1419: Mike Bond, The Last Savanna

mike-bond_the-many-shades-of-greenMike Bond, author of The Last Savanna, is my guest this week. The book is based on many of his personal experiences in Africa. Mike is working to raise awareness of the very real possibility that our grandchildren will never share the earth with a living elephant. Poachers in Africa and Asia are killing these majestic and emotional creatures in vast numbers, and they are on the brink of extinction. Mike is working to stop this madness. His role as a journalist, environmental activist, and human rights advocate has taken him all over the world, where he has witnessed the toll of poaching on both wildlife and humans. He is also working to bring awareness to the plight of wolves in North America. We will no longer be dancing with wolves, if the current policies in the US continue to permit the shooting of these amazing animals. You can get more information by going to www.mikebondbooks.com to find out how you can help save paradise.

#1419: Mike Bond, “The Last Savanna”

1418: June Stoyer, The Organic View

june-stoyer-the-many-shades-of-greenMy guest this week is June Stoyer, radio host of The Organic View and  bee advocate. Our discussion focuses on why bees are dying by the millions. One of the major culprits in this horrific scenario is the chemical neonicotinoids, a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically similar to nicotine. It is used to as a pesticide to kill insects on crops, and the residue is entering nectar and pollen which is fatal to bees. Neonicotinoids are present in the nursery plants you buy, so you must be very prudent in picking plants that are organically grown.

Organic produce is the way to go. In addition, we discuss another alarming practice called “Canned or Trophy Hunting,” which is decimating the Big Cat population in Africa. On a brighter note, June is a master composter and volunteers her time to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, a most beautiful and sustainable place. For more info go to www.theorganicview.com

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