Art and the Environment with Charlotte Ghiorse Creator of House of ChoCLeT and Sexy Astrology

There is a connection between art and the environment. We need to pay attention to what is going on around us, as we are harming the water, land and air which gives us life. Many artists use natural surroundings in their work to capture emotions, which is essential to what they create. Nature can be a simple add on to a painting to convey a sense of depth, or perspective. We talk to our guest, artist Charlotte Ghiorse, a painter, video and performance artist, and a mom of three, about her vision, which gives purpose to her art and life. She is the creator of the House of ChoCLeT, and Sexy Astrology. We chat about her work as it relates to the storm culture, how the car culture affects the populace, especially during pandemic times and 4 ways to help reduce our carbon footprint and save energy. For more info go to and Sexy Astrology on YouTube. Check out and, and tweet us @tmshadesofgreen #RaiseYourEcoConsciousness