesting, food, etc.
Here’s what butterflies and moths are looking for: host plants, habitat.
Here’s what bees are looking for: generalist/specialist pollen plants – including trees and shrubs, not just perennials, bare soil spots for nests, leave the dandelions.
Overwintering insects – don’t prune.
Identify invasive plants – consider replacing them with native plants.
Garden mapping–Plant where you can see and enjoy them – and also give privacy to wildlife and plant for pollinators. Don’t over water soil and don’t use harmful chemicals.
For more info follow New Castle Healthy Yards on FaceBook. Want to help save a forest? Go to … Subscribe to TMSOG podcast, tweet us @tmshadesofgreen. Check out past shows on and A shout out to The Green Divas!